Component: / Resource Team
Section: / Safety Practices
Subject: / Medication Administration: Guidance and Procedure
ECKAN Policy: / Program Options:
  • Center Base
  • Family Child Care

Standard/Regulation: / HS: 1302.47 (7)(iv)
Daily Routine

Best Practice: Families should check with the physician to see if a dose schedule can be arranged that does not involve the hours the child is in the childcare.

Staff Training:

  1. Each program director and each staff member designated to administer medications shall complete medication administration training prior to dispensing medication to any child.
  2. Each program director and each staff member designated to administer medication in a classroom setting will receive training on this procedure.
  3. Each program director and each staff member designated to administer medication in a classroom will receive training on individual child health plans and the “5 Rights of Medication Administration”
  1. Right Child
  2. Right Medication
  3. Right Dose (amount)
  4. Right Time or Reason Medication is Needed at This Time (PRN)
  5. Right Route (oral, topical, inhalation)

Only medication prescribed by a doctor or person legally authorized to prescribe medications will be administer to children enrolled in a center base childcare program.

  1. Prescription Medications- Parents must bring in the prescribedmedication in the original container.
  1. Prescribed medication must be labeled by a pharmacistwith:
  • the child’s first and last names
  • the nameof the medication
  • the date the prescription was filled
  • the nameof the healthcare provider who wrote the prescription
  • themedication’s expiration date
  • administration, storage,and disposal instructions.
  1. Over the Counter Medications
  1. Over the counter medications will not be administered to enrolled children unless prescribed by a doctor or person legally authorized to prescribe medication.
  2. Parents must bring in over the counter medication inthe original container it was purchased in.
  3. The label/ container must provide specific, legibleinstructions for administration and storage supplied by the manufacturer or health care provider
  4. The child’sfirst & last name and the date it was received will be written on the container of medication or on the package which contains the medication.
  5. Staff may place medication container into a clear zip-lock bag that they have labeled with the child’s name and date the medication was received.
  1. As needed Medications- Medications administered“as needed” (“PRN” medications) must have directionsfor administration, including:
  • minimum time between doses
  • maximum number of doses, and criteria for administration

Medications will not be given if any of the following circumstances exist:

a.Not in the original container.

b.Beyond the date of expiration

c.Without written authorization from a health care provider/ physician

d.Without the written instructions provided by the physician or healthcare professional

e.In any manner not authorized by the physician or healthcare professional

f.For non-medical reasons, such as to induce sleep

Receipt of medication:

  1. All medication brought into the center by a parent/ guardian will be given to the teacher or Area Manager.
  2. All medication will be logged-in/ documenting receipt using “Medication Check-in/ Safety Log.”
  1. An individual log is required for each medication.
  2. A new log is required for any refill of an existing medication.

Documentation:The following documentation will be completed PRIOR to a child receiving medication at child care:

a.Medication Check-in/ Safety Log

b.Health Care Provider’s order with instructions on how medication is to be given (this may be the prescription itself)


A signed Over the Counter Medication From

c.Kansas Department of Health & Environment Authorization for Dispensing Medications to Children or Youth Long-Term Medications (or Short-Term Medications

Storage of Medication: All Medications need to be stored under lock and key including medications that require refrigeration.

  1. Container-Prescribed medication must be in theoriginal, child-resistant container labeled by a pharmacist.

Over the counter medication must be inthe original container purchased in.

  1. Storage and inaccessibility to children
  1. Medication of any kind will be kept away from food and stored

insturdy, child-resistant, closed containers that are bothinaccessible to children and prevent spillage.

  1. Medication requiring refrigeration will be stored in the refrigerator in a locked-box
  1. Diapering supplies with warning label including diapers, diaper-wipes, diaper ointmentsand gloves may

be stored unlocked in the diaper changing area on a shelf , cabinet or othermeans at least 5 feet above the

floor and out of reach of children.

  1. Over the Counter Medications, diapering ointments, sunscreen, insect repellent, hand moisturizers:

All over the counter ointments, lotions/ moisturizers/ creams/ insect repellants and sunscreen will have written instructions from a health care provider and a signed parent permission form completed before the facility/ center may accept and apply any above-mentioned products. The item will be labeled with the child’s first and last name.

Staff administering medication during child care hours of operationwill follow the “5 Rights of Medication Administration”

  1. Right Child
  2. Right Medication
  3. Right Dose (amount)
  4. Right Time or Reason Medication is Needed at This Time (PRN)
  5. Right Route (oral, topical, inhalation)

Record keeping: Record administration of medication on the KDHE Authorization for Dispensing Medications to Children or Youth Long-Term Medications/Short-Term Medication Form at the time that medication are dispensed during program hours.

Medication Errors:

  1. Special circumstances, such as spills, responses to medication, reactions to medication and refusals to take medication is documented on the KDHE Medication Authorization for Dispensing Medication Form.
  2. Staff will not give a scheduled missed medication more than 1 hour past scheduled time.
  1. Parent/ guardian is notified of all missed scheduled medication

Adverse Reactions:Staff will immediately notify child’s parent/guardian of any adverse reactions.

  1. The parents will contact the physician, who determines whether or not to continue the child’s medication or alter the dosage.
  2. Staff will document any adverse reactions on the “KDHE Authorization for Dispensing Medications to Children or Youth Long-Term Medications/ Short-Term Medications”.


  1. To another classroom within a center: A new Medication Check-in/ Safety Log will be completed and signed by staff receiving a new child transitioning into their class that is receiving medication during child care.
  2. Transition out of the program: Return unused portions of all medications to parent upon transition out of the program.
  1. Document return of medication to the parent using the Medication Check-in Safety Log

Disposal of Medication:

  1. Disposal of unused medication: All medication remaining after the course of treatment is completed or authorization is withdrawn will be returned to the parent/ guardian within 72 hours or it will be discarded. If discarded second witness must be present and sign to the fact that the medication was discarded.
  2. Expiration dates- Medication will not be used beyond the date of expiration on the container or beyond the expiration of the instructions provided by the physician or other person legally permitted to prescribe medication.

Record Keeping

  1. A copy of all Individual Health Plans will be immediately available for staff use.
  2. A copy of all Individual Health Plans and original doctor’s order will be kept in the child’s file.
  3. Documentation of development of plan will be tracked in myHS.


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