Instructor’S Manual

Jeff Schinske

De Anza College

Visual Anatomy Physiology

Second Edition

Frederic H. Martini

University of Hawaii at Manoa

William C. Ober

Washington and lee University

Judi L. Nath

LOurdes University, sylvania, ohio

Edwin F. Bartholomew

Kevin Petti

San Diego Miramar College

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Table of Contents

Preface v

An Overview of the Visual Anatomy & Physiology Book and vii

Learning Outcomes xi

CHAPTER 1 An Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology 1

CHAPTER 2 Chemical Level of Organization 9

CHAPTER 3 Cellular Level of Organization 16

CHAPTER 4 Tissue Level of Organization 26

CHAPTER 5 The Integumentary System 34

CHAPTER 6 Osseous Tissue and Bone Structure 41

CHAPTER 7 The Skeleton 48

CHAPTER 8 Joints 58

CHAPTER 9 Skeletal Muscle Tissue 64

CHAPTER 10 The Muscular System 72

CHAPTER 11 Neural Tissue 79

CHAPTER 12 The Spinal Cord, Spinal Nerves, and Spinal Reflexes 86

CHAPTER 13 The Brain, Cranial Nerves, and Sensory and Motor Pathways 92

CHAPTER 14 The Autonomic Nervous System 101

CHAPTER 15 The Special Senses 107

CHAPTER 16 The Endocrine System 115

CHAPTER 17 Blood 122

CHAPTER 18 Blood Vessels and Circulation 128

CHAPTER 19 The Heart and Cardiovascular Function 135

CHAPTER 20 The Lymphatic System and Immunity 145

CHAPTER 21 The Respiratory System 154

CHAPTER 22 The Digestive System 162

CHAPTER 23 Metabolism and Energetics 169

CHAPTER 24 The Urinary System 176

CHAPTER 25 Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balance 183

CHAPTER 26 The Reproductive System 189

CHAPTER 27 Development and Inheritance 196



When students exit our anatomy and physiology (A&P) courses and move on to careers in health fields, they provide much of the direct contact and care patients receive. As A&P instructors, we have the opportunity to help students become well-informed and compassionate individuals who can serve the needs of the healthy and the sick. Because we facilitate the academic development of students from a wide variety of backgrounds, new health professionals enter the workforce with the linguistic and cultural competencies needed to alleviate some of the inequities in our healthcare system. Of course, the A&P classroom also presents a variety of unique challenges for instructors. Our courses exist in a realm between the introductory and the advanced, where the material ventures into high-level concepts, even though some students may have little or no prior science class experience. Many of our students first spoke a language other than English at home, and those same students and others may have demanding family responsibilities or full-time jobs, or they may be returning to school after a long time away. And while nearly every A&P topic has clear applications for students in health fields, our students often miss those connections as they focus on grasping the complex language of A&P. The daunting task, then, is to provide students from a wide variety of backgrounds with a strong foundation in A&P, while nurturing students’ desire to understand the human body and helping them see the clear applications of A&P content to their potential futures in health careers.

This Instructor’s Manual is designed to help instructors use the second edition of the Visual Anatomy & Physiology text in their efforts to address these lofty goals. One of the philosophies underlying this manual is that students will feel more confident and will remain more engaged in class if they are asked to examine their prior knowledge, identify changes in their thinking, work collaboratively with classmates, and are provided with common themes, contexts, and applications around which the content gravitates. Since time constraints (both in class and out of class) represent a major concern for faculty, the suggestions in this Instructor’s Manual are intended to help faculty apply innovative, learner-centered strategies that are also in the service of content coverage and achievement of student learning outcomes.

The Introductions in each chapter of the Instructor’s Manual tend to focus on overarching themes that could extend throughout each chapter in Visual Anatomy & Physiology. The overarching theme may involve a disease that relates to the content in most modules of the chapter or a perspective that puts each section of chapter content into a larger context. Instructors tend to naturally see such applications and connections between chapter modules. Without explicit contextualization, though, students may not immediately see how each module paints part of a broader picture about the chapter. The themes presented in this section give students a thread to follow throughout each chapter, no matter how wide-ranging the chapter’s content may initially seem.

The Encouraging Student Talk sections of the Instructor’s Manual provide suggestions for helping students voice their prior knowledge and identify their own misconceptions while contributing to class discussions. The brief discussion prompts are designed to initiate individual reflection and subsequently peer discussion. The prompts are written to be accessible to students before any instruction takes place, making them ideal for transitioning into a chapter. At the same time, the prompts allow for significant expansion after instruction, at which time students can demonstrate their more complex understanding in their responses.

The Making Learning Active sections include somewhat more extended, but still relatively small-scale, active classroom exercises. In many cases, these exercises are designed to assist the instructor in covering material by shifting some of the burden of instruction from traditional lecture to peer teaching with accountability in the form of submitted written work, diagrams, or answers
to questions. The materials necessary—if any—are relatively inexpensive and manageable
in large classes. The open-access, searchable journal Advances in Physiology Education ( includes many additional ideas for A&P classroom activities.

An increasing number of colleges and universities require students to learn the contributions
of diverse people and cultures to the disciplines of A&P. Connecting course content to noteworthy scientists of diverse backgrounds can also put a memorable face to course content and can help students see themselves in the science they are learning. This can represent an important access point for students from backgrounds traditionally underrepresented in science fields. The Incorporating Diversity and the Human Side of A&P sections describe one or more noteworthy
individuals from the fields of A&P whose work pertains to the content of each chapter. Suggestions are provided regarding how the individuals might be used as part of instruction.

Seven additional sections in each chapter of the Instructor’s Manual provide further tips for
introducing new concepts or anticipating barriers to learning. These sections include Chapter Learning Outcomes, Lecture Ideas and Points to Emphasize, Analogies, Demonstrations, Applications, Common Student Misconceptions and Problems, and Terminology Aids.
Finally, the Additional Chapter Integration Scenarios for each chapter help students apply and synthesize the material they have learned. Often, these involve analyzing patient data or evaluating public health issues. The open-response questions that follow allow students to defend their ideas about the scenario with evidence from the chapter. Similar multiple-choice questions for each Chapter Integration Scenario are available through MasteringA&P.

I hope you find unique perspectives and practical tips in this Instructor’s Manual as you work
to frame your course around the second edition of the Visual Anatomy & Physiology text. It has been a pleasure to be part of this effort, and I would like to thank the editorial staff at Pearson—especially Cady Owens, Assistant Editor, and Leslie Berriman, Executive Editor—for the opportunities I have had to work with the A&P texts. I am additionally grateful to my students for teaching me so much about the process of learning and for inspiring me in class every day. Finally, I thank my family, and most especially Sonya and Pax, for their constant support.

Jeff Schinske

De Anza College


An Overview of the Visual Anatomy & Physiology Book and Resources

Features of the Text

Visual Anatomy & Physiology combines a visual approach with a modular organization to deliver an easy-to-use and time-efficient book that uniquely meets the needs of today’s students —without sacrificing the comprehensive coverage of A&P topics required for careers in nursing and other allied health professions. The Second Edition addresses tough physiology topics with new and revised two-page modules and corresponding new Coaching Activities in MasteringA&P®.
Brand-new end-of-chapter study and practice materials include a narrative Study Outline and
comprehensive Chapter Review Questions. Module Reviews and Section Reviews, appearing throughout each chapter, give students additional tools for learning.

Three key features distinguish this text: the modular organization, the visual approach, and the frequent practice.

Modular Organization

The time-saving modular organization presents topics in two-page spreads. These two-page spreads give students an efficient organization for managing their time. Students can study each module during the limited time they have in their busy schedules—ten minutes for one module now, ten minutes for another module later—checking off each module as they
complete it.

· The top left page of each module begins with a full-sentence topic heading that teaches the major point of the module. These topic headings are correlated by number to the learning outcomes on the chapter-opening page and at the bottom of each module. The learning outcomes are derived from the learning outcomes recommended by the Human Anatomy & Physiology Society.

· Red-boxed numbers guide students through the presentation of the topic.

· Instead of long columns of narrative text that refer to visuals, brief text is built right into the visuals. Students read while looking at the corresponding visual, which means:

· No long paragraphs

· No page flipping

· Everything in one place

· Each two-page module ends with a set of Module Review questions that help students check their understanding before moving on.

Visual Approach

The unique visual approach allows the illustrations to be the central teaching and learning element, with the text built directly around them—creating true text-art integration. This
approach matches how students naturally want to use their A&P textbook. Extensive research with A&P students—via student reviews, student focus groups, and student class tests—reveals that A&P students go first to the visuals and then to the corresponding text.

· Descriptions and key terminology are embedded in the art.

· Step numbers and manageable “chunks” of information guide students through complex processes.

Frequent Practice

Three predictable places to stop and check understanding help students pace their learning throughout the chapter.

1. Module Reviews appear at the end of every module for frequent and consistent

2. Section Reviews appear after groups of related modules and include “workbook-style”
review activities, such as labeling and concept mapping.

3. Chapter Reviews include brand-new narrative Study Outlines. Each Study Outline
entry begins with the module number and title and then summarizes the module content. All-new Chapter Review Questions include comprehensive questions, such as labeling, true/false, and multiple choice. In the Chapter Integration section, one or two clinical
scenarios are followed by critical thinking questions that help students tie important
concepts together.

Additional practice is available online in the MasteringA&P Study Area.
The MasteringA&P reference box in the Chapter Review section of every chapter
shows students which MasteringA&P resources can help them review key chapter
material on their own.

Support for Students

These invaluable resources will help students get quickly up to speed in their A&P course, give them the support they need during the course, and track their progress as they gain a greater understanding of A&P.

MasteringA&P Study Area

MasteringA&P includes a Study Area that will help students get ready for tests with its
simple three-step approach. Students can:

1. Take a pre-test and obtain a personalized study plan.

2. Learn and practice with animations, labeling activities, and interactive tutorials.

3. Self-test with quizzes and a chapter practice test.

The following items are available in the MasteringA&P Study Area. For more details about these resources, please see the opening pages of the book.

· Get Ready for A&P

· MP3 Tutor Sessions

· Practice Anatomy Lab™ (PAL™)

· A&P Flix™

· Interactive Physiology® (IP)

· Video Tutors

· PhysioEx™ 9.1

Student Supplements

The following supplements are available for students. For more details about these supplements, please see the opening pages of the book.

· eText

· Get Ready for A&P

by Lori K. Garrett

· Student Worksheets for Visual Anatomy & Physiology

by Frederic H. Martini, William C. Ober, Judi L. Nath, Edwin F. Bartholomew, and
Kevin Petti

· Martini’s Atlas of the Human Body

by Frederic H. Martini

· A&P Applications Manual

by Frederic H. Martini and Kathleen Welch

· Interactive Physiology® 10-System Suite (IP-10) CD-ROM