Big Bend National Park and

the Texas Hill Country

El Paso to San Antonio

Birds, Natural History,and Photography

April 18-27, 2014

Led by Mark Smith


Mark Smith has been a keen student of nature since he was a small boy. At Oregon State University he studied biology, and for 25 years he has organized and lednatural history tours. His trips and travels have brought him many times to Central and South America, Asia, Africa, Madagascar, Australia and Europe. In his home state of Oregon, he has led numerous tours for The Nature Conservancy of Oregon, Portland Audubon Society, OregonMuseum of Science and Industry and

Elderhostel. He has conducted research for The National Science Foundation and the National Marine Fisheries Service. He is a co-author of Birds of Oregon. His broad knowledge and contagious enthusiasm have kept travelers returning to his trips year after year.


We will be staying in comfortable hotels and cabins, all with attached bathrooms. All but six meals are included. Meals paid for individually are indicated in the itinerary. Formal dress is not necessary. The group will be limited to 9 participants. Transport will be in one van with air conditioning.

activities and expectations

In desert areas most of our activity will be in the cool of the morning and evening. There will be several walks for distances of about three leisurely miles. One longer hike, usually of 6 miles, toward Boot Springs is optional—participants can easily return to the lodge at any time, and there are good, relaxed options. A few days we will be driving about four hours, and one day there is a six to seven hour drive with interesting short stops.


By early December participants will be sent maps, an equipment list, bird lists, copies of selected articles, and a list of suggested reading to aid in preparation for the trip.


Initialreservation deposit$ 500

Final Paymentdue Feb. 19, 2013$2050

Ground Fare Total: $2550

Deposit and final payment checks should be

made payable to Mark Smith Nature Tours, and sent to:

Mark Smith

PO Box 3831

Portland, Oregon 97208

If you have any questions, please call Mark at

360-566-0458. Mark’se-mail .

The single supplement for this tour is $380and should be added to the final payment. If you request a roommate we will try to find one for you.


Pam Davis of Willamette International Travel is familiar with our itinerary, and I encourage participants to use her in arranging flights to El Paso and from San Antonio.

Pam Davis of Willamette International Travel

1314 NW Irving St. #101

Portland, OR 97209-2721


Phone: 503-224-0180 or 1-800-821-0401


For cancellations made more than 90 days prior to departure there is a full refund. Cancellations made between 90 and 60 days before departure forfeit $500, and for cancellations made within 60 days of the departure date 65% of the tour cost is forfeited. We recommend participants consider trip cancellation insurance, which can be bought through Willamette International Travel.

(Meals paid for individually are indicated by “Individual dinner, etc.”)

Day 1Friday, April 18Home to El Paso

We meet in the lobby of the Marriott Hotel, close to the Airport, at 6 p.m. to get acquainted and discuss tomorrow’s plans. We then go to dinner in small groups. The Marriott offers a free shuttle from the airport. (Individual dinner.) For those arriving after 6:00, Mark will call your room.

Day 2Saturday, April 19El Paso to the Davis Mountains

Following an early breakfast we drive east to the volcanic Davis Mountains, which rise in the distant desert, an oasis of coolness.

An aquifer charged by rainwater from the Davis Mountains creates Lake Balmorhea, where terns, gulls, waterfowl and grebes are often present, along with many shorebirds. In the late afternoon we visit the cottonwoods of Limpia Creek, where Common Black Hawk has nested in recent years. Bird feeders frequently attract Montezuma Quail and numerous migrantsat Davis Mountain State Park. Night at the historic Indian Lodge in the park. (Individual dinner.)

Day 3Sunday, April 20Davis Mountains to Big Bend

We search early for Montezuma Quail near the lodge, and then drive up the Mount Locke road through grassy hillsides with scattered oak, pines, and junipers. We’ll visit the renowned McDonald Observatory, where great discoveries in astronomy have been made.In the afternoon during our drive to Big Bend, we may observe pronghorn amidst the agave studded grasslands. Desert vistas on the way to Big Bend are spectacular. Tonight and the next three nights will be in Big Bend Resort, just outside Big Bend National Park. (Individual lunch and dinner.)

Day 4, 5 & 6Mon., Tues., Wed., April 21, 22, 23Big Bend National Park

These three days we will explore the varied elevations and habitats of Big Bend, each with unique plants and animals. Many of the park’s most fascinating plants are those that have adapted to survive the desert heat. The nature trail at Rio Grande Village is a good area to investigate lowland desert plants, such as lechuguilla, candelilla, and various cacti. Earless lizards and whiptails may be active along the trail, especially in late morning. Cactus Wren, Curve-billed and Crissal Thrashers, and Verdin may be found here and elsewhere in low desert.

One morning we birdwatch in the cottonwoods and mesquite thickets along the Rio Grande floodplain. Golden-fronted Woodpecker, Greater Roadrunner, Vermilion Flycatcher, Bell’s Vireo, Summer Tanager, and Painted Bunting are common, and we can also expect to find an interesting mix of migrants. Gray Hawk, Lark, Varied, and Lazuli Buntings, Green-tailed Towhee, Blue Grosbeak, Orchard Oriole, and a variety of warblers are possible.

A walk up spectacular Blue Creek provides one of our best opportunities to sight Lucifer Hummingbird, Gray Vireo, Varied Bunting and Scott’s Oriole.

The Colima Warbler is a Mexican species that ranges into the U.S. only in the pine-oak forests of the Chisos Mts. Our hike into the mountains usually affords us views of the warbler, along with the Blue-throated Hummingbird, Hutton’s Vireo, and Black-chinned Sparrow. Also possible are the Painted Redstart, Gray-breasted Jay, Hepatic Tanager, Zone-tailed Hawk, and Peregrine

Falcon. It is a slightly strenuous hike, but we will proceed at a pace to fit the group and there are many interesting things to see. The trail is well maintained, and the vistas and photo opportunities are superb. We can turn back whenever we like.

One evening we make an optional foray to search for Elf Owl, Western Screech Owl, and Common Poorwill. Interesting mammals such as coyotes, bobcats and collared peccaries are also possibilities. (Two individual lunches.)

Day 7Thursday, April 24Big Bend National Park to Concan

After a final beautiful morning in Big Bend, we begin the long drive through West Texas to the Edwards Plateau. En route we may view Cave Swallow, Scissor-tailed Flycatcher, and possibly Harris Hawk. At last we reach the Hill Country, a region of wooded hills, valleys, and cypress-bordered streams which host a different mix of bird and plant life. Yellow-throated Warbler, Olive Sparrow, Green Kingfisher, Long-billed Thrasher, and Common Ground Dove occur on the grounds of Neal’s Lodge where we spend three delightful nights.

Day 8 & 9Fri., Sat., April 25, 26Concan, Edward’s Plateau

Our destination today is the lovely Lost Maples Natural Area with clear streams, sylvan glades, and limestone cliffs. Two of the most celebrated plateau residents occur here, the Black-capped Vireo which nests in thickets, and the Golden-cheeked Warbler which inhabits Ashe Junipers on the ridges. We should see an interesting mix of eastern and western birds including Acadian Flycatcher, Green Kingfisher, Black-and-white Warbler, Indigo Bunting, White-eyed Vireo, Canyon Wren, and Rufous-crowned Sparrow. At dusk we view one of the great wildlife spectacles of North America — ten million Mexican free-tailed bats emerging from their nursery roost in a cave, a long undulating column snaking into the horizon. Returning to the lodge we may encounter night birds such as Common Poorwill, Chuck-wills-widow, and Eastern Screech Owl. Fireflies will be dancing in the forests.

Day 10Sunday, April 27Concan to San Antonio

A final idyllic morning at Neal’s Lodge and then we drive to San Antonio. En route we may make stops in search of Upland Sandpiper, Black-bellied Whistling Duck, Crested Caracara, Long-billed Thrasher, and Cassin’s, Clay-colored and Lark Sparrows. We may see singing Dickcissels.

We arrive at the San Antonio airport at 12:00 noon, and say farewell to our new friends.