Forensic Science: Science Articles

1.  Find a news article that deals with some area of Forensics.

Ø  The article must be a news article.

§  Do NOT use encyclopedias or dictionaries.

§  Do NOT use a book (i.e. textbook).

§  Do not use a general information article used to inform the reader of a topic which will not change as time goes on. For example, an article on the discovery of fingerprints.

Ø  The article cannot be a summary of a news item. The article must be at least 1 typed page in length – this excludes pictures for the length. (No short articles.)

Ø  News sources can be from the internet, magazines, etc.

Ø  The topic of your article is up to you. Find something that interests you.

§  i.e. trials in the news, drug seizures, new lie detector, cold case solved, etc.

Ø  If you are not sure your article is related to Forensics, show me your article before the due date and I will decide if it is ok.

2.  Read the article and turn in the following information about it on a sheet of paper.

Place the information in the order shown below.

Ø  If the author is not listed in the article, then write “Author not listed” on your paper.

Ø  The summary must be at least 2 full paragraphs (minimum 5 sentences per paragraph).

Ø  The summary must be in your own words.

Ø  All work must be neatly handwritten or printed. No typed work.

Ø  No writing in the margins of the paper.

3.  Staple a copy of the entire article to the back of your summary sheet.

Ø  Exception: if you use an article from a magazine in my classroom OR the internet in my room, show me your article and I will sign your summary saying that I have seen your article and ok’d it.

Possible Sources for Science Article

The following sources are examples that you can use - you may use other sources.

1.  Internet Sources:

Ø  If you do Google/Bing search for a website, remember your article must be a news article dealing with Biology (not just an information article). You may need to find the “News” section within a website.

Ø  The websites listed below are on my teacher website. Go to the Internet Resources page and click on the resource you want and the computer will go straight to the desired website.

A.  Better Sites to Check:

·  Science Daily Forensic News -

·  DNA Forensics -

·  Popular Science Forensics –

·  Discovery Forensic News -

B.  Other Sites:

·  TEXQuest Electronic Resources Program (password: learn) -

·  Forensic Magazine -

·  Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) –

·  National Geographic News –

·  CNN –

·  Medpage Today –

2.  Magazine Sources at WHS Library:

NOTE: library magazines are NOT on the shelves – you must ask the librarian for them.

·  Discover

·  Time