BI 232: Study Guide for Lecture Exam 3

Chapter 19

  1. Describe and understand the functions of blood.
  2. Describe the major components of plasma
  3. Describe the major components in the formed elements
  4. Distinguish between the major plasma proteins (albumins, globulins, fibrinogens)
  5. Know the normal ranges for hematocrit of males and females
  6. Describe the structure of RBC’s, and its effects of RBC function
  7. Describe and understand the structure of hemoglobin, and its function.
  8. Know the normal ranges for hemoglobin for males and females
  9. Describe and understand the process of recycling of red blood cell components.
  10. Describe and understand the process of erythropoiesis, including regulatory factors
  11. Describe and understand the ABO blood types and their importance.
  12. Differentiate between the structure and function of the 5 types of white blood cells.
  13. Describe and understand the origins and differentiation of all the formed elements.
  14. Describe the structure, function, and production of platelets.
  15. Discuss and understand the process of hemostasis

Chapter 20

  1. Outline the general paths of systemic, pulmonary, and coronary circulation.
  2. Describe the location of the heart and the surface features.
  3. Describe the structural organization of the pericardium, and its function.
  4. Identify the layers of the heart wall
  5. Identify the internal structures of the heart
  6. Describe the differences between the left and right ventricles
  7. Identify and name the four major valves of the heart.
  8. Describe the functions of the heart valves
  9. Describe and understand the blood supply to the heart (vessels from list)
  10. Identify and describe the components of the intrinsic conduction system
  11. Define automaticity and spontaneous polarization, understand how these affect heart rate.
  12. Describe and understand impulse conduction through the heart
  13. Identify the major features on an ECG, and describe what they represent
  14. Describe and understand the steps in an action potential of a cardiac contractile cell.
  15. Describe and understand the phases of the cardiac cycle (fig 20-16)
  16. Describe and understand the pressure and volume relationships in the cardiac cycle (fig. 20-17)
  17. Know what causes the “lub”, “dub” of heart sounds
  18. Define cardiac output and describe the factors that influence this variable.
  19. Describe the variables that influence heart rate
  20. -Autonomic innervation
  21. -Cardiac reflexes
  22. -Autonomic tone
  23. -Hormones
  24. -Venous return
  25. Describe the factors that influence stroke volume
  26. –EDV
  27. venous return
  28. filling time
  29. preload
  30. –ESV
  31. ANS
  32. hormones
  33. contractility
  34. vasodilation/vasoconstriction
  35. afterload

Chapter 21

  1. Describe the general structure of vessel walls
  2. Distinguish between the types of blood vessels based on structure and function
  3. -Arteries (elastic arteries, muscular arteries, arterioles)
  4. -Capillaries (continuous capillaries, fenestrated capillaries)
  5. -Capillary beds
  6. -Veins (venules, medium-sized veins, large veins)
  7. Describe and understand the relationship between pressure and resistance to flow of blood.
  8. Distinguish between blood pressure, capillary hydrostatic pressure, and venous pressure
  9. Describe the factors that affect total peripheral resistance
  10. Describe how diffusion, filtration, and reabsorption play a role in exchange in capillaries
  11. Identify the forces acting across capillary walls.
  12. Describe and understand the three mechanisms of cardiovascular regulation
  13. -Autoregulation
  14. -Neural mechanisms
  15. -Hormones
  16. Explain how the cardiovascular system responds to various demands on exercise and hemorrhaging
  17. Identify the vessels on your vessel list
  18. Understand the anatomy and importance of the hepatic portal circulation
  19. Understand the importance of the cerebral arterial circle to brain function
  20. Understand fetal circulation

Use the textbook, lecture notes, study guide, and plenty of quality study time to properly prepare for this exam.