Bethany A. Moyer
CERTIFICATIONNY State Provisional Certification (May 2001)
Special Education (K-12) Elementary Education (N-6)
EDUCATIONNazareth College of Rochester
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
Concentration: Elementary/Special Education and Music
May 2001
STUDENTHilton Quest Elementary School, Hilton, NY (Fall 2000)
TEACHINGSelf-Contained Kindergarten Classroom/12:1:2
- Population included students with behavioral disorders, speech and other health impairments in a sheltered environment.
- Introduced nursery rhymes to improve phonological awareness.
- Utilized learning centers to enhance skills in color, shape, and number identification, in addition to improving fine and gross motor skills.
- Learned how to improve language and speech skills by working closely with speech pathologist in the classroom.
- Assisted with implementation of individualized behavior management programs.
- Participated in parent teacher conferences, providing input on student progress as appropriate and responding to parent concerns.
Indian Landing Elementary School, Penfield, NY (Fall 2000)
Grade 5
- Planned and implemented units in social studies, math and science in an environment in which student changed classes for reading and math.
- Facilitated student discussion circle in reading, focusing on vocabulary, plot development, sequence of events, and characterization.
- Collaboratively planned with other teachers on the fifth grade team, coordinating field trips and school wide activities.
Planned science unit on fossils that included hands-on learning activities.
Assessed student learning through authentic means including rubrics, portfolios and projects.
FIELDPittsford Middle School, Pittsford, NY (Summer 2000)
EXPERIENCEResource Room Grades 6,7,8,
Provided one-on-one assistance to students with attention deficits, learning disabilities, speech and other health impairments. Helped with homework assignments and preparation for final exams. Learned more about different methods of delivery of special education services including phase classes. Also learned about literacy instruction, in particular decoding strategies.Developed a working understanding of IEP and CSE process and assessments. Learned how to develop a functional behavioral assessment.
Henry W. Longfellow Elementary School #36, Rochester, NY (Spring 2000)
Grade 1
Taught whole class and small group lessons in English language arts and mathematics in addition to providing one-on-one support. Designed and implemented a lesson on Weather. Administered the QRI.
French Road Elementary School, Brighton, NY (Fall 1999)
Grade 5
Tutored a student with limited English language proficiency, one-on-one. Assisted with math and English language arts.
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RELATEDGeorge Mather Forbes Elementary School #4, Rochester, NY (9/98-5/01)
EXPERIENCEPartners for Learning/Nazareth College
Grade 4, Regular Education (Spring 2001)
Assisted students with preparation for the ELA exam. Also helped with grading and some classroom instruction.
Special Education, EMR (Spring 2001)
Provided one-on-one, small group, and whole class assistance to students regarding simple math and literacy activities. Also assisted with learning centers.
Special Education Classroom, TMR (Fall 1998)
Taught basic literacy, pre-math skills and life skills vocabulary to students on a one-on-one, small group, and whole class basis. Also helped with calendar activities.
Wheatland-Chili Jr/Sr High School, Scottsville, NY (11/00-1/01)
Substitute Teacher – Taught 7th and 10th grade special education classes as needed.
Creative Arts Center, Pittsford, NY (3/99-5/99)
Project Teacher/Assistant
STUDENTNazareth College of Rochester
LEADERSHIPNew Student Orientation Leader (Fall 1999)(Fall 2000)
EXPERIENCEAssisted freshman and transfer students in adjusting to college life.
Psychology Club Vice-President(Fall 1999-Spring 2000)
COLLEGENazareth College Lorette Wilmot Library, Rochester, NY (9/98-3/99)
EMPLOYMENTInterlibrary Loan, Serials, and Reserves Desk - Provided technical support for patrons with research tasks and reserve materials.
CUSTOMERScottsville Travel Plaza, Scottsville, NY (7/95-9/98)
SERVICEAssociate Leader In-Training/Cashier - Trained new employees.
Kmart, Rochester, NY (5/99-8/99)
MUSICALNazareth College of Rochester
EXPERIENCE Concert Choir (Fall 1999-Spring 2000)
Clarinet Choir Librarian (Fall 1999-Spring 2000)
Campus Orchestra (Fall 1999-)
Clarinet Choir (Fall 1999-)
Concert Band (Fall 1997-)
COMPUTERIBM and Macintosh- Microsoft Applications, Web site design
SKILLSInternet- AOL, Netscape, Internet Explorer, Email
REFERENCESSharon WallachDr. Craig Hill
Special Education TeacherStudent teaching supervisor
School #4Nazareth College of Rochester
Work Phone: 235-7848Work Phone: 389-2591
Home Phone: 381-4666
Julie Gabriel
Cooperating Teacher
Hilton Quest Elementary School
Work Phone: 392-1000 ext. 6117