Beowulf Questions

The Wrath of Grendel

  1. How is Grendel described at the beginning of the selection? (1)
  2. What are the poets singing about? (5-12)
  3. What is Grendel’s reaction? (2)

What do you think that Grendels’ reaction reveals about his nature?

What universal conflict lies behind his war with the Danes?

  1. Where does Grendel live? (18-19)
  2. What was Grendel’s ancestry? (19-23)
  3. What happened to his ancestors? (23-29)
  4. What does Grendel wonder about as he goes up to Herot? (30-32)
  5. What does Grendel find when he enters Herot? (33-34)
  6. What action does Grendel take? (34-40)
  7. What is the reaction of Hrothgar and his men when they discover what Grendel has done? (41-44)
  8. Why don’t any of Hrothgar’s men challenge Grendel? (53-58)
  9. What happens for twelve years following the first attack? (60-64)
  10. Where does Grendel live after the attack? (76-77)

Coming of Beowulf

  1. How is Beowulf introduced? (109)
  2. Why don’t the “wise ones” object to his going? (118-119)
  3. Who accompanies Beowulf? (119-122)
  4. What does the Danish watcher ask Beowulf and his men? (152-171)
  5. What type of person was Beowulf’s father? What is his name? (174-179)
  6. What is Beowulf’s explanation for coming to Hrothgar’s land? (179-195)
  7. Describe Herot. (219-223)
  8. How is Beowulf described when he stands ready to talk to Hrothgar? (233-235)
  9. What are the other glorious feats that Beowulf has accomplished? (246-254)
  10. What favor does Beowulf ask of Hrothgar? (259-261)
  11. Why does Beowulf say that he won’t take any weapons to fight Grendel? (264-269)
  12. What does Beowulf think that Grendel’s plan will be? (271-274)
  13. What will happen if Beowulf’s time has come? (274-279)
  14. What is Beowulf last request of Hrothgar? (280-284)

The Battle with Grendel

  1. Where does Grendel come from? (285-286)
  2. Describe Grendel’s thoughts as he approaches Herot. (287-288)
  3. What sight does he relish? (302-307)
  4. What does fate have in store for him according to lines 309-311?
  5. Whose eyes are watching his evil steps? (311-313)
  6. What action does Grendel takes when he sees the Geats? (314-319)
  7. Why do you think Beowulf allows Grendel to slaughter one of the Geats before taking action himself?
  8. Who is the “Strong-hearted wakeful sleeper” in line 322?
  9. What kennings associate Grendel with evil? (325)
  10. What is Grendels’ one thought as he encounters Beowulf? (326-327)
  11. What sounds make the Danes cower in their beds? (342-343)
  12. How is Beowulf described in line 366?
  13. What do Beowulf’s men do to try to assist their leader? (368-371)
  14. Why are their efforts in vain? (371-378)
  15. What does Grendel discover about his real enemy? (383-385)
  16. How does the battle end? What happens to Grendel? (389-397)
  17. What is the proof of victory? (407-410)

The Monster’s Lair

  1. What do the peasants working in the fields see? (411-418)
  2. Describe the home of Grendel and his mother. (424-433)

The Battle with Grendel’s Mother

  1. What does Beowulf ask Hrothgar to do if he dies? (449-463)
  2. What does Beowulf ask of Unferth? (463-466)
  3. How long does it take Beowulf to get to the bottom of the lake? (469)
  4. What kenning is used to identify Grendel’s mother? (471)
  5. How does Grendel’s mother “welcome” Beowulf? (475-481)
  6. What does Beowulf struggle to do but fails? (480-481)
  7. Who/ what accompanies the two on their descent? (481-485)
  8. What happens when Beowulf swings Hrunting? (492-498)
  9. What else also fails Beowulf? (498-501)
  10. When Beowulf angrily tosses his sword aside, for what does he long? (503)
  11. Once again, what saves him? (520-526)
  12. What does Beowulf take from the wall? (530-534)
  13. What makes Beowulf seem heroic at the point even though he has to use a weapon against Grendel’s mother? (532-534)
  14. How does the struggle end? (534-542)
  15. What does the brilliant light symbolize? (543-545)
  16. What is Beowulf’s final act of justice? (546-562)
  17. Why do Hrothgar and his men leave the side of the lake? (563-575)
  18. What does Beowulf bring with him when he leaves the underwater hall? (585-592)
  19. How many men does it take to carry Grendel’s skull? (607-609) Why does this prove that Beowulf is heroic?

The Last Battle

  1. How many years have passed?
  2. What is Beowulf always seeking? (623-628)
  3. Why does Beowulf have to take weapons with him to fight the dragon even though he fought Grendel with his bare hands? (630-639)
  4. With what does the dragon welcome Beowulf? (668-670)
  5. What happens to Beowulf’s shield? (682-684)
  6. How is this fight different than all of Beowulf’s other battles? (685-687)
  7. What do Beowulf’s men do? (704-711)
  8. Summarize what Wiglaf says to Beowulf’s men? (745-772)

The Spoils

  1. What does Wiglaf see when he enters the dragon’s lair? (775-794)
  2. What does Beowulf ask of Wiglaf? (816-830)

The Farewell

  1. Describe the ceremony that concludes the epic. (843-869)

Connecting Questions:

  1. Look back at the descriptions of the monsters in Beowulf. What do the descriptions suggest abouAnglo-Saxon ideas about evil?
  1. Explain how the poem, by keeping Beowulf’s memory alive, keeps a culture’s values alive.
  1. Evaluate: Do you think Beowulf’s deeds make him a good role model? Explain.

EQ: How does literature shape or reflect society

  1. What does Beowulf reveal about the way in which Anglo-Saxons defined good and evil?