Big Rock: Novice Reduction and Strengthened PLC
Fully Implemented / Partially Implemented / Not ImplementedIn 30 Days, we will know that we are successful when:
●PLC’s are implemented on a weekly basis
●Administrators will run weekly PLC meetings
●Teachers are recording results exit slips and formative assessments and analyzing results in PLC meetings
The Measures/Evidence we will use are:
●PLC Schedule, PLC Protocol (PDSA),
30 Days Action Strategies / Who is on point? / By when? / How communicated?
Principal will attend informational session on how to use PDSA in elementary classroom / Principal / Sept. 21st & 22nd / PLC meetings
K-2nd teachers will be using daily Exit slips in reading and math and recording results to analyze in PLC / Teachers / Sept. 30 / PLC meetings
3rd-5th teachers will be using daily Exit slips in all assessed areas and recording results to analyze in PLC / Teachers / Sept. 30 / PLC meetings
All teachers will bring student assessments to PLC meetings to be discussed and analyzed / Teachers, Principals / Ongoing / PLC meetings
Teachers will analyze data from exit slips to inform and guide instructional strategies and reteaching opportunities / Teachers, Principal Team / Sept. 30 / PLC meetings
Teachers will track MAP data and analyze results of student progress / Teachers, Principals / After each MAP session / RTI, PLC mtgs
Fully Implemented / Partially Implemented / Not Implemented
In 60 Days, we will know that we are successful when:
●PLC’s are analyzing common assessments using the PDSA model.
●Using the common assessment and formative assessment results to modify or enhance instruction. We will use a PDSA form to analyze the assessments and discuss next steps.
●Students score in proficiency on formative and common assessments
●We are using our exit slip, assessments, AVMR and MAP data to drive our RTI instruction
The Measures/Evidence we will use are:
●AVMR from our MAF grant and our interventionist
●Formative/Common Assessments
●Data Boards used for MAP results that show RIT and Percentile growth. Every child is listed on these boards.
60 Days Action Strategies / Who is on point? / By when? / How communicated?
Analyze data charts for data room and hang them in data room. Each MAP test (next one winter) we will use PLC time to move our students to show growth or non growth and figure out next steps. / Principal, Asst. Principal, MAP coordinator and Teachers. / After each MAP testing session / We will use PLC time to move student cards and analy results. Interventionists will also be a part of this work.
A school assessment calendar is created to map out all of our formative and common assessments. We will use this information to keep up with our work in analyzing the results and modifying instruction if needed. / Teachers, Principals, District common assessment coordinator / Calendar is ongoing. / We will remind teachers to use the calendar at PLC, RTI and through weekly emails.
PDSA protocol to be introduced to the teachers to be used after each formative/common assessment. / Principal / October 28 / PDSA protocol used during PLC time and results will be communicated by sharing GRADEcam to principal and district leaders.
Novice KPREP list will be discussed at every ILT/RTI meeting and intervention results will be discussed to check for progress/non-progress. / Instructional Leadership Team, Principal, Interventionists / Monthly / Each member of ILT will take information back to their team.
Teachers are creating Individual Data Plans (IDP) for every student with MAP, KPREP, F&P score to keep in data binder and to self-assess standards. Teachers will create standards chart for students to use to assess whether or not they have mastered standard. / Teachers will keep binders in their room. Teachers will create standard chart for students. Principal will be resource. / Ongoing self-assessment throughout the year. / Through data days, Leader In Me study, PLC’s and faculty meetings.
Fully Implemented / Partially Implemented / Not Implemented
In 90 Days, we will know that we are successful when:
The Measures/Evidence we will use are:
90 Days Action Strategies / Who is on point? / By when? / How communicated?