


There are disturbing trends among Christians regarding their dress. It seems to me that there is definite downward trend in acceptable dress standards for Christians. This applies to both men and women. There can be no question that dress is a major issue simply because it is addressed in the Bible. The interesting thing is that the Bible immediately recognizes that our dress affects others, (primarily Christians, I’m thinking of here) whereas most of us are unaware of the effects that our dress has on others.

I have noticed that some Christian women dress in a manner straight out of the world. It is not the clothes or styles that are really the issue, but rather how we dress. If Christian women dress after the world, then the world simply recognizes them as being the same as them. It is not an issue of style, it is an issue of modesty. A Christian woman can rest assured that if she exposes her navel because her top is too short or exposes her legs because her dress is too short, or her trousers are too tight, that every non-Christian man will lust after her. This is the truth of the matter, and for any woman to say that this is not true is just plain foolishness. The real tragedy of this is that Christian men are affected. A Christian woman should realise that how she dresses has an effect upon her brothers in Christ, and may cause some of them to lust after her. This is why the Apostle Paul tells his disciple Timothy in 1 Timothy 2:9 “I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God.” This is what Paul wants in the Church from Christian women.

Now notice that modesty is associated with decency, propriety (that which is appropriate or seemly) and with good deeds. Modesty according to Paul is not found in braided hair, and jewelry, because Paul recognizes that the wearing of jewelry or nice clothes in and of itself is not harmful, but he is rather concerned with the principle of behaviour. Paul is not saying that modesty means that you cannot wear nice clothes. He is saying that both your dress and modesty exist together. This applies to all believers, male and female. Now, should someone argue that this is only for women in Timothy’s time, the whole context of 1 Timothy 2 is against that idea. Paul addresses how we should pray in the church in verses 1-8, how women should dress in verses 9, 10, male leadership in the church, because of the order of creation and the weakness of Eve in verses11-14, and the gift to all holy women in verse 15. I Timothy 2 is about what happens in the church. God holds you, dear sister, accountable for how you dress. You just may be guilty of causing a brother to sin because of your dress. So, follow Paul – pursue godliness.

The Apostle Peter says in 1 Peter 3:1-7 that wives are to be pure and holy. Their focus on beauty is not to be from the latest modern clothes, (braided hair, gold jewelry and fine clothes) but rather from their inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight. Abraham’s wife, Sarah, made herself beautiful in this way, and God wants all Christian women to follow Sarah and thus be her daughters. Remember the issue is modesty, and modesty is not revealing clothes or other such things.

Now a word to us men! We too, have become guilty in our dress. I know that the Bible says that God does not look on the outward appearance, but that He looks on the heart (1 Samuel 16:7). This verse is often quoted by those who feel the heat from this line of questioning. But often the heart is reflected in standards of dress. For instance, your boss may expect you to dress in a certain way for work because your dress is a reflection of the standards that the company is trying to portray. Your failure to dress in that way is a reflection of the attitude of your heart. So, it is just as easy to display your heart in your dress. There is definitely a move in the business world to lower dress standards. Companies are moving away from ties and jackets and so on. It has not been proven however, that a casual dress makes for better work. In fact, in my experience, and I have been through this whole scenario, a change in dress code leads to sloppier work, and a rebellious attitude. A change back to a stricter code brings certain disciplines back into line. Now, that’s enough as far as the business world is concerned.

I think God’s standards are so far beyond ours. We have tried to make God out as one of our buddies. We don’t feel fear in the presence of God (Romans 3:18). Our mouths speak volumes, but not in true worship. God has placed so much responsibility upon men because He has designed manhood that way, but we have abdicated our spiritual responsibilities, and now appear slack in His presence. We had better respond to God, and what he wants from us. I ask you to point out the next generation of men with spiritual leadership qualities. Better yet, ask a holy Christian lady to point them out. I think you will be shocked. Unless we men turn to God and seek his face, the church will be left bereft of leadership, and in 30 years time, we will have paid the price, if we have not paid it already. I urge all young men who read this to heed the call of God to holiness. If you play sport or indulge in other amusements, remember that the Bible says, “physical training has some value, but godliness has value for all things…”. I say, the hour is upon us – let us respond like Isaiah the prophet – “Here am I – send me” (Isaiah 6:8). God is looking for men dressed in holiness and godliness who hear the rushing urgency of dangerous times, and are willing to plunge into the work of God, knowing that their reward is not in this lifetime, but in the one to come.

God is calling all of us to be a holy people (1 Peter 1:16). If you dress yourself in the robes of righteousness, then God will lead you in all other areas? Try it for Jesus’ sake. Women, be modest, so that young men can call you sisters and mothers with complete purity (1 Timothy 5:2). Receive this for your sake and ours. Men, be holy and godly, because godliness has value for both your present life and the life to come. Receive this for our sakes and our sisters.

As Christians you can let your culture and world impact you, but God wants you to impact your culture and the world for Jesus instead.

In grace,

Pastor Russ

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