
Mr. Shreenan

Technology Education

Lockview High School

148 Lockview Road

Fall River, N.S.

B2T 1J1

Phone: 902.860.6000 Ext.7721272

Fax: 902.860.6005

Email: pshreen@ staff.ednet.ns.ca


Contec 10

Welcome to the course. As students in this class you will learn about Construction Technology in both a classroom and a Production lab setting during this semester.

The purpose of this course is to help you learn about the many aspects of Construction Technology.

Your challenge will be to discover, create, solve problems, and construct solutions by using a variety of tools, machines, computer systems, materials, processes and

Technological systems.

You will be applying knowledge of Construction Technology-based careers in terms of: personal interests and abilities; educational opportunities and requirements; career opportunities, trends and requirements; and other factors for employability.

You will have the opportunity to demonstrate your ability to solve problems with technology using a systems approach, higher-level thinking skills, individual and

collaborative ingenuity, and while including a variety of resources together with: information, tools, and materials.

Emphasis will be placed on hands-on activities in the lab, critical thinking,

problem solving, skill development, technical literacy and numeracy, and safety while working in the Production lab with tools and equipment.

Shreenan’s Web page: http://hrsbstaff.ednet.ns.ca/pshreen/

Department of Education Technology Course Outcomes Links: https://sapps.ednet.ns.ca/Cart/items.php?CA=17&UID=2007090517004771.7.212.198

http://hrsbstaff.ednet.ns.ca/pshreen/Assessment and Evaluation at Lockview - Statement for Course Synopsis 2012-2013.doc


Be Prepared: You will need to bring these to each class / Shop.

*Buy your own pair of *SAFETY GLASSES for shop work in the Production Lab.

Your Portfolio: Everyone needs a binder (Just for Contec 10) with lined and unlined paper/ graph paper / PLUS 5 section dividers. (Safety, Notes, Assignments, Resources, Quiz / Tests)

Flash Drive /math set / 30cm metal ruler / pen / pencils / eraser /etc.

Construction Technology (Contec 10) at Lockview High School is taught in an active laboratory setting rich in hands-on, multi-sensory experiences. Such a laboratory setting has abundant opportunities for varied and multiple methods of student assessments.

Therefore, student assessment in Construction Technology (Contec 10) will provide for a variety of ways in which students can demonstrate their achievement of the learner outcomes.

Module 1 and 2 Evaluations Semester

•Assignments 20% Semester 70%

•Portfolio 15%

•Tests 15% EXAM 30%

•Lab 40% ------

•Class Mark 10% 100%


Total 100%

Types of Assignments and checklists can be found at this link:


Major Semester Assessments: 1. Build a Scale Model Shed to specifications. 2. Build a Scale Model Cardboard house to specifications. 3. Do a Final Project (ABCD) on Construction Technology. 4. Complete an organized Contec 10 Portfolio with samples of all assigned semester work.

**IMPORTANT: “Shop Safety” and “Course Outline” Parent/Guardian Signatures REQUIRED.

Parent / Guardian Signature ______
