Below are the minutes from the April 10th, 2007 meeting. Please forward any comments and/or corrections that you’d like considered being incorporated into these minutes.

The Geneseo Hills Homeowner’s Association Board met at the well house #3 office. In attendance were: Gary Gallens, Teresa Mahsem, Gus Stetter, and Brian Spindel.

The Treasurer reported bills paid to:

Farmer’s Mutual$471.66

Water System Repairs$502.00

Chemical & Analysis $1,031.79

Postage & Billings$ 39.00

Total $2,044.45


Water & Street Lights $0.00

Money Market Interest $33.87

Total $33.87

The money market balance is: $26,619.40

The checking account balance is: $ 7,192.50

The chemicals and analysis was higher for the month, due to money going to both Merle Loete and Aldrich Chemical. Aldrich will be refunding our chemical deposit back to the association.

Gary Gallens made the motion to except the treasurer’s report, and Gus Stetter 2nd it. Motion passed 4-0.

Gary Gallens made a motion to accept the corrected minutes from the Secretary, for March’s meeting. Brian Spindel 2nd it, the motion passed 4-0.

Old Business:

JimWoolley has purchased the new locks for the well houses. The board will coordinate a time to turn in old keys and distribute new keys to those who hold keys.

Hart Dr’s street light has been dimmed down again. But it has not been repositioned yet. Jim will contact the power company to see about adjusting it.

The homeowners in 209 and 210 Longview Dr are all paid up to date.

JimWoolley is still working on the mowing schedule. The board will mow it until it is done.

Homeowners should pay attention to their speed in the addition. With nice weather kids are back outside. With that said, well house 1 & 2 need to be cleaned up. Gus mentioned having it hired, but with the improvements to well house 3 coming up, the homeowners do not need any additional expense. If you are interested in donating your help contact a board member, and they can run down the “to do” list.

On April 13th, the bids closed for the arsenic systems to the US EPA. Gary knew of three, maybe four, systems that put bids in.

Merle Loete is still pursuing the new fees with testing.

The board is still looking at putting two mailboxes up at the #3 well house. One box is for mail, and the other box will be for water payments.

New Business:

The board will start to go out for bids to do the concrete modifications to the #3 well house floor, and also to cut in the overhead door.

Gary will contact the county about taking well #3 off line. That well is no longer used for anything, and wells 4 & 5 will handle the load in the addition. This will help free up money from maintenance costs for other projects in the future.

The flushing hydrant repairs and install will run the homeowners about $4200. Money will be saved if we schedule the work to be done when the plumber is doing work in Hazelwood. The work is looking to be done in May. This work will help the board be able to isolate piping sections better, and allow us to better flush all of the main water lines.

The intersection construction on Wolf Rd could be completed in two weeks, pending the weather.

A homeowner has volunteered landscaping blue prints for the sign, once it has been determined where the new sign will be located.

A homeowner contacted a board member in regards to setting a propane tank in their yard for a gas fired generator. The board has no say in this matter. There is nothing in our covenants or our by-laws which prohibit propane tanks.

The association received a stage 2 disinfectant waiver from the IL EPA. So no additional testing needs to be done.

The association’s request for an extension to update our system was granted.

Merle Loete is working on our Consumer Confidence Report and should have it wrapped up in a few weeks.

Teresa recommended doing a quarterly newsletter that will be attached to the water bills to help inform all the homeowners of any updates or happenings in the additions. She will start the planning on that.

Gary Gallens has lined up a work force to repair the yards of those who had water main work done this winter.

The by-laws committee has sent the by-laws revisions to the Virgil Thurman’s office for approval. Once they get them back, they will then be sent out to the homeowners for review.

Gary Gallens and Gus Stetter will pursue the repair work needed on the roads in the additions.

The next board meeting will be held on May 8th, 2007, in the office of well house #3.

Gary Gallens made a motion to adjourn, and Teresa Mahsem 2nd it. Motion passed 4-0.