BIOLOGY 3800: Sect 001 ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY Fall 2012


Instructor: Dr. Guenter W. Gross, Lecture Room: GAB 105 Time: T, Th 12:30 -1:50 PM

Office: SRB 276; Telephone 565-3615 office/ -4228 lab; e-mail:

Office Hours : Tuesday & Thursday 0930 -1130, Wednesday 3 - 5 PM

Textbook: Eckert, Randall, Burggren, and French ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY, 5th Edition.



AUG……..30Chapters 1 &2Introduction SEPT …… 4 Chapter 3 Review of Pertinent Biological, Physical, and Chemical Concepts

6Chapter 4Membranes, Channels, and Transport

11Chapter 4Membranes, Channels, and Transport

13Chapter 5 Physical Basis of Neuronal Function

18Chapter 6Communication Along and Between Neurons

20Chapter 6 Communication Along and Between Neurons

25Chapter 7Sensing the Environment (chemo and mechanoreception)

27……………………………….FIRST EXAMINATION

OCT ……..2Chapter 7Sensory Systems: hearing, vision

4Chapter 8&11The Central Nervous System

9Chapter 8&11Neuroanatomy and Neural Processing

11Chapter 9Hormones: Regulation and Action

16Chapter 9Hormones: Regulation and Action

18Chapt 9/Chapt 10Hormone Summary; Introduction to Muscles

23Chapter 10Muscles and Movement

25Chapter 10Muscles and Movement


NOV……... 1Chapter 12 Circulation (Cardiovascular System)

6 Chapter 12Circulation (Cardiovascular System)

8Chapter 13Gas Exchange and Acid-Base Balance

13Chapter 13Gas Exchange and Acid-Base Balance

15Chapter 14Ionic and Osmotic Balance

20Chapter 14Ionic and Osmotic Balance



29Chapter 15 Feeding, Digestion, and Absorption

4Chapter 15 Feeding, Digestion, and Absorption

DEC……. 6Course Review

11Course Review

131030-1230FINAL EXAMINATION(20% on Chapt. 15, 80% Comprehensive)

The textbook used is a challenging, comprehensive treatise of physiology that cannot be covered completely in a one-semester course. Consequently we will select topics from each chapter for thorough reading and study. These topics will be clarified in each lecture and in a special chapter outline. All outlines and sample examinations are available on the website under . The textbook is used at many universities because of its thorough scientific discussions of physiological principles. If assigned sections are read carefully, it will provide good support for each lecture. The book will also serve as an excellent future reference. The 4 Examinations will consist of true/false, multiple choice, matching, and essay questions. All (including the final) will carry equal weight. No examination can be dropped. Makeup exams, when justified, will be oral or written. Class attendance is mandatory.

PREREQUISITES: 2 semesters of basic biology; 2 semesters of basic chemistry; 1 semester of physics

LAB SECTIONS (BIOL 3810 in room 314, Biology Building)

502T 2:00 to 5:20 506T 6:00 to 9:20

504W 2:00 to 5:20 503W 6:00 to 9:20

505R 2:00 to 5:20

Deadlines for dropping course. Sept. 12: no instructor approval required; Oct. 9: automatic W with approval; Nov. 7: W or WF with instructor approval. Oct. 10: instructor may drop student with WF for nonattendance.