Minutes – March 18, 2008
The March meeting of the Belize Education Project was held on March 18, 2008, at Judy Denison’s house, 1027 9th St., Golden, CO, at 6:30pm. Attending the meeting were:
Board: Sue Davis, Judy Denison, Jean Kirshner, Rebecca Knight, Chris Robinson
Shari Griffin (teacher in Parker, going to Belize in November);
Curtis Lambert (nurse at Lutheran, going to Belize in November);
Patrick Lopez (native of Belize, former student of Tharine, now in New York);
Karen Pierce (has lived in Belize, archaeologist & metal artist)
Board members not present: Greg Hodgson, Bill Saber
President Rebecca Knight conducted the meeting. Judy Denison took minutes.
Primitiva Ruiz (Judy Denison):
Judy reported that according to the vice-principal, Marcelo Torres, Primitiva is in school and doing well and improving in math. Judy sent US$180 to Marcelo for Primitiva’s taxi and lunch for 8 weeks (March and April) – Marcelo had advanced his own money for this until our money should arrive. It took about three weeks for the check to arrive by registered mail; it was processed by our bank on March 14.
Eden Physical Plant Projects (Jean Kirshner, Adam Stevenson):
a. Security: Jean reported that burglar bars have been installed on doors and windows in Eden intermediate school (5-8 grade), and the gap between walls and roof has been filled in. This was paid for by our $1000. A residence is needed for a security guard. The primary school is already quite secure and in a safer location.
b. Electricity: Jean says that this is not such an immediate concern as the buildings themselves. The application to Engineers Without Borders still needs to be completed. Habitat for Humanity does only residences (could they do the residence for the security guard?). Judy noted that Colorado School of Mines has a branch of Engineers for the World and Adam Stevenson was going to contact them. There was a question about whether Rotary could cover any construction – Judy thought they could cover a latrine – could they pay for materials? [Rotary guidelines: Eligible are: Construction of infrastructure such as…latrines; …Purchase of equipment or appliances;….Primary and secondary education, tuition…. –maybe we could get a Rotary grant for our highschooler(s)]
c. Water: Jean says this is not a priority at this time. Sue has a connection with “The Tap Project” in UNICEF that provides water to third-world countries.
d. New Building: Jean reports that the intermediate school is growing so much that they need a new building by September (they already have 40-50 students in a classroom). It would cost $3000.
Literacy Curriculum (Jean Kirshner):
Jean reported that 2000 books have already been sent to Eden, 1000 more are ready, and we will keep collecting them indefinitely. Judy reported that Clear Creek Books, the new bookstore in downtown Golden, will collect children’s books for us (Jean will make a box). We hope to ship books through the US Ambassador. Karen Pierce mentioned Sterling Freight.
Jean is trying to find books on how to teach teachers in third-world countries. She is using “Choice Words” and “Teaching with the Brain in Mind”. The teaching team going to San Ignacio in November 2008 includes Jean, Shari, Mark Akin, Carla, Christopher, and Sophia Kirshner. (Rebecca is going in November too.) She plans to do “model lessons” – running a reading group with the kids there.
Working Groups:
Working groups are being set up that will meet independently between Board meetings.
a. Literacy/teaching: Will meet in April. Includes Jean, Shari, Mark, Carla, Christopher, and Sophia.
b. Fundraising: Rebecca, Chris, Sue, Judy
c. Physical plant (house, not electricity): Adam, Rebecca, Jean
d. High school student(s): Judy
Finances (Judy Denison, Rebecca Knight):
a. Bank account: Judy reports that the checking account has $606.66; $97.80 is earmarked for Primitiva, and $508.86 for the Eden buildings.
b. Fundraising ideas:
i. Blues concert: Rebecca is arranging for the Coyote Brothers to give a concert in the summer, at the Oriental, 44th & Tennyson. The lead, Gary Small, is Rebecca’s uncle. Rebecca passed out CDs of the group.
ii. Chocolate bars: Rebecca raised $500 for Mark’s travel to Belize, selling chocolate bars at the hospital (she passed out samples). She can do it again the week before Mother’s Day.
iii. Cooking school: Rebecca proposed having cooking classes, at Generous Helpings, 32nd & Lowell – pay $75, cook, eat.
iv. Pen pals: Rebecca proposes that Foothills Academy students have a pen pal in Eden school: pay the $20 tuition, and correspond with the student.
c. Distribution of funds:
i. Travel: At present, $500 for Mark
ii. Shipping: Ambassador. Judy never heard from Francis Ford Coppola; she could follow up.
iii. Scholarships
iv. Supplies
v. Physical plant projects
Website and Publicity:
The web page address has been changed, to
Future Meetings:
The Board voted 4-1 to hold meetings only every other month, on second Tuesdays.
The next meeting will be Tuesday, May 13.
--Submitted by Judy Denison, 03/20/08