ShakeOut Drill Broadcast Script for Amateur Radio
Courtesy Terry Dillard - Shelby County, Alabama ARES

This is a drill, this is a drill. Attention all stations, this is [call sign] activating the [name of NET] in active status.

BEGIN Drill Broadcast

This is the Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drill. You are joining in the largest earthquake drill in the region’s history. We’re practicing now so we'll know how to protect ourselves during a real earthquake.

During an earthquake, you should DROP, COVER, AND HOLD ON to protect yourself.

Unless you are driving, DROP to the ground now. If you’re standing during a large earthquake, the ground might jerk strongly and throw you down. Take COVER under something sturdy to protect yourself from objects being hurled across the room. HOLD ON to it until the shaking stops. If you can’t get under something, stay low and protect your head and neck with your arms. Try to stay calm while the ground shakes.

Look around you right now. What objects might fall or be thrown at you in an earthquake that you should secure in place?

The shaking has stopped and the drill is now over. Calmly get up and remember aftershocks may occur after an earthquake.

Visit for simple steps to help you survive a damaging earthquake. Thank you for taking part in the Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drill.

END Drill Broadcast

I will now take check-ins for approximately 10 minutes. Please note that the repeater used for this net, [XYZ MHz], requires a PL tone of [XX.X] for use. After you check in, please QSY to any other repeaters within range of your station and announce this drill, and invite stations listening to come to this repeater and check in. This is [call sign], Net Control Station.

All stations please check in now.

[Record and acknowledge all stations that check-in. After 10 minutes or so or when check-ins slacken (whichever is longer), continue with the script below.]

This is [call sign], Net Control Station for the [name of NET]. I would like to thank all stations for their participation in this net. Your help is greatly appreciated. Please join the [name of Local NET] each [Date and Time] on the [frequency]MHz repeater. Information about [name of ARES Group] can be found at [ The [name of NET] is now secured. This frequency is returned to normal operation. This is [call sign], clear.