Berkeley College · Office of Disability Services
Application for Disability Services and Accommodations Cover Page
Office of Disability Services
Application for Disability Services and Accommodations
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other federal and state laws require colleges to provide “reasonable accommodations” of disabilities (modifications or adjustments designed to enable a qualified person with a disability to participate in a College program or activity). This process begins upon the student’s request. The types of accommodations available under Berkeley's Disability Policy are based upon the individual's documented disability and the College's ability to provide assistance without incurring undue burden or fundamentally altering its programs, facilities, policies or activities.
Students who should submit this form are:
• Prospective students seeking accommodations during Admissions process (e.g. extended time on Admissions Exam) or for a campus visit
• Admitted students who will be attending Berkeley College
• Current students who have not applied for disability services and/or accommodations at Berkeley College
• Students requesting housing accommodations and/or the use of a service animal in housing
• Current students with a temporary disability
Students who should NOT submit this form are:
• Students seeking support on the basis of a short/acute illness (e.g. seasonal flu). In such instances, students should contact their advisor for assistance.
Sections to be completed by the student: Sections to be completed by a
Health Care Provider:
- Student InformationX. Health Care Provider Information
- Academic Information
- Referral Information
- Previous School Information
- Disability Information and Documentation
- Student Narrative/ Statement on Impact
- Accommodations and Services
- Confidentiality and Release of Information
- Student Information for Health Care Provider
Individual requests for accommodations may be referred to the specific campus ADA/Section 504 Coordinators: [NY students] Adam Rosen, Psy.D., 212-986-4343 ext. 4216 or ; [NJ students] Sandra Coppola, Ph.D., 973-278-5400 ext. 1320 or ; [Online students] Katherine Wu, Ed.M., LMHC, LPC, 973-405-2111 ext. 1394 or . In addition, each individual campus has a Disability Services representative via the Personal Counseling Office. These Personal Counselors work with the ADA/Section 504 Coordinators for the purpose of reasonably accommodating students with disabilities. A student seeking accommodations must schedule an appointment with either the above-stated ADA/504 Coordinators, or a campus Personal Counselor, in order to submit an Application for Disability Services and to confirm requested accommodations. Contact information for the College Personal Counselors can be found on the Berkeley College Health and Wellness website at: . Select “Contact Information” from the drop-down menu.
Berkeley College · Office of Disability Services
Application for Disability Services and Accommodations Cover Page
· Office of Disability Services
Application for Disability Services and Accommodations- Student Information
Today's Date:______Semester ______Year ______
I. Student Information
Note: All email communication from Office for Disability Services will be sent to your Berkeley College
e-mail address once assigned by the college.
Student: ______DOB: ______Student ID#: ______
Address: ______
Phone: ______Berkeley College E-mail: ______
Campus Location:______
Check one of the two options below:
I am new to disability services at Berkeley College. This is my first application for disability services and/or accommodations.
I am returning to the office of disability services.
ADA Coordinator: ______
When did you first receive services? Indicate semester and year______
Name of Berkeley College Academic Advisor:______
Telephone Number:______
E-mail Address:______
Are you currently receiving tutoring services from the Center for Academic Success? Yes No
Are you currently receiving services from the New York or New Jersey state Vocational Rehabilitation System (ACESS-VR) for a documented disability?
Are you currently receiving services for a documented disability from New York, New Jersey, or other sate Vocational Rehabilitation Services? Yes No
· Office of Disability Services
Application for Disability Services and Accommodations- Student Information
New York
State Commission for the Blind and Visually Handicapped
Adult Career and Continuing Education Services – Vocational Rehabilitation (ACCES-VR)
New Jersey
Commission for the Blind and the Visually Impaired
New Jersey Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services
Other state ______
Berkeley College · Office of Disability Services
Application for Disability Services and Accommodations- Student Information
If so, please indicate the following information regarding your state Vocational Rehabilitation counselor:
Name of Counselor: ______
Address: ______
Telephone Number:______Fax Number: ______
E-mail address: ______
Are you currently receiving services for a documented disability from a community based agency that provides services for people with disabilities? Yes No
Name of Agency ______
Address: ______
Telephone Number:______Fax Number: ______
E-mail address: ______
II. Academic Information
First semester (or anticipated) at Berkeley College______
Anticipated graduation date(month/year)______
With which school/s are you affiliated: Larry L. Luing School of Business® · School of Graduate Studies School of Health Studies · School of Liberal Arts · School of Professional Studies
Degree or Certificate Program:______
Semesters completed at Berkeley College to date: ______
Will you live on campus this semester? Yes No
Check all that apply:
I am an International student
I am an athlete (specify team affiliation)
I am a military veteran (specify VA affiliation if applicable):
III.Referral Information
Please indicate how you heard about Disability Services (check all that apply):
Berkeley College Website Berkeley College Student Family Member Professor
Academic Advisor/Dean Counseling Services ADA Coordinator Student Orientation
Admissions Associate Other:______
IV.Previous Schools and Accommodations
Previous school/s attended / Dates attended (from-to) / List all approved disability accommodations and services from previous school/sV.Disability Information & Documentation
Specify your disability type(s) - check all that are applicable:
Physical or Mobility PsychologicalChronic Medical Condition
Specify:______Specify:______Specify: ______
Deaf or Hard-of Hearing Blind or Low Vision Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Traumatic Brain InjuryLearning DisabilityOther:______
Primary disability type for which you are requesting accommodations: ______
Date of diagnosis/es:______
Please provide information about the disability documentation you will be submitting to our office.
Note: you are responsible for ensuring your documentation meets the Office of Disability Services
documentation guidelines.
Name of Provider on Documentation:______
Dates of Documentation (month/year): ______
Type(s) of Documentation:
Learning Disability, AD/HD, Psycho-Educational, or Neuropsychological Evaluation
Disability Verification Form
Letter from Treatment Provider
Letter from previous school confirming approved disability accommodations
Only complete the section(s) below that apply to your documented disability(ies). After you have completed the appropriate section, move on to Section VI.
Part A: Deaf or hard-of-hearing Part B: Visual disability or blind Part C: Physical/mobility disability, or temporary injury
A. To be completed only by individuals with a hearing disability or who are Deaf:
Do you wear hearing aids or cochlear implants? yes no If yes, check all that apply:
Behind-the-ear hearing aids: Do they have Direct Audio Input (DAI)? yes no
In-the-ear hearing aids In-the-canal hearing Cochlear implant
Cochlear implant - body worn processor My device has telecoils
Have you used a neckloop with telecoils? yes no
My device has a M-T (microphone-telecoil) switch
Do you or have you used an FM system/assistive listening device in the past? yes no
If yes, please specify type (brand, model):
If yes, how does/did sound get to your ear?:
neckloop earphone (in the ear) cochlear implant headphone (over the ear)
Do you use captioned media? yes no
What means of expression and receptive communication do you use? Check all that apply:
Oral Communication Speech Reading American Sign Language Signing Exact English
Speech-to-text transcription (e.g. CART, C-Print) - Please specify your preferred type:
Other (specify):
B. To be completed only by individuals with a visual disability or who are blind:
Visual Acuity (if applicable):Right Eye:Left Eye:
Degree of Blindness: Total Light PerceptionForm Perception
Travel Aids: Cane Service Animal Other:
Do you use Assistive Technology? Specify type(s):
Do you use alternate format reading materials? yes no
If yes, indicate your preferred alternate format from the following:
Large Print Specify font size and type (e.g. 20 point bold, sans serif font):
If you use large print, specify whether it is used for visual subjects only (e.g. math, science, art) or for all subjects:
Electronic Format. Specify file type (e.g. Word, DAISY, audio file, accessible PDF):
Other (specify):
C. To be completed only by individuals with a physical or other mobility disability, or temporary injury:
Which, if any, of the following mobility aids do you use?
Prosthesis (specify): BracesCrutchesCane
Manual Wheelchair Motorized wheelchair/scooterOther (specify):
Do you have a state issued handicapped parking permit? yes no
Do you use stairs? (If so, specify general number tolerable):
VI. Student Narrative/Statement on Impact
The purpose of this section is to serve as a supplement to the disability documentation you submit by way of self-report. In this section, you are prompted to describe the limitations you experience and how those limitations impact your academic performance/participation in Berkeley College's programs/campus and outside the classroom. This information helps us better understand your reason(s) for requesting accommodations at Berkeley College. Should you need more room to complete this section, please feel free to include an addendum.
a) List the specific cognitive/academic difficulties you experience related to your disability (e.g. reading, writing, concentration, memory, time management, note-taking, etc.) that may impact your ability to complete your coursework or other program requirements.
b) Please describe your academic performance at Berkeley College thus far or from your most recent school.
c) Provide any information about your program that you feel is important and relevant to your accommodation request.
d) How does your disability affect you in your everyday life, daily activities, getting around campus, social interactions, outside the classroom?
e) How have accommodations been helpful to you in the past? If you are requesting accommodations for the first time, please describe the reason(s) accommodations were not needed previously.
VII. Accommodations and Services
Please specify the accommodations you are requesting. Disability Services will consider your request in light of your disability as described in your supporting documentation, and other information provided to Disability Services, as well as the requirements of your specific academic program.
Campus Accommodations:
Elevator and lift access - specify location(s):
Locker on campus - specify location:
Orientation and Mobility Training
Accommodations for campus visit - date of visit:
Specify accommodations:
Classroom Accommodations:
Note-taking services
Permission to use laptop for note-taking in class
Permission to audio record lectures
Accessible classroom and furniture - specify your need:
Other classroom accommodations:
Exam Accommodations:
Extended time for in-class exams and quizzes Amount requested: minutes per hour
Distraction reduced environment for quizzes and exams
Scribe for exams (answer recorded/written for student)
Reader for exams
Use of computer for exams - specify: MAC PC No preference
"Stop the clock" rest breaks: Up to 15 minutes per hour of exam time
Accommodations for Admissions Exam or other placement/waiver exams (for any Berkeley College school). Specify Exam(s):
Specify Accommodations (if different from above):
Other exam accommodations:
Academic Accommodations:
Modifications to course requirements
Specify course/request:
Priority Registration
Training to use Assistive Technology Programs such as:
JAWS for Windows, Kurzweil 3000, ZoomText, and Dragon Naturally Speaking
Other academic accommodations:
Communication/Technology Accommodations:
Sign-language interpreters
Assistive listening devices (e.g. FM or Infrared systems)
Real time captioning (CART)
Captioned videos, podcasts, or other media
Assistive Technology
Specify type:
Textbooks in alternate format
Electronic text- Microsoft Word format Electronic text- structured PDF
Large print (specify font sizes and styles):
Audio format (specify):
Other Accommodations:
Other accommodations - specify:
Should you have questions about completing this form, about your disability documentation, or if you wish to learn more about the application process, you are welcome to email the Director of Disability Services at
Berkeley College · Office of Disability Services
Application for Disability Services and Accommodations- Confidentiality and Release of Information
VIII. Confidentiality & Release of Information
Berkeley College acknowledges that student disability records contain confidential information. A student's disability records are maintained in a confidential file with Disability Services (DS). Documentation concerning disabilities is separate from the student's general academic record. Eligibility and receipt of accommodations will not appear on a student’s academic transcript.
Disability-related information provided to DS is considered an Education Record; therefore it falls under the protection of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). FERPA permits DS to share information about the impact of a disability and accommodation eligibility with other Berkeley College school officials who have a legitimate educational interest. A “school official” includes, but is not limited to, ADA Coordinators, faculty and instructional staff, residence life staff, academic deans and advisors, career services, public safety and counseling. “Legitimate educational interest” means the school official needs to review an Education Record or information derived therefrom in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibilities. Generally speaking, faculty and college staff outside the Office of Disability Services do not have the right or need to view diagnostic information related to your disability; rather, they might need to know your accommodation eligibility and your accommodations. Sharing this “need to know” information with school officials does not require student consent under FERPA.
______Please initial here to evidence your understanding of FERPA in the disabilities context.
However, student disability related medical records may be protected by separate state and/or federal laws. To the extent that a state or federal law requires your consent before DS shares disability related information with school officials with a legitimate interest in the information, your signature below authorizes that sharing.
This authorization will be deemed effective for the entire period you are enrolled at Berkeley College. This authorization can be revoked if and when you submit a written request to do so directly to the Director of Disability Services. This authorization begins at the time this form is submitted and applies during times away from Berkeley College including, but not limited to, breaks between semesters, medical leave, studying abroad, etc.
Name of Student (Please print)______
Signature of Student______
Student ID# ______Date ______
Disclosures to Third Parties
Written consent IS required for the release of disability related records to non-school officials. Berkeley College staff will provide disability documentation to a specified individual or entity after a student has provided written authorization or consent. Students are responsible for specifying what information they wish to share and with whom via a FERPA Authorization to Release Student Records form found here:
For more information on the privacy and release of student Education Records, please refer to the College FERPA Policy found here:
Berkeley College · Office of Disability Services Page 1 of 16
Application for Disability Services and Accommodations- Health Care Provider Information
IX. Student Information for Health Care Provider
Students: Review instructions and fill out information below before giving to your health care provider. (Please Print Legibly or Type)
Berkeley College · Office of Disability Services Page 1 of 16
Application for Disability Services and Accommodations- Health Care Provider Information
Full name: ______
Student ID#:______
Home phone: (______) - ______- ______
Cell phone: (______) - ______- ______
Work phone: (______) - ______- ______
Best number to reach you:______
Best days/times to reach you: ______
Berkeley College · Office of Disability Services Page 1 of 16
Application for Disability Services and Accommodations- Health Care Provider Information
The outline below has been developed to assist you in working with your treating or diagnosing healthcare professional (psychiatrist, psychologist, counselor, therapist, social worker, medical doctor, optometrists, speech-language pathologists etc.) to obtain specific information. This information will be used to evaluate eligibility for academic accommodations.
A. The healthcare professional(s) conducting the assessment and/or making the diagnosis must be qualified to do so. These persons are generally trained, certified, or licensed to diagnosis medical conditions.
B. All parts of the form must be typed and completed as thoroughly as possible. Inadequate information and incomplete answers will delay the eligibility review process by necessitating follow up contact for clarification.
C. The healthcare provider should attach any reports that provide additional related information (e.g. psycho-educational testing, neuropsychological test results, medical records, etc.). If a comprehensive diagnostic report is available that provides the requested information, copies of that report can be submitted for documentation in addition to this form.
D. The information provided by your healthcare provider will be kept in your file at the office of the ADA Coordinator and the Director of Disability Services, where it will be held confidential. This form may be released to you at your request. In addition to the requested information, your healthcare provider may attach any other information he/she thinks would be relevant to your academic adjustment/accommodation.
- Healthcare Provider Information
Filled out by Healthcare Provider and returned to student