PRESS RELEASE 2016/02/12

BEGO hands over the Wilhelm Herbst Award 2015 to Bra-Š d.o.o. from Croatia

To mark the 52nd BEGO International Sales Symposium (BISS), BEGO presented the Wilhelm Herbst Award 2015, selecting the Croatian sales partner Bra-Š d.o.o. for its exceptional sales achievements in the field of CAD/CAM technology.

"As a small Croatian family company, it's a huge honour for us to be given this award", says Siniša Šterleof Bra-Š d.o.o. Jürgen Schultze was also pleased about the Croatian partner's impressive achievements: "We have had a very good partnership with the Sterle family for the past 21 years. With the appropriate market knowledge, we have successfully managed to expand upon the range of products and services that we offer in the field of conventional dentistry over recent years to include digital products in the CAD/CAM technology sector. We're very happy about this".

The presentation of the Wilhelm Herbst Award is a particular highlight of the BEGO International Sales Symposium, which has been taking place annually for over 50 years. The 88 international guests who had travelled from 33 countries to the event in Bremen this year eagerly awaited the announcement of the winner of the award for outstanding marketing and sales achievements for BEGO products.

The best sales performance in the field of CAD/CAM technology in 2015 was achieved by Bra-Š d.o.o. BEGO's Croatian partner impressed in particular with its excellent market knowledge and its coordinated marketing and sales concept. With carefully selected customers and collaboration with the best clinics in the country, Bra-Š d.o.o. came out on top.

The company Bra-Š d.o.o. has been in existence for over 25 years. The family company, which is headed by three family members and has a total of six employees, has been one of the exclusive representatives of BEGO Medical and BEGO Implant Systems on the Croatian market for three years.

Image (© BEGO):

Sinisas Sterle (2nd from left), Managing Director of the Croatian companyBra-Š d.o.o., Biserka Sterle (3rd from left) and Branimir Sterle (right), both authorised representatives at Bra-Š d.o.o., expressed their gratitude for the good collaboration with a 3D-printed Yoda figurine, and presented this to Christoph Weiss (left), Managing Partner of the BEGO Group, and Lucyna Poloczanska (2nd from right), Area Sales Manager at BEGO Bremer Goldschlägerei.