Children and Young People’s Framework Partnership
11-25 SCoG
Reducing NEETsTF Group (incorporating KiT 11-16 Group)
Wednesday 12 May 2010, Committee Room 1, Guildhall
1. Attendance/Apologies
Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4 / Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4
Jan Jones / WCBC / / John Gallanders / AVOW / A
Jan Wingett / 14-19 Network / / Morgan Jones / WCBC /
Joyce M’Caw / CWNE / / Louise Hulme / WCBC /
Dee Rigby / NACRO / A / Donna Dickenson / WCBC /
Peter Scott / WCBC / A / Andy Hawkins / WCBC / A
Kathy Weigh / WCBC / / Graham Edwards / WCBC /
Fiona Hibbert / CWNE / / Fran Hopwood / YaleCollege
Phyllis Matthews / WCBC /
Will Hughes / Wrexham Groundwork /
Lynda M Jones / WCBC / A / Guests
Jen Tredinnick / WCBC / / Wendy Gittins (rep Dee Rigby) / NACRO /
Laura Davies / ITEc – Ec Dev / A / Nia Lloyd (rep John Gallanders) / AVOW /
Key / / Present / D / Dep sent / A / Apols given / Did not attend; no contact made
Agenda Item / Action/Who?
02 / Minutes of last meeting (1 March 2010)/ matters arising not on the agenda
02 / Amendment:LM had given apologies for the previous meeting.
Page 3, Para. 20: Wrexham-domiciled Denbighshire pupils - LH has discussed this with GM and Wrexham do not hold any data on these. Now need to contact the data team in Denbighshire re. this. / LH/ G.Moore
03 / Feedback from the BESE Board: End of Year 1 project report
18 / MJ presented the Project End Stage Assessment report. This outlines progress during Year 1, and sets out the new measures for 2010/11 which have been agreed by the BESE Board. The targets continue to focus on Year 11 leavers to ensure that we maintain the numbers below the Welsh average, but extend this focus to include Year 12/ 13. These are actually increasing, though actualnumbers are small. There are alsoissues re. young peoplegoing on to full time education and progressing to HE.
JM’C hassent an eMail to David Hawker in WAG highlighting Wrexham’s success and noting all the Partners involved. WAG’s response is that this is good practice.
ACTION: JMC will forward this to LH for distribution to partners
Maintain and build on Y11 success(omitted from agenda)
This year’s success is impressive; need now to maintain/build on this (which will be difficult as improvement is so great). The need to analyse the reasons for this success was raised and discussed; what made the difference in 2009-10? Agreed that it is important to capture and record the practice we have undertaken plus views on why we ‘turned the curve’ this time after years running in the opposite direction (despite great effort from all).
ACTION: LH/ JHJ to adapt Joyce’s eMail (see Para. 04, above) as necessary to create a simple pro forma which partners agreed to complete and return. This will form the basis of a report to the BESE Board and TF Group next Quarter.
ACTION: JT to send WinterCollege overview report to LH for circulation
Current and ongoing activity to continue to maintain improvementincluded:
- JW confirmed that SummerCollege will run again this year (last two weeks of August.)
- FH confirmed that CWNE have a list of approx 130 at risk young people who have been identified by Careers Advisers. Contact from Heads/ Senior teachers has been limited.
ACTION: FH to send the list of identified Y11 pupils to JW/JT for cross-referencing with Summer Project list and YWIE list.
- KW confirmed that the SummerArtsCollege will also run again this year within the YJS. Only for 3 weeks this year. Ani Sutton is working with CWNE as these yp need to be on the identification list.
- DD queried whether the aspiration programme (Reaching Higher, Reaching Wider) for Y7 was still running at Glywdŵr; had been very successful. (Sarah Al- Assaf programme contact).
- The 14-19 Network Exec Meeting will be looking at NEETs and continuity post-Y11 on 25 May 25 2010. Group considered how they could be kept informed in a systematic way of headline activities being led by 14-19. Minutes may provide a starting point
Develop and implement a strategy to reduce Y12 and Y13 NEETs
- Work with Year 12/13 is going on within the 14-19 Network; can the TF group add value to this work? There will be extra capacity at YaleCollege in terms of courses available Sept 2010. There was a worrying lack of uptake to the Level 2 vocational courseslast September.
- Agreed that it may be Y12/13 which are now more at risk of being ‘lost in the system’ as CWNE don’t always know when students are in danger of dropping out of VI form/ FE courses. Pastoral Support group are interested in researching reasons for drop-out of post-16 provision (possible candidate for funding).
Colleagues reminded that we now have £65k to devote to the BESE project. Majority of money needs to be spent on services rather than staff. Skillbuild pilot will require some funding; Entry-Level MA (see below) may require a person to co-ordinate.
Suggested that a research project on how many Wrexham young people come to higher education later in life than the norm. Would be useful to use Glyndŵr which traditionally has an older, more local cohort of students. Could this potentially be funded by BESE allocation?
JW commented there has been discussion about a potential research project at Yale College – funding someone to provide individual mentoring to those young people who are considering dropping out, and also to undertake a piece of research into the reasons for this (links with Para 12, above?)
AC TION: TF Group members to forward proposals for effective use BESE allocation JHJ by end of May 2010.
JHJ alerted colleagues to recent information from WAG re. changes to Cymorth in 2011-12. Cymorth will end 31March 2010 and will be used by WAG to create a Child Poverty Strategy fund – no information yet re. any intention to provide a grant or requirements of such a grant. Potentially, many current Cymorth-funded projects may be able to continue under the new arrangements with some bend-to-fit. However, it is possible that some more universal services maybe affected, especially if they do not have a clear link to poverty reduction/identified poverty criteria - – simply do not know yet;
Development of Entry Level MA scheme
Members of BESE Board are supportive of exploring the development of an Entry Level MA scheme. Next step is to discuss this further with HR. LD and JHJ are moving this forward.
Widening TF group to include a secondary Headteacher
All agreed that TF Group should include a secondary Headteacher. JM’C felt that Headrteacher should be part of Project Board; JHJ explained that this had first been discussed at Project Board and it was their decision that the TF Group was more appropriate.
ACTION: JW/AH to raise at WASH / JM’C
04 / Skillbuild
19 / LH took people through the paper provided re. pilot Skilldbuild pilot. Next step is to convene a meeting with partners to discuss the practicalities of the pilot. Pilot outline has been agreed by BESE Board.
ACTION: LH to arrange meeting with partners to move this forward / LH
05 / Identification of those at risk of becoming NEET
19 / JHJ gave brief overview of the computerised risk assessment model, which iGarethhas been working on and which is progressing well. Some very interesting data was provided as a result of the work thus far on this. Gareth has been working on this, but more data will be added – PASS (nb. Cassandra), CATS, Suffolk Reading Test data to ensure it works effectively for the purpose.
ACTION: Gareth to attend next meeting to provide a more detailed briefing (LH to alert him to this). / LH/G.Moore
06 / Job Centre Plus Social Housing Outreach project
20 / JHJ drew attention to the Powerpoint document circulated. JHJ is Project Board link and Dyfan Thomas is leading on project for JCP. Main current task is putting Dyfan in touch with involved partners and WCBC departments; he has been put in contact with many already.
07 / Matters Arising from last meeting
23 / Transition protocol - JCP and CWNE are working together on a transition protocol for 16-18 YP.
Personal Support ‘map’ – LH has begun work on this task. JMc suggested contacting Denbighshire 14-19 as a similar piece of work had been undertaken there and could help with this.
Communication Strategy – NACRO and CWNE have case studies, and photos with consent from YP. Need to move this forward. MJ and C. Brock are working on this.
08 / Issues raised which need to be kept in mind
23 / Issues deferred to next meeting.
09 / AOB
25 / YJB – Paper for information only. KW reminded that the data presented only represented approx 1/3 of the young people working with YJS. This is a national YJB measure.
PM reminded about the advocacy helpline launch at Glyndwr university – Friday 14th May.
10 / Date and time of next meeting
26 / Monday 06September 2010: 1.30pm- 3.30pm
Committee Room 2 – Wrexham Guildhall