Undergraduate Student Biographical Sketch CV Template

OSR. University of Maryland, School of Medicine

Baltimore, MD 21201

STUDENT NAME: / STUDENT CLASS: E.g., Sophomore, Class of 2015; Junior, Class of 2014 Etc.

A.Personal/Research Statement

Briefly describe why your experience and qualifications make you particularly well-suited for your role as a student and as a researcher. What health issues are you interested in researching and why?

B.Positions, Honors, Special Recognition, Awards etc.

List in chronological order previous positions and please list honors or special recognition. This can include for example:

  1. President of undergraduate honor society XYZ University 9/2008-5/2012
  2. Chair of Community Help Group (fictitious. Just an example) 1/2009-5/2011
  3. Activities associated with each of these can be described or elaborated in Part E., below.

C.Publications, Posters, Abstracts, Scholarly Presentations etc.

List any scholarly presentations, reports. ‘Title of scholarly work’ Authors or presenters including yourself. Indicate medium (poster, publication, oral presentation etc. and Date and place and even venue presented.) Highlight your name by making the font bold.


  1. Investigating the Role of PI-3K mTOR and Autophagy Pathways in BCR-Induced Lymphoma Apoptosis (2012) Alphius Sesay and Gregory B. Carey.
  2. Presented in oral and poster formats at Science Students Summer Research Forum at Washington College, Chestertown, MD, Sept 2012
  3. Presented in part in oral format at Annual Nathan Schnaper Scholars Colloquium at Greenebaum Cancer Center, University of Maryland, School of Medicine, Baltimore, July 2012
  1. Khandra T. Sears Hanako Daino and Gregory B. Carey (2008) ROS-Dependent Destruction of MEK and Akt In Manumycin Stimulated Death of Lymphoid Tumor and Myeloma Cell Lines. International Journal of Cancer 122(7):1496-505
  2. THE NATURAL TUMORICIDE, MANUMYCIN-A, INDUCES APOPTOSIS VIA INDUCTION OF REACTIVE OXYGEN SPECIES AND ACTIVATION OF PROTEIN PHOSPHATASE 1α (2010). Gregory B. Carey, Hanako Daino, Eugene Zemskov and Khandra T. Sears. Presented in poster format at the 17th Annual Society for Free Radical Biology and Medicine (SFRBM) Meeting. Orlando, FL. Nov, 2010. Poster # 124.

D.Research Experience

List all projects you’ve been involved in, the broad objectives and the resulting findings.


  1. Project Title: Roles of Reactive Oxygen Species in B Cell Lymphoma Fate

Start/End Dates: 10/1/2011-

Project Status:Ongoing

Project Lead: Dr. Gregory B. Carey

Role:Principal Investigator

Major Goals: The major goals of this project are to explore the role of SOD1 and the mechanisms that dynamically regulate this critical RedOx protein in B cell lymphoma life and death decisions.

Major Findings:

  1. Project Title: Selective Targeting of MEK and Akt in Lymphoma and Myeloma Apoptosis

Start/End Dates: 07/1/2007 - 10/1/2011

Project Status: Completed and some results published. See C, item 2.

Project Leads: Dr. Gregory Carey and Hanako Daino

Role:Principal Investigator

Major Goals: The major goals of this project were to determine the mechanism of ROS-mediated deactivation and cleavage of MEK and Akt signaling proteins during apoptosis.

Major Findings: Our major findings were that select, terminal oxidation of MEK and Akt proteins resulted in their dephosphorylaion by protein phosphatase 1 and caspase-mediated cleavage. See publication #2 and presentation # 3 for more information.

E. a) Specific Research Skills (If Applicable) and b), Other Skills

a)Research Specific Skills

  • Cell culture

  • Flow cytometry

  • Protein chemistry

  • HPLC,etc.

b)Other Skills

  • Technical Writing
  • Grant writing and review
  • Data analysis and presentation skills
  • Teaching at graduate and professional levels
  • Mentoring from middle-school through early professional levels
  • Leadership,etc. (give examples)

F. Activities (current/previous jobs, work experience, leadership, outreach, volunteer etc. Give dates in terms of month and year for specific activities)