Biology Chapter 1 TEST (Form: 2009)

Biology Chapter 1 TEST (Form: 2009)

Biology Chapter 1 TEST (Form: 2009)

Multiple Choice

Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____1.Which of the following is NOT a goal of science?

a. / to investigate and understand nature
b. / to explain events in nature
c. / to use data to support a particular point of view
d. / to use derived explanations to make useful predictions

____2.The work of scientists begins with

a. / testing a hypothesis.
b. / careful observations.
c. / creating experiments.
d. / drawing conclusions.

____3.Science differs from other disciplines, such as history and the arts, because science relies on

a. / facts.
b. / testing explanations.
c. / observations.
d. / theories.

____4.Information gathered from observing a plant grow 3 cm over a two-week period results in

a. / inferences.
b. / variables.
c. / hypotheses.
d. / data.

____5.You state that the presence of water could accelerate the growth of bread mold. This is a(an)

a. / conclusion.
b. / hypothesis.
c. / experiment.
d. / analysis.

____6.A hypothesis

a. / can be completely proven.
b. / may be disproved by a single experiment.
c. / does not have to be tested to be accepted as probably correct.
d. / is a proven fact.

____7.Hypotheses may arise from

a. / prior knowledge.
b. / logical inferences.
c. / imaginative guesses.
d. / all of the above

____8.Which of the following is a valid hypothesis for why a plant appears to be dying?

a. / The plant is not being watered enough.
b. / The plant is being watered too much.
c. / The plant is receiving too much sunlight.
d. / all of the above

____9.In science, a hypothesis is useful only if

a. / it is proven correct.
b. / it can be proven incorrect.
c. / it can be tested.
d. / the explanation is already known.

____10.Which of the following is NOT a part of how scientists work?

a. / experimenting
b. / observing
c. / generalizing
d. / hypothesizing

____11.Which of the following variables present in Redi’s experiment on spontaneous generation is NOT a controlled variable?

a. / gauze covering that keeps flies away from meat
b. / types of jars used
c. / types of meat used
d. / temperature at which the jars were stored

____12.A controlled experiment allows the scientist to isolate and test

a. / a conclusion.
b. / a mass of information.
c. / several variables.
d. / a single variable.

____13.Scientists publish the details of important experiments so that

a. / their work can be repeated.
b. / their experimental procedures can be reviewed.
c. / others can try to reproduce the results.
d. / all of the above

____14.The ability to reproduce results is an important part of any

a. / hypothesis.
b. / theory.
c. / law.
d. / experiment.

____15.When enough experimental data support a hypothesis, the hypothesis becomes a(an)

a. / fact.
b. / theory.
c. / inference.
d. / conclusion.

____16.A theory

a. / is always true.
b. / is the opening statement of an experiment.
c. / may be revised or replaced.
d. / is a problem to be solved.

____17.Which of the following theories are needed to explain why marsupial mammals are found only in Australia?

a. / theory of evolution
b. / theory of plate tectonics
c. / both a and b
d. / neither a nor b

____18.A well-tested explanation that unifies a broad range of observations is a(an)

a. / hypothesis.
b. / inference.
c. / theory.
d. / controlled experiment.

____19.Biology is the study of

a. / the land, water, and air on Earth.
b. / the living world.
c. / animals and plants only.
d. / the environment.

____20.Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of all living things?

a. / growth and development
b. / ability to move
c. / response to the environment
d. / ability to reproduce

____21.Which of the following characteristics of living things best explains why birds fly south for the winter?

a. / Living things respond to their environment.
b. / Living things maintain internal balance.
c. / Living things are made up of units called cells.
d. / Living things are based on a universal genetic code.

____22.Cell specialization in multicellular organisms allows cells to

a. / reproduce.
b. / perform different functions.
c. / respond to their environment.
d. / be less complex.

____23.The amount of light and temperature are examples of

a. / factors necessary for life.
b. / methods of energy production.
c. / factors to which living things respond.
d. / factors that affect reproduction.

____24.The process by which organisms keep their internal conditions relatively stable is called

a. / homeostasis.
b. / evolution.
c. / metabolism.
d. / photosynthesis.

____25.What is the term for the land, water, and air on Earth?

a. / population
b. / ecosystem
c. / biosphere
d. / environment

____26.What is the term for a group of organisms of one type living in the same place?

a. / biosphere
b. / ecosystem
c. / population
d. / environment

____27.Which of the following terms includes all the others?

a. / biologist
b. / botanist
c. / zoologist
d. / ethologist

____28.Which level of organization includes all of the other levels?

a. / organism
b. / ecosystem
c. / population
d. / community

____29.In the metric system, the basic unit of length is the

a. / centimeter.
b. / kilometer.
c. / millimeter.
d. / meter.

____30.How many centimeters are in 2.4 km?

a. / 240
b. / 2400
c. / 24,000
d. / 240,000

____31.On the Celsius temperature scale, how many degrees are between the freezing and boiling points of water?

a. / 68
b. / 100
c. / 212
d. / 1000

____32.Which is NOT a unit of measurement in the metric system?

a. / meter
b. / inch
c. / liter
d. / gram

____33.The basic unit of mass in SI is the

a. / meter.
b. / ounce.
c. / liter.
d. / gram.

____34.To observe a small, living organism, a scientist might use a(an)

a. / electronic balance.
b. / TEM.
c. / compound light microscope.
d. / electron microscope.

____35.The use of a compound light microscope

a. / is necessary to study biology at the chemical level.
b. / is required for most experiments.
c. / can magnify objects up to 1000 times.
d. / is an essential tool for producing three-dimensional images.

____36.Which of the following is the best reason for using a scanning electron microscope?

a. / ability to magnify objects that are larger than 0.2 micrometers
b. / ability to observe live organisms
c. / ability to see three-dimensional images of the surfaces of objects
d. / ability to see movement within living cells

____37.An instrument that allows light to pass through the specimen and uses two lenses to form an image is a(an)

a. / compound light microscope.
b. / electron microscope.
c. / TEM.
d. / SEM.

____38.An instrument used to separate cell parts according to density is the

a. / compound light microscope.
b. / electron microscope.
c. / blender.
d. / centrifuge.

____39.What is the term given to a group of cells that develops from a single original cell?

a. / community
b. / cell culture
c. / nutrient solution
d. / cell fractionation

____40.The best instrument to use to separate the liquid portion from the solid portions in whole blood is a(an)

a. / compound light microscope.
b. / centrifuge.
c. / test tube.
d. / electron microscope.

____41.What technique is used to separate the different cell parts?

a. / microscopy
b. / cell culture
c. / cell fractionation
d. / all of the above

____42.Safety procedures are important when working

a. / in a laboratory.
b. / in the field.
c. / with animals.
d. / all of the above

____43.Which of the following is NOT considered a safety procedure?

a. / Read all the steps in your activity before doing it.
b. / If in doubt about any part of an activity, trust your instincts.
c. / Follow your teacher’s instructions.
d. / Follow the textbook directions exactly.

____44.What types of living organisms should you NOT come into contact with in your biology laboratory?

a. / plants
b. / organisms that cause disease
c. / organisms that can be seen only with a microscope
d. / animals

____45.Because you may come in contact with organisms you cannot see, what safety procedure MUST be followed?

a. / Read over your activity.
b. / Open the windows of the laboratory.
c. / Wash your hands thoroughly after completing the activity.
d. / Do not wear long sleeves.


For # 46 - 60, complete each sentence or statement using the word bank below. If the answer is a letter combination, be sure to darken all of the letters that make up the combination on the scantron answer sheet.

a. metricab. databd. safety precautions

b. observationsac. threebe. Louis Pasteur

c. electronad. compound lightcd. biology

d. cell structureae. botanistsce. quantitative

e. metabolismbc. hypothesisde. spontaneous generation

46.“The plant in Container A has five offshoots” is an example of a ______observation.

47.The information you gather during an experiment is called your ______.

48.Based on his ______, Redi made a prediction that keeping flies away from meat would prevent the appearance of maggots.

49.The name given to the idea that life could arise from nonliving matter is called ______.

50.The scientist named ______finally settled the argument over whether or not life could arise from nonliving matter.

51.In science, a theory is a well-tested explanation that unifies a broad range of ______.

52.The science that seeks to understand the living world is called ______.

53.The chemical reactions through which an organism builds up or breaks down materials as it carries out its life processes is called ______.

54.Biologists who study cacti and African violets would be called ______.

55.A revised version of the original ______system is called the SI, an abbreviation for the International Systems of Units.

56.A mass of 3000 kg is equal to ______t.

57.A specimen less than 0.2 micrometers must be completely dried out before being studied using a(an) ______microscope.

58.The ______microscope is generally used in high school laboratories.

59.To obtain identical copies of a single cell, scientists make a ______.

60.Whenever you are working in your biology laboratory, it’s important for you to follow ______.



A scientist conducted an experiment to determine the effect of environment on the color of fur of a Himalayan rabbit. The Himalayan rabbit typically has a white coat except for its colder nose, feet, tail, and ears, which are black. The scientist shaved an area of hair on the back of each rabbit, then placed an ice pack over the shaved area on one rabbit (A).

Figure 1-1

61.Interpreting Graphics In Figure 1-1, which rabbit is the control?

a. rabbit Ab. rabbit Bc. a control is not needed

62.Interpreting Graphics In Figure 1-1, what is the variable in this experiment?

a. temperaturec. color of the rabbit’s ears

b. size of the rabbitc. type of food the rabbit eats

63.Formulating Hypotheses Before completing the experiment in Figure 1-1, the scientist made a hypothesis. What is the hypothesis she is testing?

a. The fur color of the Himalayan rabbit changes with the type of food it eats.

b. The fur color of the Himalayan rabbit changes with the size of the rabbit.

c. The fur color of the Himalayan rabbit changes with the temperature.

d. The fur color of the Himalayan rabbit changes with the size of the rabbit’s ears.

64.Applying Concepts Which rabbit is the control in this experiment?

a. rabbit Ab. rabbit Bc. a control is not needed

65.Drawing Conclusions Based on your observations of Figure 1-1, conclude what effect temperature has on Himalayan rabbits.

a. When the body of a Himalayan rabbit is cool, the rabbit’s hair color will turn dark.

b. When the rabbit’s body is warm, the hair color is the normal white color.

c. Temperature has no effect on Himalayan rabbits.

d. both (a) and (b).


Figure 1-2

66.Interpreting Graphics According to Figure 1-2, how many populations of organisms are represented in this community?

a. 1b. 2c. 3d. 4

67.Interpreting Graphics According to Figure 1-2, what are the nonliving elements in this ecosystem?

a. air b. rocks and stream c. both (a) and (b)d. none of the above

68.Applying Concepts The ecosystem shown in Figure 1-2 is part of what larger level of organisms?

a. populationc. both (a) and (b)

b. biosphered. individual organism

69.Applying Concepts Each population in Figure 1-2 is made up of what level of organisms?

a. communityc. ecosystem

b. biosphered. individual organism

70.Applying Concepts A population of rabbits lives on the other side of the prairie shown in Figure 1-2. Are the rabbits considered a part of this community? Explain your answer.

a. Yes, the rabbits can be considered part of this community because they are a different type of population.

b. Yes, the rabbits can be considered part of this community because they can survive i this type of environment.

c. No, the rabbits cannot be considered a part of this community because they live in a different area.

d. No, the rabbits cannot be considered a part of this community because they would not be able to survive in this type of environment.