Instructor: Dr. Guenter W. Gross; Time: Tuesd. & Thursd. 12:30-1:50; Location: ENV 125
Office: SRB 120A; Office Hours: Tuesday & Thursday 9-11:30, Monday & Wednesday 4-5 PM
Telephone 940-565-3615; e-mail:
Textbook: Eckert, Randall, Burggren, and French ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY, 5th edition.
JAN. 18Chapters 1, 2,...... Introduction
20Chapter 3...... ….Review: Molecules, Energy, Biosynthesis
25Chapter 4...... Membranes, Channels, and Transport
27Chapter 4...... Membranes, Channels, and Transport
FEB 1Chapter 5...... The Physical Basis of Neuronal Function
3Chapter 6...... Communication Along and Between Neurons
8Chapter 6...... Communication Along and Between Neurons
15Chapter 7...... Exam review, Sensory Systems: Mechano and Chemo Recept.
17Chapter 7...... Sensing the Environment: Hearing and Vision
22Chapter 8 & 11……………. Structural and Functional Organization of the Nervous System
24Chapter 8 & 11...... …Structural and Functional Organization of the Nervous System
MAR 1 Chapter 9...... …Glands and Hormones
3Chapter 9...... Glands and Hormones
10Chapter 10...... …Exam review, Muscles and Animal Movement
14-18……...... ……S P R I N G B R E A K......
22 ……Chapter 10…………………Muscles and Animal Movement
24Chapter 12………………….Cardiovascular System
29Chapter 12...... Cardiovascular System
31Chapter 12...... Lymphatic System
APRIL 5Chapter 13...... Gas Exchange and Acid-Base Balance
7Chapter 13...... Gas Exchange and Acid-Base Balance
12Chapter 14 ...... Ionic and Osmotic Balance
14Chapter 14 ...... Ionic and Osmotic Balance
19 ……………………. …………………THIRD EXAMINATION
21Chapter 15...... ……Exam Review; Intro to Chapter 15
26Chapter 15...... Feeding, Digestion, and Metabolism
28Chapter 15...... Feeding, Digestion, and Metabolism
MAY03...... …………….Course Review
05………………………………Course Review
12 Thursday 10:30 to 12:30 FINAL EXAM
25% on Chapter 15, 75% Comprehensive
The textbook used is a challenging, comprehensive treatise of physiology that cannot be covered completely in a one-semester course. Consequently we will select topics from each chapter for thorough reading and study. These topics will be clarified in each lecture and in a special chapter outline. All outlines and sample examinations are available on the website under . The textbook is used at many universities because of its thorough scientific discussions of physiological principles. If assigned sections are read carefully, it will provide good support for each lecture. The book will also serve as an excellent future reference.
The 4 Examinations will consist of true/false, multiple choice, matching, and essay questions. All (including the final) will carry equal weight. No examination can be dropped. Makeup exams, when justified, will be oral or written.
COURSE PREREQUISITES: 2 semesters of basic biology; 2 semesters of basic chemistry; 1 semester of physics
DROPPING of COURSE DEADLINES: Jan 31: no approval required; Feb 25: instructor approval with automatic W;
March 29: instructor approval with W or WF assignments (last day to drop). Feb 28 to April 22: student can be dropped with a WF for non-attendance.