Biology Summer Research Fellowship (BSRF)

DUE DATE: Week 5, Spring Quarter

Each year the Biology Department offers monetary support for research. Fellowships are awarded from a pool of endowed monies by the department for Biology-focused summer research. These research awards range from $100-$3000 and are tiered awards dependent on both the quality of the proposal andstudent financial needs. The application is open to any student of any year who is or will be a Biology major at Kalamazoo College. Preference is given to junior Biology majors who are proposing Biology SIP research over the summer between their junior and senior years. In addition, priority of junior awards is given to those projects carried out in conjunction with faculty members of the Kalamazoo College Biology Department. The number of awards (and total monetary support) granted each year for the BSRF varies depending on the return on the endowment, the number of high-quality proposals, and the individual needs of student researchers.

Please note that the form below may time-out at 60 minutes of inactivity. As it may be helpful to prepare the information prior to completing the form, all the below questions are available in this document. When the form is submitted, an email containing the form and answers will be sent to the email address filled in below.

This form allows the Biology Department to collect the same information from every applicant and process the applications in a fair and timely manner. Please fill out all required parts of the form below in a thorough and concise manner by 5pm on the Friday of Week 5 of Spring Quarter.

Answers to this form, specifically the project outline, is to be written in your own words. Text/research description taken from a mentor's research (abstract/paper/grant proposal) is plagiarism, and will be treated as a breach of the Kalamazoo College Student Code of Conduct by the department.

--[All Fields below are mandatory.] NOTE: THERE ARE TWO SIDES TO THE BELOW!

  1. Your Name:
  1. Your Kalamazoo College Email Address:
  1. Your Class (i.e. First Year, Sophomore, Junior, Senior):
  1. A summary of academic preparation for the proposed research, including courses in the Biology major and other courses that apply to the research proposal.(250 words or fewer)
  1. A summary of prior research experience for the proposed research, including any Career Development internship(s). (250 words or fewer)
  1. The proposed research title.(50 words or fewer)
  1. The name(s) of research mentor(s) associated with the project. (25 words or fewer)
  1. The academic institution associated with the proposed research.(25 words or fewer)
  1. The location of the proposed research. (City, State, Country)(25 words or fewer)
  1. A project description. This description should include a statement of anhypothesis/ observation that is central to the research. This description should include a clear experimental plan for hypothesis-testing or observation collection containing method(s) that will be used in the pursuit of the proposed research.(500 words or fewer)


All field below are mandatory. If a budget item is 0$, please list it as such and write “N/A” in the justification field. Please round all amounts to the nearest dollar. Each applicant’s TOTAL budget may not exceed $3000.

  1. Will you be receiving any other money/funding from one (or more) other sources during the summer? If yes, please explain the amount and origin of the funding. (100 words or fewer)
  1. Have you applied for other sources of summer research funding? If yes, when will you be hearing back about those sources/what is the result(s) of the request(s)?*
  1. Length of Research Experience (in Weeks):
  1. Total Amount ($) requested in Research Materials:
  1. Brief justification of Research Materials Budget (100 words or fewer):
  1. Total Amount ($) requested for Housing:
  1. Total Amount ($) requested for Food:
  1. Total Amount ($) requested for Transportation:
  1. Brief justification for Housing/Food/Transportation Budget (100 words or fewer):
  1. Total Miscellaneous Amounts ($) requested:
  1. Brief justification of Miscellaneous Amounts requested (100 words or fewer):
  1. An estimated Carbon Budget for the summer research, living, and transportation. You may use the calculator at make your estimate (100 words or fewer).
  1. A statement of future career plans and/or goals. (200 words or fewer)*