BioGrid Australia has upgraded its SAS infrastructure. Various data resources have been renamed or moved during this upgrade process.

SAS Enterprise Guide has been upgraded from version 4.2 to version 4.3. The projects which you have created in version 4.2 are compatible with the new software. However, the data resource references in your projects may need to be updated.

The SAS Migration Wizard is a software application that is capable of automatically updating these references. An icon for this application has been placed on the remote desktop (the computer which you connect to in order to use SAS Enterprise Guide).

Please follow the following steps in order to convert your SAS Enterprise Guide 4.2 project files.

Open the SAS Migration Wizard by using the icon which is located on the remote desktop.

The first screen of the application displays information about the software.

Click the Next> button.

The second screen displays your SAS connection information.

If this screen does not display your information, please close the application and refer to the instructions within the “Enterprise Guide 4_3 User Configuration Instructions” document before proceeding. This document is saved on the remote desktop.

Click the Next> button.

The third screen is the place where you select the SAS Enterprise Guide 4.2 project files that you would like to convert.

Navigate the directories in the Available Files pane in order to find your project files. If you click the + symbol next a folder name, the folder’s contents will be displayed.

Most SAS Enterprise Guide 4.2 project files are found in the following location:

Local Computer > D:\ > SAS > SASData

Your project files may be stored in your personal folder or a shared folder. Personal folders are named with users’ BioGrid Australia usernames.

Tick the checkbox next to the names of each of the project files that you would like to convert.

Click the blue arrow with the + symbol.

Your selected project files will be displayed in the Selected Files pane.

Click the Next> button.

The fourth screen displays information.

Click the Next> button.

The Parsing Files window will display.

Click the Done button once the parsing process is complete (the Progress bar will be full).

The fifth screen is the place where you specify the new locations of the data resources which are referenced within your projects.

All servers, libraries (SAS data directories), and imported data tables that are referenced within your projects will be displayed.

Click the … button located to the right of the first object.

The next steps differ for each object type: Library, Server, File Reference.


The Specify Library window will display.

Click the Browse button.

The Select a Location window will display.

Navigate through the directories in order to locate the data resource.

Click on the name of data resource. It should become highlighted.

Click the OK button.

Verify that the correct data resource has been selected.

Click the OK button.


The Change Resource window will display.

Click the checkbox in order to remove the tick.

Click the Browse button.

Navigate through the directories in order to locate the data resource.

Click on the name of data resource. It should become highlighted.

Click the OK button.

Verify that the correct data resource has been selected.

Click the OK button.


The Select External File window will display.

Use the Look In drop-down menu or the left-hand side pane in order to navigate to your file. Please note that the file’s usual icon may not be displayed – this is because the software that opens the file’s file type is not installed on the remote desktop computer.

Click the file. It should become highlighted.

Click the Open button.

Repeat the above steps for each of the remaining data resources. This process is finished once the New Mapping column is complete.

Click the Next> button.

The sixth screen displays some final options. Please review these options and decide whether you would like to make any changes.

Click the Finish button.

The Migrating Files window will display.

Click the Done button once the migration process is complete (the Progress bar will be full).

Your project files are now ready for use with SAS Enterprise Guide 4.3.

Please contact BioGrid Australia using the contact details on our website if you require further assistance.


BioGrid Australia SAS Tip No. 4 – April 2011

BioGrid Australia | 6 North, RoyalMelbourneHospital | 300 Grattan St., Parkville 3050 | Victoria, Australia

P: +61 (3) 9342 3167 | F: +61 (3) 9342 8548 | E: | W: