Beginning Time: ______ Librarian Professional Development and Appraisal System Ending Time ______Appraiser: ______Date: ______Campus: ______Assignment/Grade: ______

Beginning Time: ______Librarian Professional Development and Appraisal System Ending Time: ______

Observation Summary

Summative Annual Appraisal

Page 2

Domain I: Active, Successful Student Participation in the Learning Process

(x 5) / Proficient
(x 3) / Below
(x 1) / Unsets-factory
(x 0)
1. Engaged in learning
2. Learning at high cognitive level
3. Self-directed
4. Connects learning / 1. ____
2. ____
3. ____
4. ____ / 1. ____
2. ____
3. ____
4. ____ / 1. ____
2. ____
3. ____
4. ____ / 1. ____
2. ____
3. ____
4. ____ / Total
Total: 16 to 20 Exceeds Expectations
9 to 15 Proficient
3 to 8 Below Expectations
0 to 2 Unsatisfactory


Strengths / Areas to Address

Domain II: Learner-Centered Instruction

(X 5) / Proficient
(X 3) / Below
(X 1) / Factory-factory
(X 0)
1. Goals and objectives
2. Learner-centered
3. Point of need
4. Motivational strategies
5. Information problem solving process
6. Pacing/sequencing
7. Appropriate questioning and inquiry
8. Use of technology / 1. ____
2. ____
3. ____
4. ____
5. ____
6. ____
7. _____
8. _____ / 1. ____
2. ____
3. ____
4. ____
5. ____
6. ____
7. ____
8. _____ / 1. ____
2. ____
3. ____
4. ____
5. ____
6. ____
7. ____
8. _____ / 1. ____
2. ____
3. ____
4. ____
5. ____
6. ____
7. ____
8. ______/ Total
Total: 34 to 40 Exceeds Expectations
20 to 33 Proficient
6 to 19 Below Expectations
0 to 5 Unsatisfactory


Strengths / Areas to Address

May 2001 Page 42 of 5

Name: ______Appraiser: ______Date: ______Campus: ______Assignment/Grade: ______

Beginning Time: ______ Librarian Professional Development and Appraisal System Ending Time: ______

Observation Summary

Summative Annual Appraisal

Domain III: Management of Student Discipline, Instructional Strategies, Time

And Materials

(x 5) / Proficient
(x 3) / Below
(x 1) / Factory-factory
(x 0)
1. Discipline procedures
2. Self-discipline and self-directed learning
3. Fair application of rules
4. Redirects disruptive behavior
5. Materials support curriculum and culture
6. Manages time
7. Manages collection / 1. ____
2. ____
3. ____
4. ____
5. ____
6. ____
7. ____ / 1. ____
2. ____
3. ____
4. ____
5. ____
6. ____
7. ____ / 1. ____
2. ____
3. ____
4. ____
5. ____
6. ____
7. ____ / 1. ____
2. ____
3. ____
4. ____
5. ____
6. ____
7. ____ / Total
Total: 31 to 35 Exceeds Expectations
18 to 30 Proficient
5 to 17 Below Expectations
0 to 4 Unsatisfactory


Strengths / Areas to Address

Domain IV: Professional Communication

(x 5) / Proficient
(x 3) / Below
(x 1) / Factory-factory
(x 0)
1. Written with students
2. Verbal/non-verbal with students
3. Reluctant students
4. Written with parents, staff, community members and other professionals
5. Verbal/non-verbal with parents, staff, community members and other professionals
6. Supportive, courteous / 1. ____
2. ____
3. ____
4. ____
5. ____
6. ____ / 1. ____
2. ____
3. ____
4. ____
5. ____
6. ____ / 1. ____
2. ____
3. ____
4. ____
5. ____
6. ____ / 1. ____
2. ____
3. ____
4. ____
5. ____
6. ____ / Total
Total: 25 to 30 Exceeds Expectations
15 to 24 Proficient
5 to 14 Below Expectations
0 to 4 Unsatisfactory


Strengths / Areas to Address

May 2001

May 2001

Name: ______Appraiser: ______Date: ______Campus: ______Assignment/Grade: ______

Beginning Time: ______Librarian Professional Development and Appraisal System Ending Time: ______

Observation Summary

Summative Annual Appraisal

Domain V: Professional Development

(x 5) / Proficient
(x 3) / Below
(x 1) / Factory-factory
(x 0)
1. Campus/district goals
2. Library management
3. Computer or information problem solving
4. Prior performance appraisal
5. Collaborates with colleagues and other professionals / 1. ____
2. ____
3. ____
4. ____
5. ____ / 1. ____
2. ____
3 ____
4. ____
5. _____ / 1. ____
2 ____
3. ____
4. ____
5. _____ / 1. ____
2. ____
3. ____
4. ____
5. ____ / Total
Total: 20 to 25 Exceeds Expectations
12 to 19 Proficient
4 to 11 Below Expectations
0 to 3 Unsatisfactory


Strengths / Areas to Address

Domain VI: Compliance with Policies, Operating Procedures and


(x 5) / Proficient
(x 3) / Below
(x 1) / Factory-factory
(x 0)
1. Complies with policies
2. Administers library budget effectively
3. Complies with all
4. Safe and stimulating
Learning environment / 1. ____
2. ____
3. ____
4. _____ / 1. ____
2. ____
3. ____
4. _____ / 1. ____
2. ____
3. ____
4. _____ / 1. ____
2. ____
3. ____
4. _____ / Total
Total: 16 to 20 Exceeds Expectations
9 to 15 Proficient
3 to 8 Below Expectations
0 to 2 Unsatisfactory


Strengths / Areas to Address

May 2001 Page 10 of 5


May 2002

Name: ______Appraiser: ______Date: ______Campus: ______Assignment/Grade: ______

Beginning Time: ______Librarian Professional Development and Appraisal System Ending Time: ______

Observation Summary

Summative Annual Appraisal


May 2002

Domain VII: Curriculum and Instruction Responsibilities

(X 5) / Proficient
(X 3) / Below
(X 1) / Unsatis-factory
(X 0)
1. Materials correlated with assessment objectives
2. Works with staff to meet needs of special students
3. Assists teachers and students with technology presentations
4. Guidance in use of print and nonprime research tools
5. Instruction in use of library resources
6. Uses flexible access
7 Reading motivation activities / 1. ____
2. ____
3. ____
4. ____
5. ____
6. ____
7. ____ / 1. ____
2. ____
3. ____
4. ____
5. ____
6. ____
7. ____ / 1. ____
2. ____
3. ____
4. _____
5. _____
6. _____
7. _____ / 1. ____
2. ____
3. ____
4. _____
5. _____
6. _____
7. _____ / Total
Total: 31 to 35 Exceeds Expectations
18 to 30 Proficient
5 to 17 Below Expectations
0 to 4 Unsatisfactory


Strengths / Areas to Address


May 2002

Signature of Appraiser: ______Date: ______

My appraiser has given me a copy of this Observation Summary Report.

Signature of Teacher: ______Date: ______

Observation Summary

Signature of Appraiser: ______Date: ______

My appraiser and I have discussed this Summative Annual Appraisal Report.

Signature of Teacher: ______Date: ______

Summative Annual Appraisal


May 2001


May 2001