Your ETA Leadership team feels that it is very important to improve membership involvement, communication, and our accountability to our membership. In order to do this improvement, we will are asking building level leadership to reach out to members every month. This monthly engagement is part of the way to reach the aforementioned three goals. For the month of August, we ask that building RAs ask all building members to fill out some key information and respond to a very brief survey. Remember that there is one RA for every ten members, so one person need not do all of the work; in fact, we encourage all building leaders to be involved in order to have as much personal contact as possible with members. If your building monthly meeting takes place in the next couple of weeks, it might also be a good idea to use your 10 minute ETA time to do this engagement.

Below is a form that can be used to collect the desired informed:


If you would please fill out this form for your Elgin Teachers Association, I would really appreciate it. Your ETA Leadership team feels that it is very important to improve membership involvement, communication, and our accountability to the membership. In order to do this improvement, every month I will be trying to involve you in some way at the building level, and I will be giving this information to our leadership. The leadership will also be responding to our feedback and sharing the feedback with the full membership.

Thank You,


Please Print Clearly

My Name:______

My Personal Email:______

1)For the following questions, you may consider how your new year has begun, thoughts about The ETA, curricular issues, contractual thoughts, disciplinary comments, or anything that you feel would be appropriate.

Please give me one positive thought:

(see back to finish)

Please give me one concern:

2)In the past, the ETA has sponsored different social activities. Would you be interested in joining any of the following? (Please put an X by any that you might be interested in participating in)

_____ an ETA bowling league

_____ an ETA beach volleybal league (in the spring/summer)

_____ an ETA softball league (in the spring/summer)

_____ an ETA 5K

A suggestion of yours:______