Sunday Morning Worship

10:30AM January 14, 2018 Second Sunday after the Epiphany Color: Green



Time of Sharing (announcements, joys/concerns)

*Opening Song bulletin back As A Fire

*Gathering Prayer (unison)

Dear God, thank you so very much for you wonderful blessings upon us all. As we come this morning, help us always to embrace and know that we are your people by the love you have for us. May we feel your presence every day. This we pray. Amen.

*Hymn of Praise 8 Praise to the Lord

Children’s Message


Silent Prayer

Morning Prayer

The Lord’s Prayer (debts)

*Gloria Patri 622

*Preparation Hymn 451 O Master, Let Me Walk

Inspiration to Share

Gathering God’s Gracious Gifts

*Doxology 625

*Prayer of Dedication

Scripture Reading Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18

Message “More than Sand”

Rev. Corder

*Closing Hymn 148 I Am Thine


*Going Forth 286 Blest Be the Tie (verse 1)


*Please stand if you are able


Welcome! Friends, Family, Guests

Please sign the register book in the foyer with your name, address, and any other information


This Week

Monday-Wednesday Rev. Corder at Pastor’s Convocation

Rev. Darin Bentzinger will be on-call for

pastoral emergencies 402-788-2847

Monday & Thursday Girl Scouts @ 7:00PM

Tuesday A.A. @ 8:00PM (No Adult Bible Study)

Wednesday Church Soup Supper, 4:30-7:00PM

Chancel Choir @7:30PM

Next Sunday Sentinel – Gwen Townsend

“Trust Always” Psalm 62:5-12

As a Fire

As a fire is meant for burning with a bright and warming flame,

so the church is meant for mission, giving glory to God’s name.

Not to preach our creeds or customs,

but to build a bridge of care,

We join hands across the nations, finding neighbors everywhere.

Prayer List

+Connie Chambers +Wayne Nelson

Home bound & long-term care members & friends

(Complete prayer list is available on our website or in the bulletin the first Sunday each month)

Plan Ahead

Mon. Jan. 22 Lamplighters @ 6:30PM

Thurs. Feb. 8 Church Board meeting @ 7:00PM

Wed. Feb. 14 Ash Wednesday (Beginning of Lent)

CPR Class

The class would be taught by members of the Panama Fire Department and cost would be $50.00 a person. If interested please contact a board member or Rev. Corder

Year-End Financial Statements

If you would like to receive a receipt for your contributions to the church, please contact Pat Runge (402)782- 2276

Church Financial Information

(As of January 11)

Total Offerings: $15,507.59

Total Expenditures: $11,850.70

Difference: +$3,656.80

General Savings: $100,279.21

Zelda Nelson Savings: $39,850.01

Building Fund Savings: $132.85

Endowment Fund: $28,645.24

350 Monroe Street P. O. Box 234

Bennet, Nebraska 68317

Phone/Fax 402-782-2385