Mandelson speech to British Irish Chamber of Commerce, March 15th

Daily Mail: Canadian-style trade deal would leave UK paying more for less

‘The Leave campaign’s favoured alternative model is Canada’s trade agreement with the EU. This is a major strategic error, as it exposes the inferior weaker alternative future they offer.’

The Irish Times: Brexit could irrevocably reorder UK, says Peter Mandelson

‘Britain’s departure from the EU could irrevocably reorder the UK through the restoration of a hard border between the two parts of Ireland, former EU commissioner Peter Mandelson will warn.’

Darren McCaffrey, Sky News Politics Correspondent (personal twitter page):

‘Lord Mandelson lays into BoJo: he is living in a fantasy land that UK could strike a better trade deal outside EU.’ On Corbyn’s role in the EU campaign: ‘he can (play a more prominent role), he should and I believe he will.’

RTE: Brexit could mean return of border controls- Mandelson

‘Brexit could mean return of border controls if the UK left the EU.’ Mandelson: the EU has been a substantial and stabilising presence in Ireland and has enabled a peace process in the North. A British/Irish shared EU membership is an important framework for supporting peace.

Evening Standard: Mandelson accuses Boris of risking special relationship after Mayor mocks Obama

Lord Mandelson will accuse Mr Johnson and fellow Out campaigners of ignoring the fears of ‘Britain’s greatest ally’ in a speech tomorrow. He will say: ‘Johnson likes to think he is the only one who speaks for Britain, but he is busy ignoring Britain’s greatest ally in a way that could damage the special relationship.’

Huffington Post: Brexit could trigger violence in Northern Ireland, warns Lord Mandelson

Leaving the EU could trigger violence in Northern Ireland as the peace process unravels, Lord Mandelson warned today in a major speech attacking Brexit. He argued ‘extremists’ in the region would welcome the introduction of a ‘hard’ border between the north and south if the UK voted to leave the EU.

Bloomberg Business: CBI Backs Staying in EU as Politicians Spar Over Canada Option

His (David Cameron’s) comments were supported by former European Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson, who said the U.K. would have to pay more in return for fewer benefits under such an arrangement.

“That is a major strategic error by the ‘Leave’ campaign as it exposes in one leap the inferior, weaker alternative future that they offer for Britain outside the European Union," Mandelson, a former government minister, said in a speech to the British-Irish Chamber of Commerce in London. He summed up the Canada deal as “new tariffs on trade, no influence and restricted market access. In short, you pay more for less.”

The Guardian: Mandelson says leaving the EU could undermine the Northern Ireland peace process

Lord Mandelson gave a speech to the British-Irish Chamber of Commerce this morning. He claimed that Boris Johnson was living in a ‘fantasy world’ if he thought it would be wise for Britain to negotiate a Canada-style trade deal with the EU.

International Business Times: Brexit could trigger return of separatist bloodshed in Northern Ireland warns Peter Mandelson

Separatists in Northern Ireland would welcome the prospect of the UK breaking away from the EU with open arms, according to Lord Mandelson. He issued the warning during a speech to the British-Irish Chamber of Commerce on 15 March.

BBC News: Brexit: Peter Mandelson warns of risk to NI peace process and jobs

Peter Mandelson has warned a UK exit from the EU could result in renewed sectarianism, risking jobs and peace. Mandelson said the EU had been central to the peace process and an ‘enabler of peace in Northern Ireland.’ He claimed a UK exit would lead to new Irish border controls, setting back peace process achievements, and putting 50,000 Northern Ireland jobs at risk.

BBC World at One:

Leaving the EU would be a devastating blow for the British economy. ‘If we don’t have privileged, unhindered, full access to the single market, anything else would be second best. We would face new penalties, costs, tariff barriers, that would put a price on what we export to Europe and the imports coming in, which would raise prices in shops here. I don’t think Boris Johnson knows how the single market works. He is playing politics with this issue without thinking of the economic consequences of leaving. When it comes to the hard facts, truth and reality, he tells President Obama to bog off.’

Sky News: Brexit risk to N Ireland peace, says Mandelson

Leaving the EU would undermine the ongoing peace process in Northern Ireland and increase the risk of violence, Lord Mandelson has warned. He said leaving the EU would be a ‘retrograde step’ and would increase the feeling of separatism in Ireland. In a speech as part of the Britain Stronger in Europe campaign at the British Irish Chamber of Commerce in London, Mandelson said: ‘why would we sacrifice such a steadying force for uncertainty and unknowns?’

The Daily Express: Lord Mandelson slammed for suggesting Brexit will trigger end of peace in Northern Ireland

“The former Labour spin doctor said that leaving the EU will lead to a new outbreak in sectarianism. His comments were branded ridiculous by DUP MP Sammy Wilson, whose party heads the Northern Irish government and is backing a Brexit vote.”