Beresford City Council
January 5, 2015
The Beresford City Council met in regular session in the City Library Community Room on January 5, 2015 at 7:30 p.m.
Members present: Mayor Jim Fedderson presiding, Gerald Dahlin, Tom Erickson, Gary Lambert, Art Schott, Teresa Sveeggen and Dan Williams.
Also present: Kathy Moller, Finance Officer, Jerry Zeimetz, City Administrator and Tom Frieberg, City Attorney.
Absent: None.
Adopt Agenda: A motion to adopt the agenda as amended was made by Lambert, seconded by Schott, motion carried.
Minutes: Erickson made the motion to approve the December 15, 2014 Council Minutes, seconded by Sveeggen with all present Council Members voting aye, motion carried. Dahlin made the motion to approve the December 29, 2014 special meeting minutes, seconded by Lambert, all present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.
At this time the Council recessed to meet as the Beresford Cablevision, Inc. board.
Dept. Head Reports
Todd Hansen and Kathy Moller – Cable TV annual meeting:
Directors present: Cable president, Gary Lambert, presiding, Dahlin, Fedderson, Erickson, Schott, Sveeggen, and Williams.
Absent: None.
Also present: Todd Hansen, General Mgr., Jerry Zeimetz, City Administrator, Kathy Moller, Finance Officer/Treasurer, Tom Frieberg, City Attorney.
Adopt Agenda: A motion to adopt the agenda was made by Dahlin, second by Schott, motion carried.
Minutes: A motion approving the minutes from the Annual Cable Meeting held on December 3, 2012 was made by Erickson, second by Schott, motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer, Kathy Moller, discussed the 2013 and 2014 finance reports. 2013 Expenses totaled $336,478, 2013 Revenue was $336,219 for a deficit of $259. 2014 Expenses were $350,554 with 2014 Revenue at $367,153. Net operating income for 2014 was $16,599. The Treasurer’s reports were accepted on a motion by Williams, second by Dahlin, motion carried.
General Manager’s Report: Due to the rate increases from the Affiliates, 2014 was a re-set year for Cable.
During rate negotiations we faced major increases for 2015; some channels have been repositioned and channels were added. Todd Hansen thanked City Attorney, Tom Frieberg, for negotiating much better rates for us after facing up to 150% increases on certain channels. Todd reported 85% of the Cable expense budget is for affiliate fees. There will be no major contract negotiations in 2015.
There will be new channels added to the Digital HD packages, and BBC will be coming off the channel lineup.
A new channel lineup was distributed, the new cable rates, and copies of the letter to be sent to all of our subscribers. There may be a retransmission fee added to the bills due to the increases from the local off-air channels. Dan Williams commended Todd for keeping up with all the changes.
Resolution 2015-01: Cable TV Service Rates was adopted on a motion by Sveeggen, second by Erickson, all voted in favor of the motion.
(Cable TV Resolution 2015-01 published separate of the minutes)
Election of Officers and Board of Directors:
The Beresford City Council and Mayor sit as the Board of Directors.
Dan Williams was nominated for President by Dahlin, second by Sveeggen, motion carried.
Gerald Dahlin was nominated for Vice-President on a motion by Williams, second by Dahlin, motion carried.
Kathy Moller was nominated for Treasurer and Elaine Johnson for Secretary on a motion by Williams, second by Dahlin, motion carried.
Adjournment: Fedderson motioned to adjourn and reconvene in regular session, second by Erickson, all voted in favor of the motion.
Jay Nordquist presented information regarding the purchase of a small bucket truck which was budgeted for 2015. The original amount considered for the 2015 budget was $130,000 but the final amount budgeted was $108,000. At this time the actual cost of the truck has risen to $145,648. Trade-in value of their current small bucket truck is approximately $13,000. It takes 270 days to build a new bucket truck, delivery won’t be until 2016.
A motion was made by Erickson to transfer the budgeted amount of $108,000 to SD Public Funds Investment Trust so all of the funds will be available in 2016 when the truck is delivered in January, motion seconded by Schott, motion carried.
Old Business
Rubble Site Fees: The Rubble Site fees have been revised by Jerry Zeimetz and Bill Sebern, new tickets will be order by Kathy Moller. A motion was made by Schott to approve and new rates, second by Erickson, motion carried.
New Business
Declare legal newspaper and official depositories for 2015: A motion was made by Schott, seconded by Dahlin, to declare the Beresford Republic as the legal newspaper for the City of Beresford for 2015 and to declare First Savings Bank, First Dakota National Bank, First National Bank in Sioux Falls, and SD Public Funds Investment Trust as the 2015 depositories of City funds. All Council members present voted aye, motion carried.
Set election date for April 14, 2015: Sveeggen motioned to set April 14, 2015 as the election date, seconded by Lambert, all present council members voted aye, motion carried.
Authorize Finance Officer to sign engagement letter with Quam & Berglin for 2014 audit: Erickson made the motion, seconded by Schott, to authorize Finance Officer Kathy Moller to sign the engagement letter with Quam & Berglin for the 2014 audit and annual report compilation. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.
Set hearing date for Beresford Volunteer Fire Dept. one-day malt beverage license: The Beresford Volunteer Fire Dept. is requesting a 1-day malt beverage license for Saturday January 24, 2015. Dahlin made the motion to authorize advertising for a hearing to be held in conjunction with the City Council meeting on January 20, 2015 at 7:30 p.m., Williams seconded the motion; all present council members voted aye, motion carried.
Employee wages for those making less than $8.50/hr.: Due to the 2015 minimum wage law raising the minimum wage to $8.50 per hour was effective on January 1, 2015. Kathy Moller distributed a report showing
the part-time employees making less than $8.50. A motion was made by Lambert to raise the following employees by $1.25 per hour each to account for number of years worked, second by Schott with all voting aye.
Brian Ivarsen, $9.66; Don Jervik, $8.68; Dayton Saugstad, $8.50; Harold Conklin, $9.39; Michael (Chet) Borah, $8.68; Jennifer Antonson, $8.68; Jodi Nordquist, $8.50; Deb Conklin, $9.39; Melissa Eastman, $9.39; Barb Andersen, $9.39.
Step Pay Increases: The following step pay increases were approved on a motion by Schott, second by Dahlin, motion carried. Beth Rasmussen to $20.36 per hour and Nick Fahlberg to $17.76 per hour.
Discussion & Information Items
2014 Building permits issued: Zeimetz presented a report showing the 2014 Building Permits issued. There were a total of 86 permits taken out in 2014, 65 permits for Union County and 21 for Lincoln County. 5 of the permits were for new homes, and 6 homes were removed. The total value for 2014 was $1,774,661.00.
City Christmas Party – January 9, 2015 at Bridges: Mayor and Council was reminded of the Christmas Party January 9, 2015 with a social hour starting at 6pm and 7pm dinner.
Next City Council meeting – January 20 due to Martin Luther King Holiday: Due to the holiday the next Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday January 20, 2015 at its regular time.
Approval of Travel Requests:
A motion to approve the following travel requests was made by Erickson, seconded by Sveeggen. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.
SD Library Accreditation Ceremony, Pierre, Jan. 22, Norling
Right-of-Way Spray recertification, Yankton, Jan. 14, Heidebrecht
Jump Start, Train the Trainer, Feb. 1-2, Pierre, Morren
Payment of Bills:
A motion was made by Williams, seconded by Dahlin, to approve payment of the bills listed below, motion carried.
Appeara, linens, $740.52; Beal Distributing, beer, $10,262.86; Beresford Cablevision, monthly bill, $297.76; Beresford Municipal Telephone, monthly bill, $3,542.74; Beresford Municipal Utilities, monthly bill, $10,743.30; Beresford Republic, publishing’s, $515.38;
Blue Tarp Financial, welding clam, $202.44; Border States Electric Supply, safety clothing, $407.84; Chesterman Company, supplies, $297.00; Dakotacare, health insurance, $30,208.50; DENR, certification, $66.00; Dakota Beverage, beer, $6,698.35; Eastern Farmers Coop, fuel, $1,709.03; Fiesta Foods, resale, $316.74; Heidebrecht, Jeff, clothing allowance, $300.00;
Homestead Bldg. Supply, chalk, $2.99; Johnson Brothers, liquor, $5,786.59; Kansas City Life, insurance, $153.00; Lewis & Clark, water, $15,170.50; Matheson Tri=Gas, nozzle, $29.25; Minnesota Municipal Util Assoc, membership, $350.00; Olson’s Ace Hardware, supplies, $798.65; Pedersen Machine, bolts, $10.49; Printing Plus, supplies, $73.00; Queen City Wholesale, supplies, $596.91; Republic National, liquor, $7,277.85; SD Dept of Environment, wastewater fee, $1,500.00; SDML Work Comp, renewal, $26,226.00; SD Supplemental Retirement, SDSR, $3,450.00; SDWWA, membership, $30.00; SECOG, membership, $3,299.00;
Steeneck Enterprises, clothing, $537.36; Southeastern Elec Coop, electricity, $571.93; Tudogs Computing, install switch, $434.77;
UPS, shipping fees, $131.38; Variety Foods, catering, $172.73; Walt’s Homestyle Foods, resale, $114.00; Washington National Ins, insurance, $432.10.
Adjournment: As there was no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. on a motion by Sveeggen, seconded by Lambert, all present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.
Kathy Moller, Finance Officer
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