Binghamton University Panhellenic Council Risk ManagementPolicy
(Revised August 2017, Passed September 2017)
I. Purpose
A. To raise awareness about the level of risk that occurs at social functions, and toput in place appropriate policies and procedures to reduce the level of risk.
B. To educate members on individual health, wellness, and risk reduction througheducation workshops.
C. To promote the safety of all members of the Greek life community.
D.These regulations do not replace any specific national chapter risk managementpolicies as well as any federal, state, or local laws. The guidelines throughoutdo not supersede any individual chapter’s national risk management policies.Additionally, all university as well as federal, state, and local laws must befollowed.
II. Appointments
A. The judicial board will be made up of the Risk Management/Judicial Chair andone representative from each chapter of the Panhellenic Delegation atBinghamton University.
B. It is the job of the Risk Management Chair to head the board and run thehearings.
C. It is the job of the board as a whole to be present for and preside over hearings,deliver and enforce sanctions given by the board, attend training sessions eachsemester, host educational events and revise the policy annually. The board willalso seek the advice and counsel of a campus judicial officer or otherprofessional.
D. It is the duty of the Risk Management/Judicial Chair to conduct judicial boardtraining sessions every semester.
E. It is the responsibility of the members of the board to attend this training inorder to be present at any hearing. Failure to do so will result in the boardmember forfeiting the right to sit on the board or preside at any hearing untiltheir training is complete.
III. Education
It is the goal of the board to promote education on risk management issues. Each chapterwill be expected to have their risk management chairs attend at least one program on thefollowing topics during their appointment.
A. Legal Liability
B. Academic Integrity
C. Confrontational Skills
D. Facilitating Change in Organized Culture
E. Alcohol Poisoning
F. Alternative (Substance Free) Socials
G. Values Congruence
There will also be mandatory education for chapter officers and members on riskmanagement reduction methods and to co-sponsor events with peer councils that supportrisk management as well as attend workshops on hazing awareness.
IV. Definitions
A. Sober-. Not under the influence of any alcohol or substance that impairsthe judgment of an individual.
B. Event- Any observer of the event would associate the event with a fraternity orsorority. (May include but is not limited to: Mixers, Date Parties, Semi-Formals, orFormals)
C. Hazing- is defined as any action taken or situation created involvingprospective or new members of a group, or as a condition of continuedmembership in a group (fraternity, sorority, team, club, or other association ororganization), which would be perceived by a reasonable person as likely toproduce mental or physical discomfort, harm, stress, embarrassment,harassment or ridicule.
D. Mixer- When two or more organizations come together to hold a closed social event.
E. Date Party- A closed social event that is invitation only. Each member of the hosting organization brings a date, if they do so chose. Like a mixer in that it is more casual than a formal.
F. Formal- A closed social event that is invitation only. Each member of the hosting organization invites a date, if they do so chose. This is when formal wear is encouraged and typically in a more formal environment as well.
V. Conduct
All sororities associated with the Panhellenic Council must abide by the followingpolicies regarding their conduct.
Alcohol/Drug Policy
The Panhellenic Council opposes service to and consumption of alcoholic beverage byminors as well as other violations of the law and of university policy. The council’spolicy states:
A. Serving alcoholic beverages during mandatory sorority functions, includingany recruitment or membership programming events is prohibited.
B. No members, collectively or individually, shall purchase for, serve to, or sellalcoholic beverages to any minor.
C. Open parties and/or events are prohibited.
D. Mixers with organizations unrecognized by Binghamton University are prohibited.
E. Sponsor or co-sponsor campus or open events where alcohol is served isprohibited.
F. The use of chapter funds to purchase alcohol is prohibited.
G. There must be one sober chapter member for every twenty (1:20) members atan event. In addition the Risk Management and Social Chair of that chaptermust also be sober at these event. These two position holders do count towardsober chapter members.
H. No social event will be solely centered around alcohol (for those who are oflegal drinking age), but rather around an appropriate and acceptable theme.
I. There is to be no open punch at social events.
J. There must be at least one alcohol-free social event, per sorority, per semester.
K. The possession, distribution or use of any illegal or controlled substanceswhile on chapter premises or during a fraternity/sorority event or at any eventthat an observer would associate with the fraternity is strictly prohibited.
L. All events and individuals must be in compliance with their national/international regulations and policies, New York State Laws and FederalLaws.
Anti-Hazing Policy
The Panhellenic Council in no way supports hazing and/or any activities associated withit. Hazing is defined by this council as any act or tradition that includes but is not limitedto:
A. Any act that may endanger or harm the mental or emotional well-being of another
B. The request, encouragement or suggestion of violation of any federal, state,local law or college or university regulation
C. Engaging in mentally or physically demeaning activities
D. Requires a personal or menial task of another individual, whether publicly orprivately.
E. Deprivation of food or sleep
F. Personal servitude
G. Forced consumption of alcohol or illegal substances
H. Any activity that is considered degrading or humiliating
Social Media
Social media is a tool that must be used only to promote and portray Greek life in apositive light. It is prohibited to act unbecoming as a member of the Panhellenic Councilon social media. This includes but is not limited to:
A. Portraying yourself or other members of Greek life drinking, doing drugs, orany other inappropriate behavior.
B. It is not permitted to write anything to defame or bully another member ofthe Panhellenic community online.
VI. Consequences
If a violation of the policy is reported to the judicial board the repot will be reviewed bythe Panhellenic Executive Board. A written letter will be delivered to the chapter inquestion and we will proceed with the appropriate punishment for the violationcommitted.
Possible Sanctions Include (but are not limited to):
A. In the event that a chapter is found responsible in a Judicial Board hearing, the Judicial
Board may impose any sanction or combination of sanctions that it deems necessary.
B.Charitable Acts—requiring the chapter to perform community service as defined by the
Judicial Board and to be completed by the end of the semester of the violation.
C. Programming—Mandatory participation in relevant alcohol and other educationalworkshops. These workshops will be run by the Risk Management Chair of thePanhellenic Delegation. The entire chapter must be present for the workshop, absencesmust be discussed with the Risk Management Chair/Judicial Chair prior to the workshop.
D. Probation—Probation may be imposed for any length of time and may carry anycombination of stipulations. (Including, but not limited to: the opportunity to host social events)
E. Suspension—Suspension may be imposed for any length of time and may carry anycombination of stipulations. If suspension is imposed, specific guidelines for rerecognition of the organization will be outlined. Chapters that are suspended will be prohibited from partaking in formal and/or informal recruitment until they havecompleted the requirements for re-recognition.
G. Expulsion—Expulsion, meaning complete removal from the Greek community onBinghamton University campus for an indefinite amount of time.