Alice TernerPage 111/12/2018
Best Math Sites of Interest to Alice Terner Ridge View High School
The list is up-dated occasionally. I share my list with anyone interested, so send me your e-mail address. If you have new sites that you think are good for a visit, please e-mail them to me at school.
- The abacus is a calculator whose earliest known
use is circa 500 B.C. by the Chinese civilization. Addition, subtraction, division and multiplication
can be performed on a standard abacus.
Alternative Assessment Teaching mathematics using Alternative assessment
- Browse and Search the Library Home : Math Ed Topics : Teaching Issues/Strats : Assessment/Testing
- Classroom Compass Assessment, Spring 1996 Volume 2 Number 2
- Measuring Up, Prototypes for Mathematics Assessment Mathematical Sciences Education Board National Research Council
- May 1999: A MATHLINE Sampler
- Literary assessment:Houghton Mifflin's page on Portfolio Assessment
- Another page that has a detailed description of a portfolio is one from San Diego:
Line Graph Applet - James Brennan An interactive applet: move a straight line and see the coefficients m and b of its equation.
- To view ( and rotate ) the Platonic Solids and other "mathematical objects" including tori & a Moebius Strip :
- More Math related interactive applets : The material presented in the following pages are for middle school students, high school students, college students, and all who are interested in mathematics. You will find interactive programs that you can manipulate and a lot of animation that helps you to grasp the meaning of mathematical ideas.
- " The Quadric Surface Rendering Raytracer ", a JavaApplet
Art and math connections
- To find connections between Art and Math look at the links provided on the following page:
Awesome LibraryMiddle-High School Math
Awesome Library for Teachers - K-12 Education Direct
Baseball Math Questions
- Baseball Math Here are some baseball-related math questions for you to try. When you are done, take a look at the Baseball Math Answers to see how you did.
Careers in Math
- Mathematics at work
- You will find a lot of links to information about teaching as a career in the following page: job_placement_mkt.html
2.Bamdad's Math Comics
Data Base Search Sites
- MathSearch provides access to more than 90,000 searchable English-language documents on mathematics and statistics servers across the Web, primarily at the university and research levels MATHSEARCH - Jim Richardson School of Mathematics and Statistics University of Sydney, Australia To search a collection of over 180,000 documents on English-language mathematics and statistics servers across the Web, enter one or more ``phrases'', then start the search.
- Education World Search Our Database of 110,000+ Sites American Fidelity Educational Services. Also, subscribe to their news by e-mail.
- Search and Browse the Library: Search || Full Table of Contents || Suggest a Link || Library Help
- Types
- This database contains Internet-based lessons in mathematics and programs related to teaching mathematics.
- Awesome Library – Mathematics
Eisenhower Digital Dozen
- Search our Digital Dozen sites! Eisenhower National Clearinghouse ENC searches the Net for new and fascinating resources for math and science--check here monthly for great links.
Penumbra'sFractal Galaxy
Fibonacci Numbers
- Numbers and Nature
- This is the publisher of the Discovering Geometry book we use, as well as the place from whence our Geometer’s Sketchpad hails. I also subscribe to the newsletter. I went to and filled out an application for the free twice a year newsletter for users of Discovering Geometry
- Geometry Examples - K.S. Brown Triangles, spheres, tangents, etc. - explanations and answers to questions.
- Millefiori Quilted Patterns - Geometry Examples - D.E. Joyce, Clark University You can set some of the parameters for the quilt pattern.
- This site is a self-contained easy-to-explore tutorial, reference work, and object library for people interested in polyhedra.
- Plans and Teaching Materials Geometry Junkyard, These pages contain usenet clippings, web pointers, lecture notes, research excerpts, papers,abstracts, programs, problems, and other stuff related to discrete and computational geometry.
- is where you'll find almost everything you'll ever need to know about Geometry. We have a special page on constructions and plenty of sample problems to help you understand the concepts. Have a blast and don't forget to check out our Glossary - it's huge!
- Geometry Center Web Resources:
- Geometry Through Art
- Multicultural Geometry AMERICAN GEOMETRY is a physical, proportional geometry that originates from the simple circle. References for Teachers General References for High School Geometrical Concepts in Islamic Art Universal Patterns
- Virtual Reality Polyhedra
- Class starters for geometry: PDF files answers not given…must be prepared for averkey or transparency
Geometry problems (Application)
of AlgebraElements of Geometry, points, lines, and planesReal Numbers as Measurement of thingsMore elements, Angles and Triangles, and Polygons
Special Lines Perpindicular and ParallelSimilarity of Elements of GeometryRight TrianglesCircles, Spheres and other Round thingsMeasure of shapes and Objects, area and volumeCoordinates and Location in Space
Application Geometry ProblemsFinal Exam
Geometry Online On these pages you will find geometry activities from this year's geometry class at Milby High School. Bookmark this page and check back often. I hope to add at least one activity per month.
Mrs.Glosser’s lessons Math Goodies is a free educational site featuring interactive math lessons. Our innovative lessons use a problem-solving approach and actively engage students in the learning process. Come join us! This primary, jr., int., math material is from the state of New York. The cost of the resource free.
For many people, writing grants can be a daunting task. Keeping this in mind, we have gathered excellent resources to help guide you through the process. From tips to writing grants, to lists of foundations, we have it all!
Welcome to How Stuff Works
Welcome to Hotel Infinity
Internet Ideas:
Internet Scavenger Hunts
This site contains a sampling of Internet scavenger hunts that have appeared on the pages of Education World during the past year:
It has a link to a good geometry scavenger hunt:
- This is the good geometry scavenger hunt from Forest HS
- Internet Scavenger Hunts Directions for making your own Internet Scavenger Hunt.
- Girls Inc._ SMART_ Scavenger Hunts INTERNET SCAVENGER HUNTS The Internet is a wealth of information and fun facts. These Internet Scavenger Hunts will take you on a tour of some of the Web Sites which focus on science and mathematics and girls.
- Museum Mania Treasure Hunt FREE online educational treasure hunt. The hunt is designed to help introduce children to safe, but diverse sections of the Web that can help them with homework, broaden their horizons, and give them constructive places to surf. New treasure hunts every other month. The treasure hunts will incorporate social science, current events, science, math, sports, music, crafts, humanities, fine arts, and much more.
- The Scavenger Hunt Page
Lesson Plans and Teaching Materials
- Do in May when Indy500 takes place.INDY 500 (a lesson by Susan Boone) Students will find the mean and median speed for the Indianapolis 500. Rates per lap will be calculated as well as the length of each lap. Students will need to research information via the Internet. Algebra I: Mean, Median, Interpreting Data, Finding Rates, Times, and Distances.
Lessons Developed by Susan Boone © June 1995 Lessons developed by Susan Boone, a participant of GirlTECH '95, a program funded by CRPC Rice University and the RUSMP. A Functional Housing Market asks students to search the Internet for housing prices and compare them to the area of a house, thus deriving a linear equation. The Internet Pizza Server lets students order pizzas, calculating their area and determine the better buy. With Pop Clock, students look at the census site, study data and make predictions on future populations. Find the mean and median speeds for racers in the INDY 500. Study rates and speeds by using the Real-Time Traffic Report
- $ Mission][Calendar Fun][Rectangle Pattern Challenges][A Fractals Unit][Mathematics of Cartography][Pattern Blocks/Fractions][Dueling Pinwheels][Geometry Online][Power Cards][I Love Calculus][Polyominoes][Slope as Rate of Change][The Hot Tub][The Hand Squeeze][Right or Left Handed?]
Lesson Plans and Activities
Lists of Links
- This is the best site for tons of math things. It has been written about before, but it is wonderful for both behind the scenes and in the classroom. Other sites list the Math Forum as an important place to be. Ask Dr. Math, Discussion Groups, Forum Showcase ,Internet Newsletter Problems of the Week,Teacher2Teacher,Web Units & Lessons, Internet Math Resource Collection, Dr. Math FAQs
Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators is a categorized list of sites on the Internet found to be useful for enhancing curriculum and teacher professional growth. Links to so many useful things: Dave’s Math Tables, Ask Dr Math, etc.
A collection of sites for middle and high school students and teachers.
Provides lesson plans, materials for teachers, interesting math papers, and interactive projects. Topics covered include:arithmetic; algebra; probability; exponents; deductive logic; factorization; real world issues; an on-line math dictionary;geometry; currency; dealing with large numbers; calculus; modeling; fractals; and visualization of four-dimensionalobjects.
This page is updated frequently, but often sites move or no longer exist. A page of Links
- Great Site !!!! These resources have been categorized into areas related to communication, interactive sites, accessing data, resource database, and miscellaneous fun This has it all… even rubrics!
- resourses on the web
- The ExplorerTM is a collection of educational resources (instructional software, lab activities, lesson plans, student created materials ...) for K-12 mathematics and science education.
- Explorer_ Won't You Be My Cardiod_
- Awesome Library for Teachers
- Good Math Web Sites: also see
Drake High School Math Department on the(Under Puzzles on the left)
- Ed Dickey’s Homepage
- Cool Math Sites K-12 An Internet Hotlist
Platonic Realms -- Home Page
Math Teacher Link
Math and Science Sites
- Check out my collection of games and puzzles at Welcome to a list of math and science sites for high school students, parents and teachers. These sites were selected and reviewed by a secondary math/science teacher. All of the sites listed are registered with NET MIND which is a service that monitors web sites for changes.
Math In Daily Life Join us as we explore how math can help us in our daily lives. In this exhibit, you'll look at the language of numbers through common situations, such as playing games or cooking. Put your decision-making skills to the test by deciding whether buying or leasing a new car is right for you, and predict how much money you can save for your retirement by using an interest calculator
Math History
Every culture on earth has developed some mathematics. In some cases, this mathematics has spread from one culture to
another. Now there is one predominant international mathematics, and this mathematics has quite a history.
Math/Technology: Applications
See examples of how various areas of mathematics are applied to various areas of technology.
The Goudreau Museum of Mathematics in Art and Science seeks to promote and encourage interest in mathematics for everyone, regardless of age or mathematical background.
News Groups and Newsletters
You will find this newsletter, a FAQ, and subscription directions archived at:
TOURBUS is a virtual tour of the best of the Internet, delivered twice weekly by e-mail to over 90,000 people in 130 countries.
If you're new to the 'Net you should consider the TOURBUS required riding. And even old-timers will find this a valuable refresher course in what's hot, what's cool, and what's plain fun in cyberspace. Besides, your ticket is free!
One of the best newsletters I get!
- Activities for Origami
- Parabola Place Everything you ever wanted to know about parabolas, but were afraid to ask.
1.Platonic RealmsPlatonic Realms web site - interesting site, and a ton of links
Professional Education
- Student Teacher Resource Page TeacherNet, is a program designed to integrate technology use during the student teaching phase of teacher training.
2.Math Teacher Link Math Teacher Link/ University of IllinoisProfessional Development Consortium for Mathematics Teachers
To take Math Teacher Link course modules, you need to complete and submit the on-line registration forms for one of the following three different types of enrollment status that you can choose on the on-line registration
- University of Illinois Graduate Credit Enrollment
- University of Illinois Continuing Education Credit Enrollment
- Guest (Non-Credit) Enrollment
Note that Guest Enrollment is not available for Modules 6,7,8, and 12. Guest enrollment allows you to download the module files for free but you will receive no instructional or technical support because these services are subsidized by our enrollment income.
To register:
Module #1 Calculus&Mathematica for Mathematics Teachers
Module #2 Using Internet Resources For High School
Mathematics Instruction
Module #3 Using Mathematica in the Mathematics Classroom
Module #4 Using the Geometer's Sketchpad
Module #5 Algebra Through Modeling with the TI-82,83 Graphing
Module #6Teaching Statistics in High School
Module #7HTML Programming for Teachers
Module #8 JavaScripting for Teachers
Module #9 Logo Programming for the Mathematics Classroom
Module #10Dynamic Geometry with Geometer's Sketchpad
Module #11Discrete Dynamical Systems for Mathematics
Teachers. < NEW!!
Module #12 Computers and Connections < NEW!!
Math Teacher Link also offers non-credit tutorials and module samplers!
- Basic TI-82 Tutorial
- Fitting Data with the TI-82 Tutorial
- Sequences with the TI-82 Tutorial
- TI-Graph Link Tutorial for the TI-82
- Sequences with the TI-83 Tutorial
- Basic TI-92 Tutorial
- HTML Tutorial for Teachers -- A Sampler
- Computers and Connections -- A Sampler
Print borders for memos, flyers, certificates:
- Hewlett Packard
Professional Organizations and publications:
- Math Internet Projects
The following projects grew out of work begun during the Institute. Some have resulted in very detailed finished products, others are still works-in-progress - and all are worth checking out. SuzanneAlejandre
2.Math Forum - Suzanne Alejandre_ Tessellations How to make tessellations.
Tessellations from Hawaii Mrs. Cathi Sanders' geometry students at Punahou High School in Honolulu, Hawaii, used The Geometer's Sketchpad to construct these tessellations.
- Totally Tessellated
- Lessons (Web Units)
- geometry and symetry:circles
- crystallography and systems
- fractals
- geometric factoring
- algebraic factoring
- magic squares
- multicultural math fair
- polyhedra
- tessellations
8.Tessellation Yahoo! Science_Mathematics_Geometry_
Interactive Lessons and Classroom Activities
- Tessellations with Paint Bits andBytes
You will need to scroll through the article until you come to the section on creating tessellations with Paint.
- Students demonstrate their ability to create art using transformational geometry. M. C. Escher ,Create tessellations ,use computers. This lab-based unit will take approximately three class days (our periods are 45-50 minutes) and a couple of hours outside class for the students to complete. At the beginning of the project students will be given a packet including a description of the project, instructions for creating translation, reflection and rotation tessellations, and the rubric (this is a Word 5.1 document) which is to be used to evaluate student work. Students should be given the three class days to work at their own pace on the project. Prior: translation, rotation, reflection and vectors or the project will not be successful. Geometer's Sketch Pad , technology to really focus on transformational geometry while they are creating the tessellations.
PublicationsA service of
- Problems and Puzzles
Cool Math Dudes Home Page. There are many problems you can explore on this page. Thanx to MathCounts for some great math problems. Please enjoy the problems.
3.Interactive Mathematics Puzzles etc
Quotation Server for Math
Reference Tables
- Dave's Math Tables A collection of useful searchable math reference tables, formatted especially for the Web. Tables cover topics in general math (number notation), algebra (identities, polynomials, exponents, etc), geometry (areas, volumes , surface areas), trigonometry (identities, hyperbolics , etc), odds and ends (constants, vectors, graphs, etc),calculus (integrals, derivatives, etc) and advanced topics (Fourier series, transforms). You can download the site and view it offline, or view a version in Spanish. An interactive message board is also available.
- for web evaluation:
- 6 trait writing evaluation
- Tessellation Project Rubric
- Presentation Rubric
- Rubric Template
Search Engines