Administrative Staff:
Vickie A. Brown, Principal
Bernard Joiner, K-2 Assistant Principal
Zetta Daniels, 3-5 Assistant Principal
Contact Information:
O.W.L.S. – Outstanding Work Leads to Success
705 Hudson Avenue
Ashburn, GA 31714
Telephone: (229) 567-2461
Fax: (229) 567-2546
O.W.L.S. – Outstanding Work Leads to Success
Dear Parents and Students,
Welcome to Turner County Elementary School for the 2014-2015 academic year. We look forward to an exciting school year that will be one of the most rewarding in your child’s school career. I am privileged to work with an outstanding faculty and staff who are committed to the success of our students by providing them with a strong, standards based academic program in a safe, positive and orderly learning environment. We are passionate about guiding our students in becoming caring, respectful, productive, and responsible citizens. Together with our students, parents, and community, we can provide the best possible education for each student.
This handbook contains information that is important and useful and is written with the belief that all students have a right to learn and that our teachers have a right to teach. I urge you to read it thoroughly and thoughtfully. The guidelines are written in order to create an environment conducive to learning and a school where all feel safe and secure and that is respectful of the rights and dignity of each individual.
We want to do everything possible to protect the educational moments of each day. Our teachers have scheduled planning timesfor instructional planning and also to meet with parents. If you need to meet or talk with your child’s teacher, please call the school and set up a meeting during the teacher’s planning period.
Our mascot is the OWL, and our motto is “O-W-L-S: Outstanding Work Leads to Success.” It takes the outstanding work of our faculty, staff, students, parents, and community for us to be successful. Thank you for your contributions to the success of TCES. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, pleasefeel free to contact us.
Mrs. Vickie A. Brown, Ed. S.
Notice of Non-Discrimination
The Turner County School System provides equal opportunity to students and staff and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, political affiliation, age, disability, sex, or veteran status.
Turner County Board of EducationDr. Joy Gentry – Interim Superintendent
Mr. Sam Brown - Chairman
Mr. Phillip Crawford - Vice-Chairman
Mr. Chris Brown
Mrs. Ann Kendrick
Mrs. Francis Office
Turner County Board of Education
423 North Cleveland
P.O. Box 609
Ashburn, Georgia 31714
Turner County Elementary SchoolOur Mission
The mission of Turner County Elementary School is to create a safe and challenging environment where all students have the opportunity to develop to their fullest potential.
Our Vision
We envision TCES teachers, parents, and students working together to provide a culture of academic excellence to produce a community of lifelong learners and responsible citizens in a diverse, ever-changing world.
Our Motto
Our motto is: O.W.L.S. – Outstanding Work Leads to Success
Our Values
- All students will demonstrate mastery of the collaboratively agreed upon, essential curriculum that focuses on what students are required to learn, know, and be able to do. Enrichment will be tailored to students’ needs.
- Staff unity and consistency will enhance student learning through collaboratively planned clear expectations and procedures.
- Students will know where they stand, what teachers and administrators will do to ensure their success, and that teachers and administrators are “on their side.”
Turner County Elementary School
2014-2015 Important Dates
August 12-14 / Pre-Planning for Faculty and Staff
August 14 / Open House, 4:00-6:00 p.m.
August 15 / First Day of School, First Semester
September 1 / Labor Day Holiday
September 19 / Midterm Grades go home with Friday Folders
September 26-October 10 / Fall Fundraiser
October 15 / End of 1stGrading Period
October17 / Fall Break for Students/In-Service for Faculty and Staff
October 23 / Parent Conferences
November 14 / Midterm Grades go home with Friday Folders
November 24-28 / Thanksgiving Holidays
December 12 / All Library Books turned in before holidays
December 19 / Christmas Programs/Christmas Parties at 2:00 p.m.
December 22-January 2 / Christmas Holidays for Everyone
January 5 / Holiday for Students/In-Service for Faculty and Staff
January 8 / Parent Conferences
January 19 / Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday for Everyone
January 23-February 9 / TCES Book Fair
January 24 / Test Prep Saturday, 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
January 28 / 100th Day of School
February 6 / Midterm Grades go home with Friday Folders
February 7 / Test Prep Saturday, 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
February 13 / Valentine’s Day Parties at 2:00 p.m.
February 16 / Presidents’ Day Holiday for Everyone
February 21 / Test Prep Saturday, 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
March 2 / Read Across America Day / Dr. Seuss’ Birthday Celebration
March 7 / Test Prep Saturday, 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
March 9 / End of 3rd Grading Period
March 12 / Parent Conference Night
March 21 / Test Prep Saturday, 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
March 27 / FireAnt Festival Holiday for Students/In-Service for Faculty/Staff
March 30-April 3 / Spring Holidays for Everyone
April 10 / Midterm Grades go home with Friday Folders
April 11 / Test Prep Saturday, 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
April 13-23 / Georgia Milestones Testing
April 30 and May 1 / Field Day - 3-5 a.m. on April 30 and K-2 a.m. on May 1
May 1 / All Library Books turned in
May 14 / 1st- 4thGrades Honors Programs
May 15 / Last Day of School / K Honors Program /5thGrade Graduation
May 19-20 / Post-Planning
The school building will open at 7:30 a.m. Students should report to the cafeteria if eating breakfast or to the gym if not eating breakfast at school. Students will be dismissed from the gym for class at 7:40 a.m. Students who eat breakfast at school must be in the cafeteria by 7:50 a.m. in order to make it to class before the tardy bell.Students should be in their classrooms at 7:50 a.m. and will be counted tardy after the 8:00 a.m. tardy bell.Parents should make every effort to ensure that students are on time to school each day.
Each morning, a quote for the day, a moment of silence and morning announcements will be made over the intercom at 7:50 a.m., and it is very important that students are in their classrooms during this important time.
Morning Parent drop-off: Staff will be on duty to assist with this procedure. Morning drop-off for all car-riders is single-file at the front entrance of the building. For the safety of all students, PLEASE DO NOT PASSother cars.
- Please teach your child to exit the car on the right side.
- If you need to walk your child into the building, please park in the front parking lot. Do not leave your car in the fire lane at the front entrance at any time.
- Waiting until the last minute to bring a child to school results in long lines out front and could result in your child being counted tardy to class. Parents may drop students off beginning at 7:30 a.m.
- Please give out kisses, hugs, lunch money and signed papers before stopping to drop off your child to avoid unnecessary delays in the line of traffic.
City route bus students are dismissed at 3:02p.m.
Parent pick-up students are dismissed at 3:12 p.m.
County route bus students are dismissed at 3:20 p.m.
The school day does not conclude until 3:02 p.m. Early dismissal is discouraged, because students miss valuable academic time. At the end of each day, teachers and students need time for closure for the day’s learning activities. Due to heavy congestion and disruption of the final minutes of instruction, we ask that parents refrain from coming to the office to check students out between 2:30 p.m. and 3:10 p.m.
We cannot deliver messages to students. If you need to change anything about how a child will be getting home from school, you must send or bring a note to the school. Phone messages for students will not be accepted. Students should bring a note from home in order to ride a different bus or to be picked-up by another adult. The notes should be given to the teacher first thing in the morning and must include:
Student’s Name, Address of Destination, and Phone Number where a parent can be reached if there are questions regarding student’s destination.
Only in emergencies should a parent contact the school if there is a change in dismissal. Phone calls must be made before 2:00 p.m. in order to help teachers and office staff prepare for the changes.
Pick-up lines are dual lines. The lines wait behind the mailbox until 3:12 p.m. DO NOT PASSnor GO BETWEEN cars, unless directed by staff. For the safety of all students, please obey the following rules:
- Do not exit your car and go into the building to pick up your child after 2:30.
- Do not pass another vehicle that is in your lane or go between the two lanes.
- Remind your child to watch for your car and be prepared to leave when you get to the front of the school.
Students are expected to be in attendance in Turner County Schools in accordance with compulsory attendance laws and for the number of full-length days prescribed by law. A student shall not be absent from school or from any class or other required school hours except for illness or other providential cause, unless with written permission of the teacher, principal, or their duly authorized school official.
Absences will be considered either “excused” or “unexcused.”
As permitted under state law and State Board of Education policies, students may be excused for the following reasons.
- Personal illness or when attendance in school would endanger the student’s health or the health of others;
- A serious illness or death in a student’s immediate family that necessitates absences from school;
- Celebrating special, recognized religious holidays observed by their faith, necessitating absence from school;
- A court order or an order by a governmental agency, mandating absence from school;
- Conditions rendering school attendance impossible or hazardous to student health or safety.
Excuses for absences shall be furnished in writing, shall be signed by the student’s parent or guardian and shall specifically state the dates and reasons for the absence. Absences will be declared unexcused unless excuses signed by the parent are brought to school theday following the absence. All excuses will be evaluated by the principal or a designee to determine if the absence is excused or unexcused. Students shall be permitted to make up work when absences are excused. Absences due to out of school suspension shall beunexcused. All work must be made up in any class that is missed due to any absence. Students missing work due to unexcused absences will make up work during exploratory, recess, and/or lunch. All make-up work for excused absences must be completed within three school days after returning to school from the absence unless arrangements have been made with the teacher(s). Parents are encouraged to call the school and request assignments for students who are absent.
In cases where a student has many separate absences due to illness, the school or attendance officer may require written statements from the attending physician.
Students shall be counted as present when they are in attendance at least one half of the instructional period and/or instructional day, but leaving early is discouraged.
Absences shall not penalize student grades if the following conditions are met.
- Absences are justified and validated for excusable reasons.
- Make-up work for excused absences was completed satisfactorily.
- A grade average of 70 or above has been earned in the course work.
Attendance Protocol (Unexcused Absences)
1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th / 5th / 6th / 7th / 8th / 9th / 10thHandled by Teacher / Handled by Teacher / Phone Call Home / Letter Home / Letter Home, Mandatory Attendance Support Team Meeting / Judicial Referral / Judicial Referral / Judicial Referral / Judicial Referral / Judicial Referral
All students who withdraw from school should check out through the front office and complete a withdrawal form provided by the secretary. All books, school equipment, fines and fees must be cleared before records or grades will be forwarded to another school system or before a withdrawn student will be allowed to re-enter. Ten days of consecutive absences without notification from a parent/guardian will result in automatic withdrawal.
In order for a student to receive Hospital Homebound instruction, a licensed physician must declare the student is physically able to profit from educational instruction. Students must have a medically diagnosed physical condition that is non-communicable and restricts him/her to home or hospital for a minimum of 10 school days and which will significantly interfere with his/her education. If a student needs H/H services, the principal should be notified who in turn will direct the parent to appropriate personnel at the board office.
Tardiness interferes with the success of the students and is an imposition on the school staff. Please make sure your child is at school and on time each day. Students who are tardy to school (arriving after 8:00) should bring a note from home or the doctor, dentist, etc. and get an admission slip to class from the office. Unexcused tardies will be addressed using discipline procedures.
Unexcused Tardies / Consequence1st / Teacher reminder
2nd / Teacher discretion
3rd / One day detention
4th / Two days detention
5th / Two days detention
6th / Two days detention
More than 7 / Refer to Turner County BOE Attendance Protocol
Students should maintain work habits that will facilitate school success. Students should report to class with all textbooks and necessary materials for participation in the activities of the class as outlined by the teacher. Preparations for carrying out class activities should be completed before class starts, and students are expected to give the teacher their full attention during instruction. Students should be respectful of all adults and not disrupt any instructional activity.
The school year will be divided into four (4) grading periods and a report card will be sent home at the end of each grading period. See school calendar for dates.
A = 90-100
B = 80-89
C = 70-79
F = Below 70
I = Incomplete
Weekly progress reports will be sent to parents on Fridays. Weekly folders will include a report on academic performance and behavior. Midterm grades will be sent out at the midpoint of each grading period. See school calendar for dates.
Open House/Parent Conference Nights will be held at the end of the first, second, and third nine weeks grading period. All parents are encouraged to attend these conferences or to contact your child’s teacher if you have questions or desire more information about your child’s academic progress.
The faculty welcomes the opportunity to discuss classroom performance and behavior with parents/guardians. We do ask that you please contact the front office at 229-567-2461 to set up a conference. We will make every attempt to schedule a time that is conducive to your schedule, but conferences will not be scheduled at a time that interferes with instructional activities. Teachers will not be allowed to conduct hallway conferences while their students are in the classroom. The administrative staff will be more than glad to assist you in developing a positive relationship between home and school. Parents and visitors will not be allowed down the halls unless previously arranged and the front office has been notified.
- No third grade student shall be promoted to the fourth grade if the student does not achieve grade level on the Georgia MilestonesAssessment in reading and meet promotion standards and criteria established by the local board of education.
- No fifth grade student shall be promoted to the sixth grade if the student does not achieve grade level on the Georgia Milestones Assessment in reading and math and meet promotion standards and criteria established by the local board of education.
Elementary students are expected to pass all academic subjects in addition to performing at the “Meets Expectations” level on the Georgia Milestones Assessment. The decision to retain or promote a student in grades K, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 shall be made by a school level committee consisting of the grade level teachers and an administrator. Georgia Milestones Assessment (or other assessment) scores, progress monitoring scores, and subject grades will be considered for promotion.
Students failing two or more subjects (Reading, Math, Science, Social Studies, English-Language Arts) will not be considered for promotion.
Honor students must have a cumulative average of 89.5 to 94.4.
High Honor students must have a cumulative average higher than 94.4.
The annual Honors Program will be held during the last week of school to recognize students who have excelled in academics and service. Parents are invited to attend.
The Media Center is open daily from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Students visiting the center are expected to conduct themselves in a quiet, studious manner. Each student is responsible for library materials issued to him/her and must pay for any damage to or loss of them while they are in his/her possession or checked out to the student. Students are required to have hall passes and move quietly and quickly to and from the library.
Computers are provided to assist in the learning process under the supervision of a teacher and are housed in each classroom and computer labs. Students will use classroom computers only with the teacher’s permission and presence.
The Turner County School System provides gifted education programs for qualified students in grades Kindergarten through 12. For information regarding gifted services contact the Dr. Ginny Hall, Coordinator of the Gifted Education Program, at 567-3338.
Students may be nominated for consideration for a gifted evaluation by teachers, counselors, parents or guardians, peers, self, or other individualswith knowledge of the student’s abilities. Nominations should be based on superior classroom performance, high achievement test scores (90% or above in total reading or total math on a NRT) and/or well above exceeds on the Georgia Milestones Assessment. Parents can obtain a nomination form from gifted education teachers or through the gifted office, although this does not guarantee an evaluation. The eligibility team will decide if an evaluation is warranted, and will forward the referral for assessment to the gifted office.