Name: ______Block: ______Date: ______

Guided notes

Biological Molecules Crash Course


  1. What are the four ingredients for life?(carbs, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids)
  2. Which three are we focusing on?(first three)
  3. All organisms must either ______(meaning make) or ______(meaning eat) the “ingredients” in order to live. (synthesize; ingest)
  4. Most basic ingredient for life: ______(carbs)
  5. Carbohydrates sre made up of ______(sugars) and the simplest form are called ______saccharides(mono)
  6. What is the fundamental sugarof life? ______(glucose)
  7. All biologic energy is originally captured from the sun by plants as ______. (glucose)
  8. Sucrose is a ______saccharide, meaning it is ______monosaccharides put together.(di; two)
  9. When lots, potentially thousands of monosaccharide are put together, they are called ______saccharides, which instead of being used for INSTANT energy use, they are used as ______molecules. (poly; storage)
  10. The most common organic compound on the planet, made of many glucose molecules together, is called ______(cellulose) Can humans digest it? (no)
  11. Plants store glucose in the form of ______(starch)which is stored as different forms such as ______, ______, and ______. (roots/tubers, flesh of fruit, starchy seeds)
  12. Flour is made from milling (grinding) the starchy seeds of the ______plant. (wheat)
  13. Ground-up ______(which are the seeds of the wheat plant) is the main ingredient of wheat bread. The grain is made from many ______molecules connected together, which is why grain (and the resulting bread) contains so much energy. (grain; glucose)
  14. Humans store energy (leftover glucose) in the body as ______(glycogen). It gets stored in our ______& ______but if we do not eat for ______day, the storage will be depleted. (muscles, liver; 1)
  15. Humans main method of storing energy is though ______. (fat)
  16. Fats are part of a larger group of biological molecules called ______. (Lipids)
  17. They are unable to dissolve in ______, (Water)This is why oil and water do not mix.
  18. Triglycerides (3 ______acids combined with a ______) are found in things like ______.

(fatty; glycerol; butter, peanut butter, oils, white meat)

  1. In reference to the peanut butter jar… the liquid portion at the top is ______fat (unsaturated), which we think of as ______. (oil) The non-liquid, pasty portion is made of more ______fats, which does not have double bonds so it can pack more tightly and form a solid.
  2. You should not eat ______fats (trans) because they are straight, non-kinked version of ______fatty acids (unsaturated) and are bad for your body.
  3. Omega-______fatty acids are important because they are ______fatty acids, meaning we have to eat them to get them.(3; essential)
  4. Phospholipids align to form a cell ______. (membranes)
  5. The most complicated and powerful chemical compounds are called ______. (proteins)
  6. Name three types: ______(enzymes, antibodies, endorphins)
  7. There are ______amino acids, which are the ingredients for proteins(20)
  8. Amino acids combine to create ______peptides, which fold to create proteins(poly)
  9. There are ______amino acids that we cannot make, so we must ______them. (9; eat)
  10. What are the six elements of life? (Not in video, you should remember CHNOPS!)
  11. Which of these elements are found in energy storage molecules? (circle them above) (CHNO)
    (HINT: Go to back 12:05 in video)
  12. What is the molecular formula for glucose? ______
    (HINT: Go back to 4:30 in video) (C6H12O6)