Bere Ferrers Parish Council

At a meeting of the Plans Committee held in the Council Chamber Bere Alston on Tuesday 19th March 2013


Mr. B. Lamb Chairman

Mrs. H. Boot-Handford Chairman of Council

Mr M. Benson

Mrs D.M.A. Chapman

Mr. P. Dennis

Mr. R. Piper

Mrs Rogers

921. Declaration of Interest

Mr. Benson declared an interest in Planning Application 00150/2013 Land adjacent to South Tamar


922. To deal with Planning Applications for comment. Interested parties are invited to comment on

Applications they have an interest in before a decision is made, at the discretion of the Chairman.

00150/2013 Weir Quay Community Watersports Hub Club Ltd.

Amended description: Creation of a boat park and erection of a boatshed incorporating toilet and changing facilities, and associated works (omitting outboard engine store)

Discussions took place and a vote was taken 4 for the application 3 against.

COMMENTSThe Parish Council support the proposal and understand that work is going on regarding the 106.

00151/2013 Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd

Erection of holiday cottage and associated parking at Hewton House, Bere Alston.

COMMENTSThe Parish Council support the proposal but would like to ask that a possible 106 be considered to stop any change of use from holiday let to a dwelling in the future. It is nice to see the site used and not left derelict.

00175/2013 Mr. C. Eastman & Ms. S. Weston

Householder application for proposed first floor rear extension and insertion of 2 rooflights at 2 Gullytown, Bere Alston.

COMMENTS The Parish Council support the proposal and feel that this is a practical solution to the family’s needs.

00188/2013 Mr. & Mrs. Hambley

Householder application for the erection of extensions at 8 Cotts, Bere Alston.

COMMENTS The Parish Council support the proposal which will make the accommodation more liveable for a growing family.

923. To take note of any Planning Applications noted after consideration by the Borough.

03353/2012 Dr. Z. Kumpel

Conversion of existing barn to holiday let at Cleave Farm, Weir Quay, Bere Alston.

Conditional Consent

924. Items of Urgent Business at the discretion of the Chairman.

(1) Mrs. Chapman Footpath 54 on the road to South Hooe, the stile has not been replaced with a gate.

(2) Mrs. Boot-Handford Informed committee that in May Recreation Committee and Cemetery Committee are to be incorporated to become Open Spaces. Because of this change it is proposed to make Ms. Malham minutes secretary to the Planning Committee.

(3) Mr. Benson (a) Hillside Court is looking a disgrace paint work peeling off the houses, need to send a letter to the housing association.

(b) The drain in Cornwall Street opposite side from number 27 is still blocked and has been partially cleaned out consequently the work has damaged the tarmac.

(4) Mr. Lamb Three parishioners from Bere Ferrers have expressed their concern over the dumping in the layby on the road from Hole Farm to Hallowell.

925. Correspondence

1. W.D.B.C. “Alleged breach of planning permission 01973/2011 field formally part of Down Farm, Bere

Alston. Thank you for your communication advising the Council of the Alleged breach of

planning permission. This breach will be now allocated to an Officer who will investigate the

allegation and contact you as soon as possible to keep you updated with their findings”.

2. W.D.B.C. “0187/2013 Erection of building for storage of equipment and fodder at Denham Farm, Bere

Alston. Ms. H. Langsford.

Prior Approval Notification (Agricultural / Telecom / Demolition).”

There being no further business the Chairman thank members for attending and declared the meeting closed at 7.50pm.

Signed this 26th March 2013.
