Please consult Training School website for CPD support materials and other useful booklets

Sections of PDP for Bilingual Support / EAL Staff

Section 1 / C.V. and Documentation Relating to Post
Section 2 / Previous Performance Management Documentation
Section 3 / Preparations for Performance Management – Needs / Progress Analysis Against the Standards
Section 4 / Performance Management Review
Section 5a / Evidence for Level 2,
Core / Mandatory (working towards NVQ)
Section 5b / Evidence for Level 2, Optional
Section 6 / Evidence for Level 3
Core / Mandatory (working towards NVQ)
Section 7 / Evidence for Level 3
Option A, STL 23, 24, 28, 29, 30, 31
Option D, STL 55, 56
Section 8 / Record of Inset Activity
Section 9 / WholeSchool Contribution
Section 10 / Other

Forward from Carol Rushton

Workforce reform and other developments in schools have led to support staff carrying out increasingly diverse and responsible roles. This has an impact on their training and development needs together with the type of Professional Development Portfolio (PDP) they may wish to keep.

The National Occupational Standards form a baseline for the PDP I have produced. They describe what Bilingual Support / EAL staff need to do, know and understand in their roles. This will develop capacity and capability and support the organisation in achieving the vision of the 21st Century school set out in the recent Children’s Plan.

On-line guidance assists development and progression ( It also inks to a range of relevant training programmes and resources.

The Standards are set out in this way for Bilingual Support / EAL Staff:

Level 2-Core / Mandatory, STL 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Level 2-Optional, STL 9, 11

Level 3-Core / Mandatory STL 3, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22

Level 3-Option Group A, STL 23, 28, 29

Option Group B, STL 35, 36

Option Group C, STL 52

I have produced grids for each of the above, which can be used as a needs analysis and then to track progress / development.

I think that this is a positive development which raises the profile of Bilingual Support / EAL staff and the important, much valued work that they do.

Carol Rushton

Useful websites

Section One

C.V. and Other Relevant Documentation

Relating to Post

Section Two


Performance Management Documentation

Section Three

Preparations for Performance Management Needs / Progress Analysis Against the Standards

The following pages provide descriptions of each unit relating to the work of the Bilingual Support / EAL staff. Some units relate to other suites of National Occupational Standards across the Children’s Workforce. The suite of Standards that the unit originates from is referenced in brackets in the title. The full name of the suite is listed below.

Abbreviation / Suite of national occupational standards / Organisation responsible for the standards
CCLD / Children’s Care, Learning and Development / Skills for Care and Development
HSC / Health and Social Care / Skills for Care and Development
PW / Playwork / Skills Active
IL / Information and Library Services / Lifelong Learning UK
OP / Outdoor Programmes / Skills Active
CHS / Clinical Health Skills / Skills for Health
YW / Youth Work / Lifelong Learning UK
LDSS / Learning, Development and Support Services for children, young People and those who care for them / Skills for Care and Development
M&L / Management and Leadership / Management Standards Centre
MV / Management of Volunteers / UK Workforce Hub
L&D / Learning and Development / Lifelong Learning UK

Grid for Level 2

Core / Mandatory Units STL1 – STL5

Start of Employment / 20 _ _ / 20_ _ / 20_ _ / 20_ _ / 20_ _ / 20_ _
Provide support for learning activity
Support children’s development
(CCLD 203)
Help to keep children safe
(CCLD 202)
Contribute to positive relationships
(CCLD 201)
Provide effective support for your colleagues

S = Secure

D = Developing

N = Needs developing

Grid for Level 2

Optional Units


Start of Employment / 20 _ _ / 20_ _ / 20_ _ / 20_ _ / 20_ _ / 20_ _
Observe and report on pupil performance
Contribute to supporting bilingual / multilingual pupils

S = Secure

D = Developing

N = Needs developing

Grid for Level 3

Core / Mandatory Units STL3, STL18 – STL22

Start of Employment / 20 _ _ / 20_ _ / 20_ _ / 20_ _ / 20_ _ / 20_ _
Help to keep children safe
(CCLD 202)
Support pupils’ learning activities
Promote positive behaviour
Contribute to positive relationships
(CCLD 201)
Support the development and effectiveness of work teams
Reflect on and develop practice
(CCLD 304)

S = Secure

D = Developing

N = Needs developing

Grid for Level 3, Option A

Supporting Pupils’ Learning,

STL23, STL28, STL29

Start of Employment / 20 _ _ / 20_ _ / 20_ _ / 20_ _ / 20_ _ / 20_ _
Plan, deliver and evaluate teaching and learning activities under the direction of a teacher
Support teaching and learning in a curriculum area
Observe and promote pupil performance and development

S = Secure

D = Developing

N = Needs developing

Grid for Level 3, Option B

Meeting Additional Support Needs

STL35, STL36

Start of Employment / 20 _ _ / 20_ _ / 20_ _ / 20_ _ / 20_ _ / 20_ _
Support bilingual / multilingual pupils
Provide bilingual / multilingual support for teaching and learning

S = Secure

D = Developing

N = Needs developing

Grid for Level 3, Option C

Providing Pastoral Support


Start of Employment / 20 _ _ / 20_ _ / 20_ _ / 20_ _ / 20_ _ / 20_ _
Support children and families through home visiting (CCLD 331)

S = Secure

D = Developing

N = Needs developing

Section Four

Bilingual Support / EAL Staff PDP /

Performance Management

Review Booklet

The Bishop of Hereford’s BluecoatSchool

Training School



The Bishop of Hereford’s BluecoatSchool

Training School


Hereford, HR1 1UU

Tel: 01432 347529

Fax: 01432 347566


List of Standards Relating to Bilingual Support / EAL Staff

Level 2-Core / Mandatory Units

STL1 Provide support for learning activity

This unit is about support provided to the teacher and pupils to ensure effective teaching and learning. It involves agreeing with the teacher the individual’s role in supporting planned learning activities, providing the agreed support and giving feedback to the teacher about how well the activity went. The learning activities may be for individual pupils, groups of pupils or the whole class. However the contribution to supporting the learning activities is likely to involve working only with individuals or mall groups. The learning activities may be delivered in the classroom or any setting where teaching and learning takes place such as field studies, educational visits, extended hours provision and study support arrangements.

STL2 Support children’s development (CCLD 203)

This unit is about routine observation of children and young people’s development in everyday work. It is a competence that required knowledge and understanding of children and young people’s development from 0 to 16 years and the ability to demonstrate competence with the children/young people the individual is working with. It covers observing children / young people, sharing observational findings, contributing to the implementation of activities to support development and contributing to planning to meet children and young people’s needs.

STL3 Help to keep children safe (CCLD 202)

This unit is about keeping children and young people safe during day-to-day work activities. It covers responding to accidents, emergencies and illness, and requires familiarity with and the ability to set in motion safety, safeguarding and welfare procedures, according to the policies and procedures of the setting.

STL4 Contribute to positive relationships (CCLD 201)

This unit is about interacting with and responding positively to children, young people and adults. It includes verbal and non-verbal communication skills involved when working with children and young people, and when dealing with adults, together with the importance of valuing people equally.

SLT5 Provide effective support for your colleagues

This unit is about being an effective member of the school staff. It involves working effectively with colleagues and taking an active role in developing skills and expertise.

Level 2-Optional Units

STL9Observe and report on pupil performance

This unit is about carrying out, and reporting on, systematic observations of pupils to gather evidence of their knowledge, understanding and skills upon which the teacher makes judgements about their stage of development.

STL11Contribute to supporting bilingual / multilingual pupils

This unit is about support provided to bilingual / multilingual pupils for language development and learning in the appropriate second or additional language. It is applicable for support provided for English as an additional language (EAL), or Welsh or Gaeilge as a second language.

Level 3-Core / Mandatory Units

STL3 Help to keep children safe(CCLD 202)

This unit is about keeping children and young people safe during day-to-day work activities. It covers responding to accidents, emergencies and illness, and requires familiarity with and the ability to set in motion safety, safeguarding and welfare procedures, according to the policies and procedures of the setting.

*This unit appears in both level 2 and level 3.

STL18 Support pupils’ learning activities

This unit is about support provided to the teacher and pupils to ensure effective teaching and learning. It involves identifying what needs to be done to support planned learning activities and promote independent learning, providing the agreed support and giving feedback to the teacher about progress made by the pupils. The learning activities may be delivered in the classroom or any setting where teaching and learning takes place such as field studies, educational visits, extended hours provision and study support arrangements. The learning activities may be for individual pupils, groups of pupils, or the whole class and may be delivered in the absence of the teacher, e.g. when providing cover supervision or working with pupils outside of the classroom.

STL19 Promote positive behaviour

This unit is about implementing agreed behaviour management strategies to promote positive behaviour and supporting pupils to manage their own behaviour.

STL20 Contribute to positive relationships (CCLD 201)

This unit is about developing and promoting positive relationships with children and young people, communicating with children / young people and adults, and fostering positive relationships between children / young people and with other adults. It is appropriate for all settings and services where children and young people are present.

SLT21 Support the development and effectiveness of work teams

This unit is about being an effective member of a work team. It involves taking an active role in supporting and developing team effectiveness.

SLT22 Reflect on and develop practice (CCLD 304)

This unit is about needing to reflect on practice. Self-evaluation and reflection will enable the individual to learn and develop their practice. It also includes taking part in continuing professional development and how this has been used to develop their practice.

Level 3-Option Group A

STL23Plan, deliver and evaluate teaching and learning activities under

the direction of a teacher

This unit is about planning and delivering teaching and learning activities to complement, reinforce and/or extend teaching and learning planned and delivered by the teacher. It also involves monitoring and providing feedback on pupil participation and progress, and the individual evaluating their contribution to the learning activity. The teaching and learning activities will be for individual pupils or small groups of pupils and delivered alongside or close to the teacher who remains in overall charge of the whole class. They may be delivered in the classroom or any setting where teaching and learning takes place such as field studies, educational visits, extended hours provision and study support arrangements. Planning, implementation and evaluation will also cover any partnership working with the teacher as part of the overall lesson plan, for example when working with the whole class in a plenary session. Teaching and learning activities should take place under the direction and supervision of a qualified teacher in accordance with arrangements made by the Headteacher of the school.

STL28Support teaching and learning in a curriculum area

This unit is about developing and using subject knowledge and skills to support teaching and learning in a curriculum area. It does no, however, cover the specialist technical functions carried out by technicians, librarians and ICT professionals which are covered in separate sets of national occupational standards. Subject or curriculum area refers to all forms of organised learning experienced across the curriculum. For example, area of learning in the foundation stage; broad areas of curriculum experience and learning through play in the early years; thematically structured work in the primary phase; single subjects, vocational subjects and cross-curricular work in the 14 – 19 phase.

STL29Observe and promote pupil performance and development

This unit is about carrying out, and reporting on, systematic observations of pupils to gather evidence of their knowledge, understanding and skills, and working with the teacher to plan and improve the support the individual provides to promote pupil performance and development.

Level 3-Option Group B

STL35 Support bilingual / multilingual pupils

This unit is about support provided to bilingual / multilingual pupils for language development and learning across the curriculum in the appropriate second or additional language. It is to provide support for English as an additional language (EAL), or Welsh or Gaeilge as a second language.


ST36Provide bilingual / multilingual support for teaching and learning

This unit is about using the pupils’ first language to assist with assessing their educational abilities and linguistic support needs, providing bilingual / multilingual support for teaching and learning, and liaising with families to promote pupils’ participation and progress in learning. It is to provide support for English as an additional language (EAL, or Welsh or Gaeilge as a second language.

Level 3-Option Group C

STL52Support children and families through home visiting (CCLD 331)

This unit is about visiting families in their homes to provide support for children or young people and their parents and families.

The Bishop of Hereford’s Bluecoat School

Professional Development Portfolio


Every period in education seems to be marked by one or other particular priority; a current emphasis in professional development of all staff, teaching and Associate Staff.

As an establishment having Training School Status, Investors in People and Charter Mark, we are proud to place Continuing Professional Development at the heart of school activities and to consider it an important element of the School Improvement Plan. We are also pleased to make new experiences and responsibilities open to staff, in itself an opportunity for professional development. Performance Management and discussion of training and development needs is a right of all colleagues.

More recent developments have put a new emphasis on individual staff taking more responsibility for their own development, and recording their experiences in some formal way. Newly Qualified Teachers record their achievements against Induction Standards and use their Career Entry and Development Profile as a baseline for development targets. ASTs have a record of evidence of their success. All staff, under the recommendations of the Green Paper, will need to have documented their success in reaching targets as part of their preparation for assessment, should they wish to proceed to higher salary scales.

Given these developments our Governors’ Staffing Committee requested that we develop a pilot form of Professional Development Portfolio which was used on a trial basis during the academic year 1999 – 2000. During the year, the revised arrangements for Teaching Staff Appraisal, (now referred to as Performance Management), have come into force. Accordingly all staff are now expected to keep their PDP up to date, with copies of their appraisal, INSET and other records. Much of the contents of the first PDP has been revised, along with extensive revision to the documentation used for appraisal (Performance Management). A full set of the new PDP sheets is now provided for all teaching staff.

Newly Qualified Staff will continue to have their own Career Entry and Development Profile for their first year of teaching, where they work towards Induction Standards.

All documentation will be on the Training School website, with copies of lesson observation sheets, etc. being in the Staff Quiet Room. The Training School is able to support requests for Continuing Professional Development and materials etc, that staff may need.

Learning Support Assistants working towards accreditation for Higher Level Teaching Assistant status will have a portfolio of evidence of training but will still have Performance Management Review meetings and keep a P.D.P.

The Governors are continuing to take a close interest in how we are able to use the documents for the benefit of the school, the teams we work in and most importantly for the individual concerned.

The Bishop of Hereford’s BluecoatSchool

Professional Development Portfolio



  • To take some responsibility for their own professional development by:

-Building up a record of their own professional development during the academic year, both in and out of school.

-Having both an interim review and a summative review with their team leader during the academic year.

-Drawing up appropriate targets in consultation with team leader at the beginning of each academic year.

-Making a record of these targets.

-Collecting evidence in support of the achievement of these targets.

-Reviewing the achievement of these targets during and at the end of the academic year.

-Making a record of lesson observations (i.e. lessons in which they have been observed and lessons which they have observed).