Biomimetic Materials Engineering Lab

Changing Metamorph (MM) setup to acquire 8 bit images:

1.  From the Menu on MM, go to >Acquire>Acquire from Digital Camera.

2.  “Acquire from Digital Camera” window opens.

3.  For Acquisition Setting, select BF. (If you want to change setting for FITC, choose FITC).

4.  On the same window, click Define Acquisition Setting, to open the window.

5.  From the options at the bottom, select “Transfer As 8-bit Image.” (If you unselect it, images are saved as 16 bit images.)

6.  Close all the windows.

7.  Acquire pictures by clicking on ACQ-BF from the main task bar. (For FITC, ACQ-FITC)

8.  Make sure to save each image right after the image is acquired before you take another image. Otherwise, the first image may be replaced by a new image taken, and you may lose the original image.

Sooyoung Kim
