Big Flats Fire District #1

Board Fire Commission

Preliminary Minutes

August 11, 2016

Roll: G. Goldthwait, D. Gardner, H. Fowler, D. Hickman, K. Johnston, T. Goldthwait

T. Gardner - Excused

Meeting called to order at 6:04 pm


Association of Fire Districts of the State of New York – Registration Packet for training

Association of Fire Districts of the State of New York - Newsletter

Brico Technology – Installation of Radios

Municipal Emergency Services (MES) – Results of Air pack test

Concerned Citizen – Letter of concern

Approval of Monthly Minutes:

H. Fowler made a motion to approve the June meeting minutes. D. Gardner seconded motion. 4 Ayes, motion carried.

Public Comment:

No comment

DOP Report

H. Fowler made a motion to accept the DOP report. D. Gardner seconded motion. 4 Ayes, motion carried.

Bills for Month and Treasurer’s Report:

See attached

H. Fowler made a motion to pay the bills for the month $77,874.28. D. Hickman seconded motion. 4 Ayes, motion carried.

H. Fowler made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report. D. Gardner seconded motion. 4 Ayes, motion carried.

K. Johnston requested to move $1,300.00 from miscellaneous line item to the fire training line item.


D. Gardner and K. Johnston met with the auditor. Everything looked good no increase in cost expected.


Nothing to report

Public Relations:

National Night Out event for 1st Responders was well attended and great coverage of the Big Flats Fire Company.


381 – Back folding doors were bent and were repaired.

Outrigger on 331 and release valve on 333 were not working and were fixed.

Boat has been serviced.

Chief’s Report:

55 calls for the month see attached.

Would like to purchase the following items:

Elevator Key set –Fire Store - $194.00, Field Fire - $185.95

Chimney Scrubber – Sole Proprietor:

3 Brush Kit - $1,284.00

2 Brush Kit - $1,084.00

Complete 3 Brush Kit with extra chain- $1,399.00

Extra chain $150.00 extra

W-Tool – Forcible tool – Sole Proprietor:

Master Kit - $3,450.00

3 Tools with Tips - $2,472.00

Electric Fan – Received 3 prices $1,600.00, $993.99 and $933.39.

Discussion on ordering and replenishing EMS supplies. Should be handled by Company EMT Captain or other designated EMT.

Paper work has been completed with the Health Department. All set for 3 years.

Discussion on Grant received by Tom O’Mara’s office for training and recruitment.

Grant writing workshop, sponsored by Tom Reed, is being held on August 16, 2016 at 6 pm.

Discussion on M. Joyce taking the EMT training in Schuylar County.

H. Fowler made the motion to allow Mike Joyce to take the EMT training in Schuylar County. D. Hickman seconded motion. 4 Ayes, motion carried.

Truck wash is needed at the cost of around $645.00

New Truck

New Truck needs to be picked up, Friday, August 12, 2016. Dan will ride down and take the truck for stripping.

Old Business:

Discussion on programing radios to include East Corning.

Discussion on paid drivers not posting.

Received pricing on the chain. The price of 4 -16’ is $60.00 each for a total $240.00, 4 – 1’ chain with non-slip hook is $20.00 each for a total of $80.00.

T. Gardner is still working on the Knox Box policy.

Reminder that the budget workshops are on Tuesday, August 16th and Tuesday, August 23rd at 6 pm.

New Business:

Discussion on holding a training class here at the Fire Department.

Driver in need of a coat and will need to be custom ordered.

Discussion on purchasing a new washer and dryer for the drivers. Need to make sure it fits in the space.

Received a shipment from a company that was not ordered. Discussion on how to handle returning the product. Tom Bowes will write a letter to the company.

Discussion on chain of command of officers.

Discussion on Safe Alert’s update. We have a 30 day trial.

H. Fowler made a motion to transfer $1,300 from the miscellaneous line item to training line item. D. Hickman seconded motion. 4 Ayes, motion carried.

D. Gardner made a motion to pay ESI $34,822.50 out of reserve for the final installment. H. Fowler seconded motion. 4 Ayes, motion carried.

H. Fowler made a motion to purchase a set of elevator keys in the amount of $185.95. D. Hickman seconded motion. 4 Ayes, motion carried.

H. Fowler made a motion to purchase the complete chimney sweep kit with the 3 brushes and extra chain in the amount of $1,399.00. D. Hickman seconded motion. 4 Ayes, motion carried.

H. Fowler made a motion to purchase a hydraulic entry tool in the amount of $3,450.00. D. Hickman seconded motion. 4 Ayes, motion carried.

H. Fowler made a motion to purchase an electric fan in the amount of $993.99. D. Hickman seconded motion, 4 Ayes, motion carried.

G. Goldthwait made a motion to purchase 4 – 16’ chain and 4- 1” chain with hook in the amount of $320.00. D. Gardner seconded motion. 4 Ayes, motion carried.

Discussion on posting issues and mutual aid. Will discuss with Rural Metro.

H. Fowler made a motion to purchase Zep shine not to exceed $650.00. D. Gardner seconded motion. 4 Ayes, motion carried.

H. Fowler made a motion to purchase a new coat for the paid driver not to exceed $2,500.00. G. Goldthwait seconded motion. 4 Ayes, motion carried.

D. Hickman made a motion to purchase stackable washer and dryer up to $1,600.00. D. Gardner seconded motion. 4 Ayes motion carried.

H. Fowler made a motion to pay ESI out of miscellaneous $5,573.15 for additional brackets and work. D. Hickman seconded motion. 4 Ayes, motion carried.

D. Gardner made a motion to go into executive session to discuss personnel issues. H. Fowler seconded motion. 4 Ayes, motion carried.

H. Fowler made the motion to go out of executive session. D. Gardner seconded motion. 4 Ayes, motion carried.


D. Gardner made a motion to adjourn. H. Fowler seconded motion. 4 Ayes, motion carried.