Beowulf Questions
The Wrath of Grendel
- How is Grendel described at the beginning of the selection? (1)
- What are the poets singing about? (5-12)
- What is Grendel’s reaction? (2)
What do you think that Grendels’ reaction reveals about his nature?
What universal conflict lies behind his war with the Danes?
- Where does Grendel live? (18-19)
- What was Grendel’s ancestry? (19-23)
- What happened to his ancestors? (23-29)
- What does Grendel wonder about as he goes up to Herot? (30-32)
- What does Grendel find when he enters Herot? (33-34)
- What action does Grendel take? (34-40)
- What is the reaction of Hrothgar and his men when they discover what Grendel has done? (41-44)
- Why don’t any of Hrothgar’s men challenge Grendel? (53-58)
- What happens for twelve years following the first attack? (60-64)
- Where does Grendel live after the attack? (76-77)
Coming of Beowulf
- How is Beowulf introduced? (109)
- Why don’t the “wise ones” object to his going? (118-119)
- Who accompanies Beowulf? (119-122)
- What does the Danish watcher ask Beowulf and his men? (152-171)
- What type of person was Beowulf’s father? What is his name? (174-179)
- What is Beowulf’s explanation for coming to Hrothgar’s land? (179-195)
- Describe Herot. (219-223)
- How is Beowulf described when he stands ready to talk to Hrothgar? (233-235)
- What are the other glorious feats that Beowulf has accomplished? (246-254)
- What favor does Beowulf ask of Hrothgar? (259-261)
- Why does Beowulf say that he won’t take any weapons to fight Grendel? (264-269)
- What does Beowulf think that Grendel’s plan will be? (271-274)
- What will happen if Beowulf’s time has come? (274-279)
- What is Beowulf last request of Hrothgar? (280-284)
The Battle with Grendel
- Where does Grendel come from? (285-286)
- Describe Grendel’s thoughts as he approaches Herot. (287-288)
- What sight does he relish? (302-307)
- What does fate have in store for him according to lines 309-311?
- Whose eyes are watching his evil steps? (311-313)
- What action does Grendel takes when he sees the Geats? (314-319)
- Why do you think Beowulf allows Grendel to slaughter one of the Geats before taking action himself?
- Who is the “Strong-hearted wakeful sleeper” in line 322?
- What kennings associate Grendel with evil? (325)
- What is Grendels’ one thought as he encounters Beowulf? (326-327)
- What sounds make the Danes cower in their beds? (342-343)
- How is Beowulf described in line 366?
- What do Beowulf’s men do to try to assist their leader? (368-371)
- Why are their efforts in vain? (371-378)
- What does Grendel discover about his real enemy? (383-385)
- How does the battle end? What happens to Grendel? (389-397)
- What is the proof of victory? (407-410)
The Monster’s Lair
- What do the peasants working in the fields see? (411-418)
- Describe the home of Grendel and his mother. (424-433)
The Battle with Grendel’s Mother
- What does Beowulf ask Hrothgar to do if he dies? (449-463)
- What does Beowulf ask of Unferth? (463-466)
- How long does it take Beowulf to get to the bottom of the lake? (469)
- What kenning is used to identify Grendel’s mother? (471)
- How does Grendel’s mother “welcome” Beowulf? (475-481)
- What does Beowulf struggle to do but fails? (480-481)
- Who/ what accompanies the two on their descent? (481-485)
- What happens when Beowulf swings Hrunting? (492-498)
- What else also fails Beowulf? (498-501)
- When Beowulf angrily tosses his sword aside, for what does he long? (503)
- Once again, what saves him? (520-526)
- What does Beowulf take from the wall? (530-534)
- What makes Beowulf seem heroic at the point even though he has to use a weapon against Grendel’s mother? (532-534)
- How does the struggle end? (534-542)
- What does the brilliant light symbolize? (543-545)
- What is Beowulf’s final act of justice? (546-562)
- Why do Hrothgar and his men leave the side of the lake? (563-575)
- What does Beowulf bring with him when he leaves the underwater hall? (585-592)
- How many men does it take to carry Grendel’s skull? (607-609) Why does this prove that Beowulf is heroic?
The Last Battle
- How many years have passed?
- What is Beowulf always seeking? (623-628)
- Why does Beowulf have to take weapons with him to fight the dragon even though he fought Grendel with his bare hands? (630-639)
- With what does the dragon welcome Beowulf? (668-670)
- What happens to Beowulf’s shield? (682-684)
- How is this fight different than all of Beowulf’s other battles? (685-687)
- What do Beowulf’s men do? (704-711)
- Summarize what Wiglaf says to Beowulf’s men? (745-772)
The Spoils
- What does Wiglaf see when he enters the dragon’s lair? (775-794)
- What does Beowulf ask of Wiglaf? (816-830)
The Farewell
- Describe the ceremony that concludes the epic. (843-869)
Connecting Questions:
- Look back at the descriptions of the monsters in Beowulf. What do the descriptions suggest abouAnglo-Saxon ideas about evil?
- Explain how the poem, by keeping Beowulf’s memory alive, keeps a culture’s values alive.
- Evaluate: Do you think Beowulf’s deeds make him a good role model? Explain.
EQ: How does literature shape or reflect society
- What does Beowulf reveal about the way in which Anglo-Saxons defined good and evil?