Benefice of KingsclereandAshford Hill with Headley

Prayer Diary for Nov 2016

Prayer Ministry: Prayer has been offered in all three churches in the Benefice for many generations and continues regularly to this day. If you, or anyone you know, would like prayer for any reason, please ask. (Contact details are on the back page).

This Diary is a way of reading the bible, and praying together, as a community, throughout each month. All prayer isheard, and will bring about good! Whether you come to church regularly or not, feel free to take one and be part ofthe prayer life of the benefice.

Tues1Nov: All Saints DayGive thanks for faithful people all down the ages who have quietly helped those around them and enriched peoples’ lives; pray that their example can inspire us in our own lives today. Byfields Road, Kingsclere. Isaiah 35:1-9, Luke 9:18-27

Wed2Nov: Commemoration of the Faithful Departed.Give thanks for our own loved ones now in eternal peace in God’s heavenly places. Union Lane, Kingsclere. Daniel 2:25-end, Revelation 2:12-end

Thurs3Nov:Pray for unaccompanied migrant children being helped to settle in the UK and other countries that they will flourish in their new lives and find help with dealing with the traumas they have experienced. Bushnells Drive, Kingsclere. Daniel 3:1-18, Revelation 3:1-13

Fri4Nov:Pray for politicians negotiating leaving Europe, for wisdom and clear thinking, that the needs of vulnerable people will not be overlooked.Cannon Heath, Kingsclere. Daniel 3:19-end, Revelation 3:14-end

Sat 5Nov: Pray for help to make space, to listen for God, to follow his ways; to love others, speak the truth, be prayerful, and faithful. Canon’s Court, Kingsclere. Daniel 4:1-18, Revelation 4

Sun 6Nov: 3rd Sunday before Advent.Pray for the Commemmoration Service at St Mary’s this afternoon, for those leading and welcoming, and for all who attend; that great strength will be found in the Christian message of hope.Isaiah 2:1-5, James 3:13-end

Mon7Nov: Pray for families everywhere who have been recently bereaved; that they will find comfort from faith, and from friends and neighbours. Drive, Kingsclere. Daniel 4:19-end, Revelation 5

Tues8Nov: Saints and Martyrs of England. Help us be inspired by the great faith and courage of the saints; to believe and trust that God is here with us, at all times, no matter how good or bad things are, and will not abandon us.Chapel Lane, Ashford Hill. Daniel 5:1-12, Revelation 6

Wed9Nov: Pray for all among us who have strained relationships with close family; for patience and forbearance, and that words are chosen wisely so that rifts have the best chance of healing. Remembering the shortness of life and the preciousness of reconciliation. Common Road, Headley. Daniel 5:13-end, Revelation 7:1-4, 9-end

Thurs 10Nov: Leo the Great, bishop, teacher of the Faith, 461. Pray for very young children undergoing operations and medical treatment, and for their families; give thanks for such good medical services available to us.Coppice Road, Kingsclere. Daniel 6, Revelation 8

Fri 11Nov:Pray for people who have long term illness which is unlikely physically to get better; for the best treatment of symptoms, inner peace, and good time with family and friends. Cottington Close, Kingsclere. Daniel 7:1-14, Revelation 9:1-12

Sat12Nov:Pray for the General Sale at St Paul’s today, for all who come along, and for the organisers, that it increases friendship and raises good funds for the church and for outreach. The Dell, Kingsclere. Daniel 7:15-end, Revelation 9:13-end

Sun 13Nov: 2ndSunday before Advent. Remembrance Sunday. Pray for families across the world who today, remember loved ones in the Armed Forces who have lost their lives in conflict. Pray for service personnel who live on, with serious injury, and for all agencies who help them. 1 Samuel 16:1-13, Matthew 13:44-52

Mon 14Nov:Give us grace to deal with difficult situations, where others may make us feel uncomfortable, without causing hurt. Ecchinswell Road, Kingsclere. Daniel 8:1-14, Revelation 10

Tues 15Nov: Give great thanks and praise for answered prayers, and for all the people who show love and dedication in praying for others. Elm Grove, Kingsclere. Daniel 8:15-end. Revelation 11:1-14

Wed16Nov: Margaret, queen, philanthropist, 1093. Pray that many will enjoy the Zozulenka (from the Ukraine)performance, at St Mary’s church this evening, and for the work of their Christian charity “Hope Now”, providing health care and orphanages. Evergreen, Headley. Daniel 9:1-19, Revelation 11:15-end

Thurs 17Nov:Pray for the work of Kingsclere PCC meeting tonight, that their decisions and plans will help build up Christian life and worship in our church and wider community. Fawconer Road, Kingsclere. Daniel 9:20-end, Revelation 12

Fri18Nov:Pray that more among us, may feel encouraged to explore new forms of ministry, and join the Pastoral or Worship Leader courses being offered locally, in this Diocese in the New Year. Fielden Court, Kingsclere. Daniel 10:1—11:1, Revelation 13:1-10

Sat 19 Nov: Hilda, abbess, 680Pray for God’s blessing on the Art and Craft event at St Paul’s church this weekend.Give thanks for the creative spirit and its enrichment of life. Fieldgate Crescent, Kingsclere. Daniel 12, Revelation 13:11-end

Sun 20Nov: Christ the King. Sunday next before Advent.On this crowning day of the Christian Year, rejoice: Alleluia! Alleluia! You, Christ, are the King of glory, the eternal Son of the Father!” Zechariah 6:9-end, Revelation 11:15-18

Mon21Nov: Pray for the ABC (Adults Babies and Children) time at St Mary’s this morning; that those who come, and those who lead worship, will know God’s love and hope, in this time together, and in their lives. Fieldgate Drive, Kingsclere. Isaiah 40:1-11, Revelation 14:1-13

Tues 22Nov: Cecilia, martyr, c230.(Patron saint of musicians) Give thanks for the gifts and skills of our musicians/organists, in all three churches, and for choir members; give thanks for the way in which music can bring us a sense of the mystery and nearness of God. Fire Station, Kingsclere. Isaiah 40:12-26, Revelation 14:14—end of 15

Wed 23Nov: Clement, bishop, martyr, c100Give thanks for the faith of the earliest theologians, for their formation of the traditions of the Church, the basis of so much of our worship.Fox’s Lane, Kingsclere. Isaiah 40:27—41:7, Revelation 16:1-11

Thurs 24Nov:Give thanks for the broadness of the Anglican Church, that all are welcome, and that we have freedom to question and doubt, as we journey together in faith. Garden Close, Kingsclere. Isaiah 41:8-20, Revelation 16:12-end

Fri 25Nov: Catherine, martyr, 4th century. Isaac Watts, hymn writer, 1748.Help us to be grateful for small merciesand not constantly to be looking for more, bigger, better; instead live thankfully, with a zest for life, not focussed on ourselves but with generosity and appreciation and enjoyment of others, in a truly grateful sense. Garrett Close, Kingsclere. Isaiah 41:21—42:9, Revelation 17.

Sat26th November: Help us grasp the hugeness of God’s love for us, greater than our small human understanding can take in; to grasp that we are forgiven all the time for our failures, for not listening, not learning, and drawn back always, to his love and mercy and new beginnings. Galley Lane, Headley. Isaiah 42:10-17, Revelation 18

Sun 27 Nov: First Sunday of Advent “In the tender mercy of our God, the dayspring from on high shall break upon us, to give light to those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death, and to guide our feet into the way of peace”. George St Kingsclere. Micah 4:1-7, 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11.

Mon 28 Nov:Pray for Ben leading the Wedding Preparation Evening at St Mary’s Church this evening, and for all couples who come along; that a need for wisdom and courage is recognised and that everyones’ wedding preparations are blessed. Goose Hill, Headley. Isaiah 42:18-end, Revelation 19.

Tues 29 Nov:Pray widely today for people across the world who suffer because of battles in their midst; whose food and water is cut off and whose plight is desperate and where we feel powerless to help. Pray for relief and for peace, and for the work of all aid agencies. Greenlands Road Kingsclere. Isaiah 43:1-13, Revelation 20.

Wed 30 Nov: St. Andrew the Apostle. Pray for the School Governors’ Meeting in Kingsclere this evening, that all discussion and decision making is in the best interests of the children, for learning, for confidence, and for growing in faith. Guides, Brownies and Rainbows. Ezekiel 47:1-12, John 12:20-32.

If you, or anyone you know, would like prayer, or if you would like any event or issue to be included in future editions of this prayer diary, please contact Bryony White 07963 484195, Evelyn Barr 07887 592718 or Rev. Ben Read