To the



Bethesda on the Bay Lutheran Church

Presented in the year of our Lord

January, 1992

Revised 1-29-2017



a) A voting member shall become inactive if he/she has not communed and made a contribution of record during the current or preceding year.

b) Such persons shall remain on the inactive roll of members for one more year in the hope that contact could be made and their condition could be restored to a voting member.

c) If following this period, no activity is recorded, such persons shall be notified that their names may be removed from the rolls. After a reasonable period of time, their names shall be presented by the pastor or the Evangelism Committee to the Congregation Council and shall be voted on to be removed from the rolls.

d) Such persons having been removed from the roll of members shall remain persons for whom the church has a continuing pastoral concern.

11.01.01. OFFICERS

The scriptural basis concerning the institution of the office of church council is found in Acts 6:2-3: “Then the Twelve called the multitude of disciples to them and said, ‘It is not reason that we should leave the word of God, and serve tables. Therefore, brethren, look out among you seven persons of honest report, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business.’”

a)Officers, other than the president and vice-president, if not members of the council, shall be accorded the privilege of voice without vote in council meetings

b)If an officer ceases to be a voting member, his/her office shall at once be declared vacant by the council, which shall fill the vacancy for the unexpired term.

c)The president shall preside at meetings of the congregation and the church council. In the event of the president’s inability to serve, the vice-president shall preside.

d)The president sets a calendar of regular meetings, convenes these meetings, and arranges for special meetings when necessary. In addition, along with the assistance of the pastor he/she plans specific agendas and allows the committee chairpersons to make agenda changes. The president shall conduct the meetings and use good group process to accomplish the task at hand. The president shall report or assign responsibility for reporting committee minutes to the council. Finally, the president represents the council and speaks on its behalf to the congregation.

e)The president shall see that a slate of candidates for the Nominating Committee and Audit Committee, in accordance with the constitution, is presented for election at the congregation’s Annual Meeting.

f)In the event of the president’s inability to serve, the vice-president shall assume the duties of the president of the council. The vice-president shall chair the staff support committee and shall serve as constitutional parliamentarian.

g)The secretary shall keep accurate minutes of all meetings of the congregation and of the council in a volume which he/she shall preserve permanently in the church archives.

h)Finally, it shall be personal obligation of all church leaders to attend worship regularly, to receive the sacrament of Holy Communion frequently, to avail themselves of the opportunities for the spiritual growth offered by the church, to give regular financial support to the church as God may prosper them, to support the pastor and other staff members in their mutual ministry, and to be examples of good works by word and deed.

11.01.08. TREASURER

The TREASURER shall:

a)Keep the books of account of the congregation, maintaining separate accounts for each of the various funds, except where the responsibility for such funds has been assigned by the congregation or the Church Council to another individual.

b)Maintain and encourage an appropriate system of internal controls to safeguard assets and ensure the accuracy of the accounting records.

c)Prepare and present monthly to the Church Council, and annually to the congregation, financial statements which summarize the operations and financial condition of the congregation.

d)Disburse the monies of the various funds upon proper authorization.

e)File all required financial reports or information as required by various governmental authorities.

f)Maintain documentation of the financial transactions and assist the audit committee in its review of the financial records.

g)File in the church archives all appropriate documents and records, maintaining only those of the previous 7 (seven) years.

12.04.01. COMMITTEES

Members of the Church Council shall chair the following committees:

Worship and Music

Christian Education



Youth Ministry


Mission and Outreach




The Worship and Music Committee shall:

a)Seek out procedures and practices which will assist in worship renewal.

b)Assist the Church Council in seeing that parish worship is conducted regularly and in accordance with the traditionsof the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

c)Recruit and provide training for assisting ministers, acolytes, ushers, altar guild, choir(s) and other musicians.

d)Assist the Staff Support Committee, as requested, in interviewing and recommending candidates for organist and choir director(s).

e)Encourage the parish musicians and clergy to attend worship and music workshops and conferences.

f)Provide and care for worship books, worship appointments, paraments, robes vestments, musical instruments, sheet music, worship materials, and other related supplies.

g)Provide for nursery during worship services.

h)Give direction to the prayer group who organizes the prayer chain and occasional healing services.

i)Include the choir director(s), organist, altar guild chairperson, and head usher.


The Christian Education Committee shall:

a)Be responsible for planning, coordinating, promoting,implementing, administering, and evaluating all programs in Christian Education.

b)Survey and study the educational needs of the congregation.

c)Recruit and train teachers and other volunteers.

d)Develop curriculum.

e)Administer Sunday Church School and Vacation Bible School.

f)Recommend and supervise the use of approved educationalmaterials, including devotional materials.

g)Publicize educational events.

h) Direct the Confirmation program.

I) Provide an effective system of records and reports of pupil enrollment.

j) Advise the Evangelism Committee of non-members who attend educational functions.

k) Arrange for the proper housing of classes.

l) Encourage the use, purchase and maintenance of proper educational aids, particularly audio-visuals.

m) Provide information about church vocations to qualified persons.

n) Provide information about Lutheran institutions of higher learning.

o) Coordinate and help integrate educational activities where appropriate among other committees and groups.

p) Have supervision of the library and the narthex showcase.

q) Develop and/or promote educational retreats and camping programs.

Should a Director of Christian Education be employed, he/she shall serve as ex-officio member of the Christian Education Committee and shall be invited to attend and have "voice" at Church Council meetings.


The Stewardship Committee shall be responsible for promoting the donation of resources available to the church from its members. These resources include financial assets and material goods as well as the time and talent of church members. Promotion includes teaching the Christian use of money, distributing information about the church's local, national and world-wide ministries, and leading all members to higher levels of giving for the Lord's work. The committee shall be responsible for the annual solicitation of pledges from the congregation upon which the annual budget is based.

12.04.05. EVANGELISM

The Evangelism Committee shall:

a)Reach out to visitors and potential members.

The committee shall periodically study the surrounding community and develop and implement programs of outreach, such as informational flyers and arrangement of classes for those Interested in joining the congregation.

b)Welcome new members and encourage them to become an activepart of the congregation through such means as informationbooklets and new member receptions.

c)Stimulate the spiritual growth of the entire congregationthrough such activities as adult retreats, study groups and homevisitations.

d)Publish periodical church membership directories, and filethem in the church archives.

e)In cooperation with the pastor, conduct an annual review ofthe membership roster.

f)In cooperation with the pastor, conduct visits to inactivemembers.


The Mission and Outreach Ministry Committee shall:

a) Encourage the congregation to study the social conditions locally, in our country and world-wide, to bring the cleaning and healing light of Christian truth to bear upon critical problems through thoughtful discussion of facts and issues.

b)Help alleviate needs by reaching out to persons less fortunate than ourselves and encourage the whole congregation to become involved in activities such as:

  • Collection of items for crises and hunger centers
  • "Adopt-a-Family"
  • Special collections (underwear, toiletries, etc.)
  • Interfaith Knickerbocker Senior Apartments:
  • Mission and Outreach Ministry Committee nominates, for approval by Church Council, three (3) church representatives to the Board, and supports its activities.

c)Organize drivers to church services for seniors and otherswith special needs.

d)Have responsibility for the Agape Fund.The Agape Fund shall be included in the annualreview by the Audit Committee.

e)Be responsible for local involvement in the ELCA’S Global Mission program.


The Youth Ministry Committee shall:

a)Develop and carry out programs which help the youth of theparish grow in their faith. Such programs might include retreats,camping, discussion groups, service projects, and fellowship.

b)See that regular meetings of the youth take place to nurturetheir spiritual, personal and social development.

c)Provides adult leadership to assist the youth and their youthleaders.

d)Train youth in leadership skills and service commitments.

e)Help youth in their plans to attend appropriate Synod and nationalyouth conferences.

12.04.08. FELLOWSHIP

The Fellowship Committee shall:

a)Plan activities which promote social interaction amongcongregational members and friends. Such activities may includeprogressive dinners, ball games, church picnics, organized sportsteams and theater parties.

b)Provide refreshments on Sunday mornings as appropriate.


The Communication Committee shall:

a) Inform, enlighten and educate the congregation, friends and the public of the activities of the church through publications, and heighten the awareness of the public to our church, it’s location and activities infulfilling our Mission to the world through the public media,

b) Have as a member an editor of the church newsletter and beresponsible for its publication in a timely manner.

c)Publish and periodically update any Information booklets forthe church.

d)Handle publicity, for regular as well as special events.

e)Have an awareness of ELCA and Synod media programming, such asinstructional broadcasts and publicity for the church.

f)Assist office and/or congregation committees in other majorpublications, e.g. Annual Report, Stewardship Drive materials,etc.

g)Maintain the file of "Time and Talent” sheet volunteers.

h) Take photographs of events, display them and later deposit inarchives all related memorabilia.

i) Maintain pastoral history books by including photographs, newspaper clippings, magazine articles and other memorabilia of local interest.

J) publicize confirmation class pictures and maintain Confirmation Class Picture Album In archives.

12.05.01 FINANCE

The Finance Committee, of which the treasurer is a member, shall:

a)Develop an annual budget each year for submission and approvalby the Church Council and later for approval by the congregation.

b)Supervise all financial affairs of the congregation, includingthe activities of the treasurer, financial secretary, and othersinvolved in financial transactions.

c)Develop and encourage an appropriate system of internalcontrols to safeguard assets and ensure the accuracy of theaccounting records.

d) review, in cooperation with other committees, all contracts entered into by the church, including but not limited to rentals of church facilities, employment contracts, leases and insurance programs.

e)Be responsible for the church's investment policies.

f)Review the report of the audit committee and implement itsrecommendations as appropriate.


The Financial Secretary shall keep record of all income from contributing members and other sources. He/she shall periodically send individual contribution statements, at least annually, to the membership.


a)The Fund shall be known as the "Memorial Fund of Bethesda-on-the-Bay Evangelical Lutheran Church of Bay Village, OH".

b)The Fund shall be under the jurisdiction of the Church Council.

c) The monies for this Fund shall be promptly deposited and recorded.

d)Individual contributions earmarked for a specific gift shallbe approved by the Church Council.

e)The Church Council is authorized to use the Fund for worthyitems which are not regular operating expenses.

f) An annual report shall be submitted by the treasurer at the annual congregation meeting.

g) All memorial gifts presented to the church shall be recorded in a book of remembrance by the church secretary.

h) Acknowledgement of all receipts to the Fund shall immediately be made to the donor and family by the church secretary.

i) The Fund shall be audited yearly by the Audit Committee.

12.05.04.AGAPE FUND

a)The Fund shall be known as the "Agape (LOVE) Fund of Bethesda-on-the-Bay Evangelical Lutheran Church of Bay Village, OH". Itwas established at the annual meeting of the congregation inJanuary 1989.

b) The Agape Fund is a capital fund used to assist persons in need and for missional purposes to assist the greater community of the city, state, and world.

c)The Youth, the Confirmation Class, and WELCA may request Agape Funds for mission areas with their requests to be approved by Mission and Outreach. Mission and Outreach itself may also use Agape Funds for the above purposes.

d)Mission and Outreach will develop Agape Fund Distribution Policies and review those policies annually. Council will approve the Agape Fund Policies each year. The policies will include requirements for Mission and Outreach Approval of disbursements and record-keeping requirements for requests to and disbursements by the Finance Committee.

e)Pledges or gifts to the Fund will continue to be solicited concurrently with the annual Stewardship drive, and may also be solicited and contributed at any other time.

f)Alladministrative costs of the Fund (i.e. printing of cards,envelopes, postage, etc.) shall be paid by the Fund to avoidburdening the church's current operating budget.

g)An annual report of Fund contributions, disbursements, and expenses shall be submitted by the Mission and Outreach Committee at the annual congregation meeting.

h)The Fund shall be audited yearly by the Audit Committee.

12.05.05. PROPERTY

The Property Committee shall:

a)Oversee the care, protection, repair, maintenance, anddecoration of all church property, as well as the care,maintenance, repair, protection and replacement of all churchequipment and the landscaping of the church grounds.

b)Supervise the purchase and installation of all new equipment,including all new congregational owned and leased vehicles.

c)Develop and update job descriptions and job outlines whichrelate to the committee's work and responsibilities.

d)Employ and supervise custodians, gardeners, and all contracthelp on terms approved by the Church Council.

e)Recruit and enlist all volunteer staff needed to carry outcommittee functions.

f)Draw up all property related leases, joint-use agreements, andcontracts, in cooperation with the finance committee, and shallsee that terms are met.

g)Maintain in archives the records of all plans, specifications,guarantees, insurance coverages, inventories, leases, contracts,agreement forms, as well as the maintenance, repair andreplacement schedules for the congregation.

h) In cooperation with the treasurer, maintain an up-to-date record of all the property and equipment, including the appraised value.

i) Oversee property-related legal matters, including the maintenance of tax-exempt status with the State of Ohio every five (5) years, last done in 1987.

j) Receive reports of property and equipment needs from various congregational ministries to support their work.

k) Report monthly to the Church Council all completed activities, present activities and work, future work and needs, and recommendations.

l) Recommend to the Church Council through the finance committee its budgetary needs for personnel, maintenance, repairs, replacement, protection and care of the property and equipment of the congregation.

m) Provide leadership for long-range planning in building and grounds improvement.


The Executive Committee shall act in place of the Church Council between regularly scheduled council meetings, or until a special meeting is called.


The Nominating Committee shall identify and seek out qualified voting members of the congregation willing to serve on Church Council, and propose a slate of candidates for election by the congregation at the annual meeting. Special care should be given to encourage new members to take an active part in the congregation in this way. The committee shall try and include both men and women of all ages, encouraging them to use their special interests and talents for the benefit of the church.


The Audit Committee shall annually review the books of account of the congregation, including the separate accounts for each of the various funds. The review shall include obtaining an understanding of the procedures used by the Treasurer and any others responsible for church funds, including the applicable systems of internal controls. The review shall include the examination of a sample of transactions, the underlying documentation, the recording of transactions in the accounts, and the summary of accounts in the financial statements. The committee shall report any significant errors or omissions to the Church Council. The committee shall annually make a report to the Finance Committee. This report shall include recommendations for improvements to the system of internal controls and the procedures used by the Treasurer and others.