Biology of Blood Diseases (BIOL 426)

SSII 2013

Instructor: Chantelle Rein-Smith, Ph.D. –

Course Meeting Times: M,T,W,Th,F 1:15-2:45 pm

Office Hours: M, W, F 9:30-11:30am, or by appointment

Textbook: “Essential Haematology”, 6th Edition, Hoffbrand and Moss (Recommended)

This course focuses on the molecular mechanisms associated with normal and pathogenic functions of blood, blood cells and bone marrow. We will examine multiple areas of hematology and oncology including anemias, cancer, blood coagulation disorders, and atherosclerosis. We will begin each unit by focusing on the origins of blood cells and “normal” biological processes of blood/bone marrow, and then transition to diseases

and pathologies associated with each blood cell type. We will utilize in-class lectures, case studies, “journal clubs” and group activities to achieve the overall course goal of understanding the biological basis of hematological disease.

Course Objectives:

Understand the normal function of blood cells and how alterations in function lead to pathology

Identify normal and pathological blood cells in blood smears and bone marrow biopsies

Interpret the results of complete blood counts (CBCs) and specific laboratory tests related to blood diseases

Classify different diseases of the blood according to cellular abnormalities and test results

Create a

Journal Club Presentations: Each Friday the second half of class will be devoted to a “journal club” presentation. Each small group will select a current journal article (published within the last 5 years in a peer reviewed journal and approved by the instructor) on one of the class topics. Groups will present their articles in a 15-20 minute “journal club” format each designated class. All others should come prepared with questions about the paper. Journal clubs are peer graded and are also graded by the instructor. More information about creating a journal club presentation can be found on the course Sakai site.

Clinical Exercises: A weekly clinical exercise will be handed out as a take home assignment or an in-class assignment. You may work together to complete the assignments, but each student must hand in an individual assignment. NO late assignments will be accepted.

Fact Sheet: Each student will choose a blood-related disease (it does not have to be something we cover in our class), search published scientific literature, and create a 3-page fact sheet on that disease. Topics should be chosen by Friday July 12th, and the final fact sheet is due on Monday, July 22nd. Additional information on creating the fact sheet can be found on the course Sakai site.

Exams: An in-class Midterm Exam will be given on Wednesday, July 10. The final exam for this course is scheduled for Friday, July 26 from 11:30-2:20 pm.

Grading: The in-class Midterm Exam will be worth 35% of your grade and the Final Exam will also be worth 35% of your grade. The final exam is not cumulative: the Midterm Exam will cover the unit on RBCs and some of the unit on WBCs, and the Final Exam will cover the remainder of the unit on WBCs as well as the unit on Hemostasis/Thrombosis. Journal Club presentations, Clinical Exercises and Fact sheetswill each be worth 10% of your grade.

Final Grades: The average class grade will be determined and this grade will constitute a final grade of “B”. Standard deviations will be used to determine grades above and below the average.

Honor Code:The Honor Code of the University will be observed.

Course Calendar (also posted on the course Sakai website)

Week / Topics / Important Dates
1 (6/20-6/21) / Intro, hematopoesis, red blood cells
2 (6/24-6/28) / RBCs, hemoglobin, iron deficiency anemia, megaloblastic anemia, hemolytic anemia, thalassemias, sickle cell disease / Friday, June 28th-Journal Club
3 (7/1-7/3) / White blood cells: monocytes, neutrophils and lymphocytes / Wednesdsay, July 3- Journal Club
Thursday, July 4th and Friday July 5th- NO CLASS
4 (7/8-7/12) / Intro to Cancer, cancer genetics, acute leukemias, chronic leukemias, lymphoma, myeloma, primary hemostasis / Wednesday, July 10- MIDTERM
Friday July 12th- Journal Club; Fact Sheet topics due
5 (7/15-7/19) / Secondary hemostasis, platelet disorders, bleeding disorders, thrombosis, atherosclerosis, transfusion medicine / Friday, July 19th- Journal Club
6 (7/22-7/26) / Review and anything we didn’t get to / Monday, July 22nd-
Fact sheet due
Friday, July 26th- FINAL EXAM