Beresford City Council
June 1, 2015
The Beresford City Council met in regular session in the City Library Community Room on June 1, 2015 at 7:30 p.m.
Members present: Mayor Jim Fedderson presiding, Gerald Dahlin, Tom Erickson, Gary Lambert, Art Schott, Teresa Sveeggen and Dan Williams.
Also present: Kathy Moller, Finance Officer, Jerry Zeimetz, City Administrator and Tom Frieberg, City Attorney.
Absent: None.
Adopt Agenda: Motion by Lambert, seconded by Dahlin to adopt the agenda, motion carried.
Minutes: Erickson made the motion to approve the May 18, 2015 Council Minutes seconded by Sveeggen. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.
Public Hearing
2-day malt beverage license for Beresford Vol. Fire Dept. for Wheels & Squeals Celebration: A public hearing was held regarding the application for a two-day malt beverage license for the Beresford Vol. Fire Dept. for June 12-13 in downtown Beresford in conjunction with the Wheels & Squeals Celebration. A motion was made by Lambert, seconded by Schott to approve the license request. All Council Members presented voted aye, motion carried.
Public Forum and Visitors
Rental Housing Permits and Registration – Ordinance 2015-03 – Building Inspector Fillingsness: Building Inspector, Geoff Fillingsness discussed with the Council the need for rental housing registrations and inspections. Inspections would take place once every two years. Fillingsness explained his intent. The Planning & Zoning Commission will review Ordinance 2015-03 at the June 8, 2015 meeting. Numerous visitors questioned the Ordinance and voiced their opinion of it. Fire Chief, Tarz Mullinix suggested the Landlords make sure the lease states the smoke detectors stay installed and in working order. Council asked Fillingsness to put together a committee of himself along with Council Members Schott and Lambert, Landlords, and Tenants to create a proactive positive approach. Copies of the 2012 International Property Maintenance Code book will be at City Hall to view. Mayor and Council thanked everyone for attending and their input.
Committee/Mayor Reports
Public Safety Committee: Sveeggen requested an extension of time to meet with the Public Safety Departments. The committee will report at the July 6, 2015 Council Meeting.
Old Business
Beresford Area Pool – Conceptual Site Plan Version #9: Council received a copy of the Beresford Area Pool Conceptual Site Plan Version #9. The consensus of the Council agreed with the layout.
New Business
Pay request #3 for FEMA Storm Shelter/Bathhouse project: Motion by Dahlin, seconded by Erickson to approve pay request #3 of $114,124.45 to G.A. Johnson for the FEMA Storm Shelter/Bathhouse. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.
Pay request #2 for Utility improvements on SD Hwy 46: Motion by Erickson, seconded by Schott to approve pay request #2 of $37,409.67 to T & R Construction for the Utility improvement on SD Hwy 46. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.
Faith in Action municipal subsidy draw down request: Nancy Swanstrom submitted a letter and financial report on behalf of Faith in Action. They are requesting a drawdown of $5,600.00, the full amount of the budgeted 2015 subsidy. Schott made the motion to approve, seconded by Dahlin. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.
Authorize advertising for 500 MC Copper Underground Feeder cable for substation: Electric Superintendent Jay Nordquist explained the reason to purchase 500 MC copper underground feeder cable. Delivery is approximately 12 weeks out. Motion by Dahlin to authorize advertising for 500 MC copper underground feeder cable bids at the estimated cost of $71,000, Schott seconded. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.
Malt Beverage Application Renewals: Finance Officer Moller reported that applications and fees have been received from everyone. A motion to approve the license applications for the sale of malt beverages for the year July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 for the following businesses was made by Lambert, second by Sveeggen; all present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.
On & Off-Sale Malt Beverage:
City of Beresford Beresford Convenience Inc. Beresford Convenience Inc. dba/Bridges at Beresford Golf Club dba/Jet Truck Plaza dba/Total Stop
601 S. 7th St. 1501 W Cedar St. 1506 W Cedar St.
Off-Sale Malt Beverage / SD Farm Wire:
Casey’s Retail Company Chuck’s Foodland Inc. Dolgen Midwest, LLC
dba/Casey’s General Store dba/Fiesta Foods dba/Dollar General Store
910 W Cedar St. Hwy. 46 & 13th St. 1400 W Cedar St.
Appointment to Planning & Zoning Commission: Chet Borah has completed his 5 year term on the Planning & Zoning Board. Mayor and Council thanked Borah for his years of service. Mayor Fedderson stated that Borah is willing to do another term. Dahlin made the motion, seconded by Williams to appoint Chet Borah to the Planning & Zoning Board term expiring June 2020. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.
Request to close portions of S. 3rd St., Main St., and Hemlock Streets in Central Business District for Wheels & Squeals Celebration June 11-13: Sveeggen made the motion, seconded by Lambert to approve the request to close portions of S. 3rd St., Main St. and Hemlock St. for the Wheels N’ Squeals Celebration June 11-13, 2015. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.
Authorize advertising for P/T meter reader position: Motion by Erickson seconded by Dahlin to authorize advertising for the part time meter reader position. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.
Authorize advertising for P/T recycle center attendant: Motion by Lambert seconded by Erickson to authorize advertising for the part time recycle center attendant position. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.
Discussion & Information Items
Wheels & Squeals Calendar of Events: Mayor Fedderson reviewed the Wheels & Squeals calendar of events with the Council and encouraged everyone to attend.
Approval of Travel Requests:
A motion to approve the following travel requests was made by Lambert, seconded by Schott. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.
SDTA Marketing Conference, June 10-12, Sioux Falls, Rasmussen
Payment of Bills:
A motion was made by Williams seconded by Dahlin to approve payment of the bills listed below, motion carried.
Aaron’s Pro Window Cleaning, service, $35.00; Advantage Telcom, Internet supplies, $688.88; AFLAC, Insurance, $1,838.96; Appeara, service, $51.64; Beal Distributing, beer, $7,888.98; Beresford Cablevision, monthly bill, $356.50; Beresford Municipal Telephone, monthly bill, $2,084.92; Beresford Municipal Utilities, monthly bill, $10,855.26; Beresford Republic, legal publishing, $549.00; Border States Electric Supply, resale, $183.36; Bridges at Beresford, clothing allowance, $33.00; Carlson’s Body Shop, MAF pump sensor, $309.50; Center Point Large Print, books, $49.64; CenturyLink, settlement, $136.75; Chesterman Company, supplies, $1,332.78;
City of Beresford, closed acct/ACH, $31.81; Concrete Materials, G-1 asphalt, $1,527.00; Consortia, consulting, $3,000.00; Dakota Beverage, credit on returns, $5,415.60; Delay, Ben & Sara, refund, $116.46; Erickson, Thomas, mileage, $31.05; Faith in Action, 2015 subsidy, $5,600.00; Frieberg, Nelson, Ask, retainer, $1,206.25; GA Johnson Construction, FEMA storm shelter/bathhouse, $114,124.45; Gale/CENGAGE Learning, books, $273.78; Graybar Electric, supplies, $144.99; HD Supply Waterworks, fittings, $521.40; Heiman Fire Equipment, service, $1,591.93; Hofer, Diane, flowers, $501.23; Holiday Inn, lodging, $459.68;
Homestead Bldg Supplies, supplies, $589.08; Intense Graphics, signs, $420.00; Januszewski, William, refund, $44.28; Johnson Brothers, liquor, $1,670.30; LG Everist, washed concrete sand, $8,078.12; Legacy Carpet Service, service, $1,606.72; Fischer, Loren, disposal service, $4,968.00; Lyle, Ted, boot allowance, $30.00; Menards, plants, $212.21; Merriman, Tommy, refund, $39.03; Michael Todd & Company, Elgin sweeper, $2,056.16; MidAmerican Energy, natural gas, $471.21; Midwest Tape, audiobooks, $135.94; Midwest Turf & Irrigation, repair, $56.74; Missouri River Energy Services, annual meeting, $50.00;
Mobile Electronic Service, install equipment, $1,553.25; Moller, Kathy, mileage, $247.25; Mr. Golf Car, lease cars, $2,500.00;
Muller Auto Parts, Dodge Charger, $2,104.53; Mundfrom, Lorilee, refund, $96.93; Olson’s Ace Hardware, supplies, $2,237.06;
Omni-Pro Software, license, $2,200.00; Oxmoor House, book, $73.82; Papa Murphy’s Pizza, resale, $235.80; Pedersen Machine, repair, $674.67; Perkins Office Solutions, paper, $171.55; Pitney Bowes, postage meter refill, $3,030.00; Prairie Performance, repair, $723.49;
Queen City, resale, $1,567.42; Republic National Distributing, wine, $6,501.32; SD Assn. of Code Enforcement, meeting, $100.00;
SD Dept. of Health, lab fees, $143.00; SDHS Press, microfilm, $32.00; SD Supplemental Retirement, retirement, $2,760.00; SDN Communications, maint. Agrmt, $1,269.50; SS Graphics, lettering, $650.00; Steeneck Enterprises, clothing allowance, $45.00;
T & R Contracting, SD Hwy 46 project, $37,409.67; The Country Club, used range balls, $1,150.00; Titan Machinery, repair, $136.95;
Tolsma, Janel, refund, $37.11; Toshiba Financial Services, copier lease, $236.99; Union Co Sheriff’s Office, printer, $180.53; UPS, shipping fees, $113.54; USAC, schools & libraries, $4,421.87; Van Gundy, Ray, refund, $19.62; Vantage Point, credit, $120.00;
Variety Foods, catering, $1,027.17; Vast Broadband, service, $47.12; Verizon Wireless, service, $1,128.08; Walt’s Homestyle Foods, resale, $246.00; WESCO Distribution, UG wire, $4,320.00.
Executive Session – Personnel: At 8:23 p.m. Erickson made the motion to go into executive session for a personnel issue. Sveeggen seconded the motion, all present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.
Council reconvened at 8:40 p.m.
Dean Jacobson’s retirement request per the Early Retirement Policy was accepted on a motion by Erickson effective June 20, 2015 and will include 3 years of paid single health insurance coverage, second by Schott with all voting in favor of the motion.
Adjournment: As there was no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:42 p.m. on a motion by Dahlin seconded by Sveeggen. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.
______Kathy Moller, Finance Officer Recorded by Elaine Johnson
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