January 26, 2015

Bellaire Middle/High School – Performing Arts Center

A. The meeting was called to order by R. Silk at 6:30 p.m.

B. Board members Present: M. Robinson, P. Savant, R. Silk, P. Wendling, W. Mann, A. George, T. Martinek

Administrators: J. Emery, K. Poel

C. R. Silk led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance.

D. Approval of the Agenda:

15-1 Motion by P. Savant, seconded by P. Wendling to accept the agenda as presented. Yeas: M.

Robinson, P. Savant, R. Silk, T. Martinek, P. Wendling., W. Mann, A. George Nays: None. Motion


E. ElectIon of Officers:

a)  Election of President – Motion by P. Savant, seconded by P. Wendling to appoint Rob Silk as President of the Bellaire Board of Education. Yeas: M. Robinson, P. Savant, R. Silk, T. Martinek, P. Wendling., W. Mann, A. George Nays: None. Motion carried.

b)  Election of Vice President – Motion by R Silk, seconded by T. Martinek to appoint Peter Wendling as Vice President of the Bellaire Board of Education. Yeas: M. Robinson, P. Savant, R. Silk, T. Martinek, P. Wendling., W. Mann, A. George Nays: None. Motion carried

c)  Election of Secretary – Motion by M. Robinson, seconded by W. Mann to appoint Patti Savant as Secretary of the Bellaire Board of Education. Yeas: M. Robinson, P. Savant, R. Silk, T. Martinek, P. Wendling., W. Mann, A. George Nays: None. Motion carried

d)  Election of Treasurer – Motion by R. Savant , seconded by R Silk to appoint Michael Robinson as the Treasurer of the Bellaire Board of Education. Yeas: M. Robinson, P. Savant, R. Silk, T. Martinek, P. Wendling., W. Mann, A. George Nays: None. Motion carried

F. Communications:

1.  From the Public

·  Sheree Robinson, representing BEA, thanked the Bellaire Board of Education for their service to the Bellaire Schools, in honor of Board Appreciation month.

2.  Elementary/Middle School Principal – Kristi Poel

·  Thanked the Board members for their service to the Bellaire Public Schools

·  Welcomed Aimee George to the Bellaire Board of Education

·  Elementary

PTO Updates:

Terry Wooten will do a project with the 5th Grade Class on February 20th

Daddy/Daughter Dance March 7th

“Partners in Print” – January 27th 5:15-6:30 – 25 students ( K-5) have signed up

Reading is the topic - Reading at home and will be lead by Jill Beatty, Kim Frank along with Kristi Poel. Jane Gyulveszi, Director of the Bellaire Public Library will also make a presentation.

Bellaire Public Library – February visit (K-5) will be bussed to the Bellaire Library and for ½ hour the students will learn more about the library.

Title/Audit revisit – January 29th to complete the audit

5th Grade Swim program will not be offered this year as the grant is not available

·  Middle School

Camp Hayo-went-ha – 6th Grade – February 19th 8am-2:50pm

MS Student Senate Dance – February 12th 6-7:30pm

Boater Safety – Antrim County Sheriff’s Department – March 21st at Bellaire High School, open to anyone who would like to attend.

3.  Jim Emery updated the Board on the following items:

January – School Board Recognition Month - “January is designated as “Board Member Appreciation Month” by the Michigan Association of School Boards and with that we traditionally provide each members with a framed certificate thanking you for your service. As Board members you put in a tremendous amount of hours each year that usually go unnoticed by most people but the fruits of your efforts are felt by everyone in the community. Thank you Bellaire Board of Education!”

Local College Access network – BPS is a part of a consortium of schools that are trying to make post-secondary learning a reality for all. The consortium of schools includes Alba, Bellaire, Forest Area, Kalkaska and Mancelona and have been laying the necessary ground work for almost two years. Working together with the Michigan College Access Network and are able to track things like FAFSA completion, college applications and most importantly – college enrollment and completion status. The schools became members of the National Student Clearinghouse and that organization is directly tied to a majority of colleges and universities across the nation. Data for the Class of 2014 indicates that of our 46 graduates, 35 were enrolled and attending college this fall (76%). The LCAN is names I-CAN and will be in the news soon for the steps they are taking to increase post-secondary learning.

MSBOA District 2 – Solo & Ensemble – The high school band recently had several members compete at the MSBOA District Solo & Ensemble Festival held at Kingsley High School. The following members received 1st Division ratings and will be advancing to the State Solo & Ensemble Festival in Manistee on March 21st. Isaac Bigsby-Oboe; Maggie Rathke-Saxophone; Katie Rathke-Piano; Kennan Dawson-Clarinet; Erin Emery-Piano and French Horn; and the Clarinet Quartet of: CJ Miller, Kennan Dawson, Amara Smith and Coleen Randolph. Congratulations and best of luck at the State competition!

Upcoming Events: Jan. 27-GBB@Onaway; Jan. 28-BBB@Central Lake; Jan. 29 GBB@Mancelona; Jan. 30-BBBvsPelston; Jan. 31-Bowling@Lucky Jacks; Feb. 3-GBB vs Forest Area; Feb. 4-BBB@Onaway; Feb 5-GBB@Inland Lakes; Feb. 6 BBB@Mancelona; Feb. 7-Boling@Lucky Jacks vs TC West Gold; Feb 10-GBB vs Gaylord St. Mary; Feb. 11-BBB vs. Forest Area; Feb. 12-GBB@Joburg; Feb. 13-BBB@Inland Lakes; Feb. 14-Bowling@Luck Jacs vs. TC West Gold III; Feb. 14 -HS Snowcoming Dance in HS/MS cafeteria 8-11pm; Feb. 16-NO SCHOOL, Midwinter Break.

The Bellaire Board of Education meeting will be at 5:30pm on Monday February 23, 2015, rather than the normal time of 6:30pm.

G.  Non-Action Items:

1)  Recognition of Bellaire Board Members – J. Emery presented each Board Member a framed certificate of Appreciation for the Boards dedication to our children and public education.

2)  Second Reading of Policies

ü  Board Policy #5175 Criminal History and Background Checks

ü  Policy #7400 Instructional Materials and the Media Center

H.  Action Items:

15-2 Motion by P. Wendling, seconded by T. Martinek to approve the minutes of the December 22, 2014 regular meeting. Yeas: M. Robinson, P. Savant, R. Silk, A. George, P. Wendling, W. Mann, T. Martinek. Nays: None. Motion carried.

15-3 Motion by M. Robinson, seconded by W. Mann to approve the bills in the amount of $161,664.32 Yeas: M. Robinson, P. Savant, R. Silk, T. Martinek, P. Wendling, A. George, W. Mann. Nays: None. Motion carried.

15-4 Motion by P. Wendling, seconded by M. Robinson to approve Board Policy #5175 Criminal History and Background Checks. Yeas: M. Robinson, P. Savant, R. Silk, P. Wendling, A. George, W. Mann, T. Martinek. Nays: None. Motion carried.

15-5 Motion by T. Martinek, seconded by P. Savant to approve changes to Policy #7400 Instructional Materials and the Media Center. Yeas: M. Robinson, P. Savant, R. Silk, P. Wendling, A. George, W. Mann, T. Martinek. Nays: None. Motion carried.

I. Other Business

·  P. Savant gave update on web-site survey. The major points from the survey 1) On line purchases 2) Mobile Friendly 3) Enhance current web-site – ie: new pictures, Headers, Side Bar Graphics, etc. Committee will research cost, etc., meet with J. Emery and hopefully will have a proposal to present to the board in February.

J. Adjournment:

15-6 Motion by T. Martinek, seconded by M. Robinson to adjourn the meeting at 7:34 p.m. Yeas: M. Robinson, P. Savant, R. Silk, A. George, P. Wendling, T. Martinek, W. Mann. Nays: None. Motion carried.


Patricia Savant

Recording Secretary & Board Secretary