Biology 361/361L: Marine Ecology
Spring 2008
Instructor:Dr. Karen HabermanPhone: (503) 838-8478
Office:Natural Sciences 001 e-mail:
Course hours:M,W, F 8:00-8:50 AM, T 8:00 AM-noon
Office hours:M: 1-2:30 PM, W: 11-noon,1-2:30 PM, F: 11-noon, and by appointment
Course content: Marine Ecology explores the ecology and diversity of marine ecosystems worldwide, and focuses on adaptations, life-histories and interactions of organisms with each other and their environment. Regions covered include temperate, tropical and polar seas, the open ocean and the deep sea. Human impact on the ocean will also be included.
Text:Castro and Huber, 2007. Marine Biology, 6thed. ISBN: 978-0-07-283064-4
Sept, J. Duane, 1999. The Beachcomber' S Guide to Seashore Life in the Pacific Northwest. Harbour Pub. Co. ISBN-13: 978-1550172041
Web resources
*Links to PowerPoint slides, study guides and handouts will be posted. Also, you may be asked to download some of the larger handouts or additional readings.
Quizzes 1 & 2 (25 pt ea) 50
Exams 1& 2 (100 pt. ea)200
Field exam 75
Final exam, cumulative150
Labs/field trips 125
Course gradesFinal grades will be calculated based on the percentage of total possible points. Borderline grades will be resolved based on final exam score. Curving that results in higher scores may occur at my discretion.
A = 90.0 – 100%B = 80.0 – 89.9%
C = 70.0 – 79.9% / D = 60.0 – 69.9%
F = Below 60.0% and/or missing three or more labs.
Additional scheduling information:
- Due to the long drive to the coast, field trips will begin prior to the start of lab and will return by 11:50 AM. Tentative departure times are in the schedule, but are subject to change. Exact time will be provided on the Monday prior to the field trip.
Items needed for field trips:
1.Shoes or waders with GOOD SOLES that you can (and will) get wet/muddy, such as:
•Rubber boots are especially useful, but be sure they have GOOD SOLES. We have some available but make sure they are in your size.
•Wetsuit booties/wetsuit bottoms also good for both mud and intertidal
2.Clothes you can get dirty/muddy (especially for mud trip)
3.Warm clothes, including a warm hat. It can get quite cold at the coast!
4.Rain gear
5.I recommend full sweats in addition to what you are wearing for the ride home (in case you get wet).
Exam policy:If you know will you miss an exam due to a sanctioned school activity or other foreseeable event, you must contact me as much in advance as possible to arrange an alternate exam time. In event of illness, contact me ASAP after you have missed the exam. You may be asked to present a physician’s note to verify your illness.
Absence policy:Departmental policy dictates that three lab absences will result in a failing grade for the course. For this course, field trips are included in this policy. Also, some labs are not possible to make up. You must contact me within the week following the missed lab in order to arrange a make up if one is possible.
honesty:During a quiz or exam, any written or spoken interaction with other students will be regarded as cheating, as will the use of crib notes (i.e. unauthorized notes brought into the exam) and looking at another student's test papers.
When preparing papers for submission to an instructor, some paraphrasing may be appropriate. However, when a book or article is quoted at any length, quotation marks must be included, as well as a reference (in the appropriate format) to the quoted work. Also, the work of any other student may not be copied or paraphrased as your own. You are encouraged to discuss the contents of your written assignments with other students/groups and faculty. However, the final paper must be your own (or your group's, if clearly designated as group assignment) product. Note that in my courses you often work in groups on experimental design and data collection, but are required to turn in individual papers.
The penalty for cheating/dishonesty will be a zero for the test, quiz or assignment in question, and possibly, referral to the Student Conduct Committee for further action. Also, you have the right to appeal to the Student Conduct Committee.