Bene presented its Future Report 2018 on the working environment of the future in Riyadh

Waidhofen an der Ybbs, 15 May 2018:As never before, rapid change is globally affecting every aspect of our society, politics, economy and consequently also our working lives. As part of a large-scale study, Bene has conducted interviews and discussions with more than 40 international experts in order to identify current trends, give brief descriptions of them, and present an overview of their potential impact on working environments. Bene recently published the results of this research project as the Future of Work Report 2018 and discussed them last week as part of an exclusive event in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, with around 50 invited designers and consultants.

Big data, digitalisation, mobilityandsocialnetworksare just someofthefactorsthatarechangingsociety, politicsandeconomyworldwide in an unprecedentedmannerand, as a result, alteringtheways in whichwework. Rigid organisational formsareincreasinglybeingpriedopened, anddiversityhasbecome a leadingcharacteristicofbothour private and professional lives. As a leading international providerofdesignandfurnishingsolutionsforofficeandworkingenvironments, Bene continuouslykeeps a closeeye on majortrendsand, based on thesetrends, creates innovative conceptsandproductsfortheworkingenvironmentsoftomorrow. Bene hasusedthe digital revolutionas a launch pad forplacingcurrentdevelopmentsandtheirimpact on workingenvironments in thespotlight.

In its Future of Work Report 2018, Bene has just publisheditsfindingsfromnumerousinterviewsandround-tablediscussionswithmorethan 40 expertsandopinionleaders in a broadrangeofareas, fromresearchandcultureto international companies, fromstart-upstoconsultingfirms, aswellas large industrialcompanies in a varietyofbusinesssectors. This reportrevealsnumerous relevant opinionsabouttrendsanddevelopmentsthat will influenceworklife in thefuture. The Future of Work Report 2018 does not strivetopresentconclusiveanswerstoquestionsaboutthefuture but ratherconsidersitself a vibrantplatform, usedby Bene toconversewithexpertsandinterestedparties on an ongoingbasis.

Bene continued this discourse last week in the Saudi Arabian capital Riyadh as part of the symposium “The Future of Work” at AMS Architectural Metal Solutions, the largest Bene dealer in the Near and Middle East. Moderated by Andrea Hildwein, Bene Expert in Future of Work from Vienna, around 50 invited designers, consultants and staff members of AMS engaged in a detailed discussion of entrepreneurial questions about the future that will arise from the “Vision 2030” defined by Saudi Arabia. “The partnership between public and private sectors will be as important as the alignment between the macro objectives and the micro realities. A creative, productive, forward-thinking workforce must also be collaborative, technologically competitive and visionary in its own right. And we must work to provide the spaces for such a working culture to become a living reality across all sectors.”This opinion was shared by all participants, who were clearly inspired by the Future Report 2018 and the opportunity to help further develop this platform.

About Bene

The international office expert is a specialist in the design andfurnishingofmodernofficeandworkingenvironments. Bene definestheofficeas a livingspace, anditsconcepts, productsandservices turn thisphilosophyinto a reality. The Bene Group is a globallyactivecompanywithitsheadofficeandproductionfacilities in Waidhofen an der Ybbs, Austria. Development, design, andproduction, alongwithconsultingandsales, arethereby united underone Austrian roof. As a significantmarketplayer in Europe, Bene standsfor innovative concepts, inspiringoffices, and high-quality design. Bene developsandproducescustomisedsolutionsfor all companysizes – fromone-person companiesto SMEs and global corporations.

For questions and further information:

Bettina Schön

Director Market Intelligence & Public Relations Bene Group, Press Spokesperson

BENE GmbH, Neutorgasse 4-8, 1010 Vienna

Phone: +43-1-53 426-1296 Mobile: +43-676-8151-1296


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Photos: The_Future_of_Work_Riad-03©Bene_GmbH.jpg

© Bene GmbH, no charge for printing. Sample copy requested