Beresford City Council
December 19, 2016
The Beresford City Council met in regular session in the City Library Community Room on December 19, 2016 at 7:30 p.m.
Members present: Mayor Jim Fedderson presiding, Steve Cain, Gerald Dahlin, Tom Erickson, Art Schott and Teresa Sveeggen.
Also present: Kathy Moller, Finance Officer, Jerry Zeimetz, City Administrator and Tom Frieberg, City Attorney.
Absent: None.
Adopt Agenda: Motion by Dahlin, seconded by Erickson to adopt the amended agenda. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.
Minutes: Erickson made the motion, seconded by Sveeggen to approve the December 5, 2016 Council Minutes. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.
Dept. Head Reports
Finance Officer – Kathy Moller: Moller reported on the City’s financials, the status of the health insurance and the December and January health insurance invoices. She advised Council of a substantial draw down request she will be submitting after the new invoices are paid in the morning on the swimming pool project. Council thanked Moller for her report.
New Business
Pay Request #2 from Mechanical, Inc. for the Beresford Area Pool: Dahlin made the motion seconded by Schott to approve pay request #2 to Mechanical, Inc. in the amount of $287,869.00 for the Beresford Area Swimming Pool. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.
Pay Request #3 from Swift Contractors, Inc. for the Beresford Area Pool: Sveeggen made the motion seconded by Cain to approve pay request #3 to Swift Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $57,475.00 for the Beresford Area Swimming Pool. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.
Declare 2005 model Pelican Street Sweeper surplus property: Erickson made the motion seconded by Schott to declare the 2005 Pelican Street Sweeper surplus property with a value set at $27,750.00. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.
Discussion & Information Items
2016 Building Permit Information: Zeimetz gave a report on building permits through the years. In 2016, 55 permits were issued in Union County and 13 in Lincoln County, 3 new homes and 1 twin home was constructed for a total value of $6,500,576.00.
End of year special City Council meeting date: Council discussed and set Wednesday December 28, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. for the year end special City Council meeting.
Approval of Travel Requests
A motion to approve the following travel requests was made by Erickson, seconded by Schott. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.
Joint Utility Training School, Sioux Falls, Jan. 17-19, M Antonson, Nordquist
Commercial Applicator License Renewals – Sioux Falls – Jan. 9 and Feb. 3 – Kropuenske
Commercial Applicator License Renewals – Yankton – Jan. 17 – Kropuenske & Heidebrecht
Payment of Bills:
A motion was made by Sveeggen seconded by Dahlin to approve payment of the bills listed below, motion carried.
AFLAC, insurance, $2,121.97; Avenet, registration, $220.00; Badger Communications, resale, $10,409.55; Baker & Taylor, books, $1,035.42; Barco Municipal Products, signs, $613.18; Beresford Bancorp, interest 4th Qtr., $5,001.01; Beresford Cablevision, December ACH, $10,613.75; Beresford Republic, legal publishing, $751.84; Betz Blinds, repair skylight, $4,500.00; Bickett, Patricia, mileage, $37.80; Blue Tarp Financial, weld, $29.96; Briggle, Tracy, refund, $129.11; Brown, Dustin, refund, $14.71; Carlson’s Body Shop, repair, $103.42; CDW Government, office supplies, $47.44; Claritus, postage machine solution, $62.73 D & D Pest Control, service, $127.50;
Diesel Machinery, repair, $1,190.43; Eastern Farmers Coop, fuel, $2,201.10; Eastway Auto Service, trailer tire, $122.99; Express Communications, settlement, $3,211.11; Fillingsness, Geoff, mileage, $295.92; Frieberg, Nelson & Ask, Oct/Nov retainer, $3,909.08;
Graybar Electric, resale, $1,058.77; HD Supply Waterworks, water meter supplies, $479.84; Heavenly Accent by Faith, clothing, $383.00; Heidebrecht, Jeff, clothing reimbursement, $419.77; Homandberg, Patricia, refund, $41.31; Jack’s Uniforms & Equipment, clothing, $273.84; Jet Truck Plaza, fire dept. fuel, $127.52; Joint Utility Training School, training, $200.00;
Jones Library Sales, repair, $800.00; Kansas City Life, insurance, $151.22; L G Everist, washed concrete sand, $1,789.95; Larson, David, server update, $1,000.00; Lewis Drug Stores, supplies, $21.44; Matheson Tri-Gas, tools, $184.49; Mechanical Inc., swimming pool project, $287,869.00; MicroMarketing, books, $160.97; MidAmerican Energy, natural gas, $2,745.52; Midwest Alarm Company, fire alarm monitoring, $126.00; Midwest Tape, DVD’s, $409.07; NeuStar, LNP invoice, $129.90; New York Life, insurance, $108.00;
Nielson, Gary, refund, $320.96; Nordquist, Michael J, mileage, $87.48; Pedersen Machine, filters, $15.58;
Ramos, Ulises, refund, $60.97; Rechnagel Construction, crushed gravel, $10,308.86; SD Dept. of Revenue, sales tax, $23,440.35;
SD Retailers Associations, membership, $150.00; SD State Treasurer, TRS remit, $233.60; SDN Communications, lease line expense, $1,674.43; Solidification Products, sub-station expense, $1,169.00; State Steel of South Dakota, flange beam, $2,453.81; Strom, Josie, refund, $76.10; Stuart C Irby, safety gloves, $614.47; Sturdevant’s Auto Parts, repair, $109.06; Swiden Distributing, resale, $159.60;
Swift Contractors, swimming pool project, $57,475.00; Total Stop Convenience Store, fuel, $1,634.26; TSR Plumbing, repair, $348.76;
Vantage Point, calea, $160.00; Variety Foods, GC food, $750.67; Vast Broadband, service, $50.13; Voegeli, Cameron, reimbursement, $63.74; Wellmark BC/BS, insurance, $35,336.96; Wells Fargo, credit card charges, $2,541.00; Wheelco Truck & Trailer Parts, power kit, $593.81; Wholesale Supply Company, supplies, $272.60.
Executive Session – personnel
At 7:42 p.m. Erickson made the motion to go into executive session for a personnel issue. Sveeggen seconded the motion, all present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.
Council reconvened at 8:07 p.m. No action taken.
Adjournment: As there was no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:08 p.m. on a motion by Cain seconded by Dahlin. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.
______Kathy Moller, Finance Officer Recorded by Elaine Johnson
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