Principal Investigator/Program Director (Last, First, Middle):Schiapparelli, Paula


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Paula Schiapparelli / POSITION TITLE
Postdoctoral Fellow at the Stem Cells Laboratory, Johns Hopkins Medical School
EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, and include postdoctoral training.)
(if applicable) / YEAR(s) / FIELD OF STUDY
University of Navarra, Spain / BSc / 2001-2006 / Biology and Biochemistry
University of Navarra, Spain / PHD / 2006-2010 / Molecular Biology-Pediatric oncology
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore MD. / Postdoctoral fellow / 2011- / Neuroscience

PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 09/04)Page 1 Biographical Sketch Format Page

Principal Investigator/Program Director (Last, First, Middle):Schiapparelli, Paula

  1. Personal statement

I am a Postdoctoral fellow in the Brain Tumor Stem Cell laboratory, at at Johns Hopkins Neurosurgery Department. The focus of my research is to study the role of the NKCC1 co-transporter in the migratory abilities of glioma brain tumor stem cells. My role in the project is to conduct the in vitro and ex vivo experiments to evaluate the effects of chemotactic factors in the functional regulation of NKCC1. I have the expertise and background necessary to conduct the proposed experiments with success. This project represents a perfect continuation to my previous experience in cancer biology. I am confident the knowledge that arises from this research will improve our understanding of potential new therapies for brain cancer.

  1. Positions and Honors

2003-04 Trainee at the Department of Physiology and Nutrition, University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain.

2006-07 Teaching experience as Assistant pre-doctoral student: Brain Tumor Biology Unit, University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain. Practical laboratory lessons in Cancer Research Techniques

2006-10 Teaching experience as Assistant pre-doctoral student: Department of Biochemistry, University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain. Practical laboratory lessons in Methodology and Experimental Biochemistry in Biology.

2006-10PhD student at the Cellular and Molecular Biological program at the University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain

2011-Postdoctoral fellow at the cancer stem cells laboratory at Johns Hopkins University

  1. Honors

2006-08PhD ScholarshipfromAsociacion amigos de la Universidad de Navarra (ADA). University of Navarra. Pamplona, Spain

2008-10PhD ScholarshipfromtheDepartamento de Educación del Gobierno de Navarra. Pamplona, Spain.

  1. Peer-reviewed publications (in chronological order)

1.Schiapparelli P, Shahi MH, Enguita-Germán M, Johnsen JI, Kogner P, Lazcoz P, Castresana JS “Inhibition of the sonic hedgehog pathway by cyclopamine reduces the CD133+/CD15+ cell compartment and the in vitro tumorigenic capability of neuroblastoma cells”. Cancer Lett. 2011 Nov 28;310(2):222-31.

2. Shahi MH, Schiapparelli P, Afzal M, Sinha S, Rey JA, Castresana JS. “Expression and epigenetic modulation of sonic hedgehog-GLI pathway genes in neuroblastoma cell lines and tumors”. Tumour Biol. 2011 Feb;32(1):113-27.

3. Enguita-Germán M, Gurrea M, Schiapparelli P, Zhu TS, Crowley JG, Hamm LL, Costello MA, He X, Talsma CEb, Flack CG, Hervey-Jumper SL, Heth JA, Muraszko KM, Rey JA, Fan X, Castresana JS. KIT expression and methylation in medulloblastoma and PNET cell lines and tumors. J Neurooncol. 2010 Sep 19.

4.Enguita-Germán M, Schiapparelli P, Rey JA, Castresana JS.CD133+ cells from medulloblastoma and PNET cell lines are more resistant to cyclopamine inhibition of the sonic hedgehog signaling pathway than CD133- cells.Tumor Biol. 2010 Oct; 31(5):381-90.

5.Schiapparelli P, Enguita-Germán M, Balbuena J, Rey JA, Lazcoz P, Castresana JS.Analysis of stemness gene expression and CD133 abnormal methylation in neuroblastoma cell lines.Oncol Rep. 2010 Nov;24(5):1355-62.

E. Meeting presentations:


1.“NKCC1 REGULATES GLIOMA CELL MIGRATION AND INVASION THROUGH FOCAL ADHESION DYNAMICS AND ION TRANSPORT”. Garzon-Muvdi T, Schiapparelli P, Ap Rhys C, Smith C, Kim DH, Kone L, Farber H, An S, Levchenko A, Quinones-Hinojosa. 6th Annual Johns Hopkins Bayview Research Symposium. Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, Baltimore, December 2, 2011.

2. “ANALYSIS OF EXPRESSION AND INHIBITION OF THE SONIC HEDGEHOG PATHWAY IN NEUROBLASTOMA”. Schiapparelli P,Lazcoz P,Martinsson T, Johnsen JI, Kogner P, Castresana JS. Advances in Neuroblastoma Research. Stockholm, Sweden. June 21-24. 2010.

3.“ANALYSIS OF STEMNESS GENE EXPRESSION AND CD133 ABNORMAL METHYLATION IN NEUROBLASTOMA CELL LINES”. Schiapparelli P, Enguita M, Balbuena J, Lazcoz P, Fan X, CastresanaJ S. 101th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research, Washington, DC, April 17-21, 2010.

4. “ANALYSIS OF EXPRESSION AND INHIBITION OF THE SONIC HEDGEHOG SIGNALING PATHWAY IN NEUROBLASTOMA CELL LINES”.Schiapparelli P,Lazcoz P, FanX.Castresana JS.100th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research, Denver, Colorado, April 18-22, 2009.

5.“THE EMBRYONIC AND ADULT BRAIN TUMOURS DISPLAYED DIFFERENT EXPRESSION OF NEURAL STEM CELL MARKERS”.Enguita M, Balbuena J, Schiapparelli P, Fan X, Castresana JS.99th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research, San Diego, California, April 12-16, 2008.

6.“DETECCIÓN DE CÉLULAS MADRE TUMORALES EN LÍNEAS CELULARES DE MEDULOBLASTOMA Y NEUROBLASTOMA”.Lázcoz P, Enguita M, Schiapparelli P, Castresana JS. 56º Congreso de la Asociación Española de Pediatría, Barcelona, June 7-9, 2007.


1. V International Neuroscience Symposium. University of Guadalajara. Guadalajara, Mexico, November 29-30, 2011. “ROLE OF SONIC HEDGEHOG SIGNALING IN NEUROBLASTOMA” Schiapparelli P. “NKCC1 REGULATES MIGRATION CAPACITY OF GLIOBLASTOMA CELLS”. Schiapparelli P.

F. Research Support

Project Period: 11/30/07 – 11/30/10

P.I.: Javier Sáez Castresana

Role on Project: PhD student


Source: Departamentos de Salud y Educación del Gobierno de Navarra. Pamplona, Spain.

Project Period: 10/1/07- 09/30/10

P.I.: Javier Sáez Castresana

Role on Project: PhD student


Source: Fundación Universitaria de Navarra. Pamplona, Spain.

PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 09/04)Page 1 Continuation Format Page