Biology 2121 – Introduction to Inorganic and Organic Chemistry

Vocabulary: atom; element; proton; neutron; electron; atomic number; valence electron; compound; molecule; isotope; radioisotope; mixture; solvent; solute; mole and molarity; suspension; homogeneous; heterogeneous; ionic; ion; cation; anion; covalent; polar; nonpolar; electronegativity; electrostatic attraction; electrolyte; acid; base; pH; monosaccharide; disaccharide; polysaccharide; polymer; monomer; lipid; fatty acid; peptide bond; ester bond; denaturation; enzyme; nucleotide; buffer

Review/Important Topics

  1. Distinguish between kinetic and potential energy.
  2. Know the four forms of energy and examples of each.
  3. Know the structure of a neutral atom
  • Know the atomic mass units, location and charges of protons, electrons and neutrons
  1. Know how ions are formed
  2. Know the locations of metals and nonmetals on periodic table
  3. Be able to locate the atomic number on a periodic table and be able to determine the number of valance electrons of an atom.
  4. Know the significance of the mass number of an atom.
  • Compare to the atomic weight of an atom
  1. Know how isotopes differ from other atoms.
  2. Know that atoms form elements and elements form compounds.
  3. Distinguish between a chemical change and a physical change.
  4. Know the following about mixtures.
  • Solvent vs. solute
  • True solutions (aqueous solutions)
  • Molarity and % concentration of a solution
  • Homogeneous vs. heterogeneous solutions
  • Examples: colloids, suspensions
  1. Distinguish between an ionic bond and covalent bond.
  2. Know the following about ionic bonds.
  • Formation of cations and anions
  • Metals lose electrons to nonmetals
  • Formation via electrostatic attraction
  • Formation of salts; crystal compounds
  • Importance of ionic compounds and salts in the human body
  1. Know the following about covalent bonds.
  • Sharing of electrons
  • Polar vs. nonpolar covalent bonds and examples
  • Water – Universal solvent due to polarity
  • Formation of molecules – Important molecules in the body
  1. Know the following concerning hydrogen bonds
  • Know how hydrogen bonds form
  • Significance in the human body (DNA)
  1. Know the four types of chemical reactions.
  2. Know the four factors that influence a chemical reaction.
  3. Distinguish between acids and bases
  4. Know the following about acids.
  • Know the two definitions of acids
  • Know that strong acids dissociate 100% of their hydrogen ions
  • Importance of acids in the body – digestion, etc.
  1. Know the following about bases
  • Know the two definitions of bases
  • Know examples of important bases in the body – ammonia, bicarbonate, etc.
  1. Know the following about pH
  • Know the pH ranges and values
  • Associate values with acids, bases, neutral substances
  1. Know what happens in a neutralization reaction.
  2. Distinguish between an inorganic and organic compound.
  3. Know the following about carbohydrates
  • Know the monomers of carbohydrates
  • Know the basic characteristics of carbohydrates; structure; functions
  • Know examples of 6-carbon and 5-carbon monosaccharides.
  • Know how disaccharides are formed and know the monosaccharides that make up each of the three disaccharides.
  • Know how polysaccharides are formed (starches) and know examples of starches.
  1. Know the following about lipids
  • Know how lipids are formed
  • Know the type of bonding in proteins
  • Know basic characteristics of lipids; structure; functions
  • Know examples of lipids
  • Know characteristics and examples of the following lipids
  • Triglycerides; phospholipids; steroids
  1. Know the following about proteins
  • Know the monomers of proteins
  • Know the type of bonding in proteins
  • Distinguish between a primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structure
  • Distinguish between fibrous and globular proteins; give examples
  1. Know that enzymes are proteins; know the parts of an enzyme; know the function of enzymes.
  2. Know causes of protein denaturation.