Beg at sole with A, CO 10 sts.

Row 1 (wS): Purl.
Row 2: K1, *m1, k1; rep from * to end for total of 19 sts.
Rows 3, 5 and 7: Purl.
Row 4: K4, *m1, k3; rep from * to end for total 24 sts.
Row 6: Knit.
Row 8: K8, [ssk] twice, [k2tog] twice, k8 for total of 20 sts.
Row 9: P6, [p2tog] twice, [p2tog tbl] twice, p6 for total of 16 sts.
Row 10: K7, k2tog, k7 for total of 15 sts.

Break off A and join C. For remainder of leg, work stripes of 2 rows C and 2 rows B.

Rows 11 - 13: Work in St st.
Row 14: K2, m1, k11, m1, k2 for total of 17 sts.
Rows 15 - 25: Work in St st.
Row 26: K1, *k2tog; rep from * to end for total of 9 sts.

Break off yarn. Thread end through remaining sts and pull tight to gather. Sew back leg seam and sole, leaving an opening. Stuff and sew closed.


Beg at neck edge with B, CO 16 sts.

Row 1 (WS): Purl.
Row 2: K1, *m1, k1; rep from * to end for total of 31 sts.
For remainder of body, work stripes of 2 rows C and 2 rows B.
Rows 3 - 5: Work in St st.
Row 6: K8, m1, k15, m1, k8 for total of 33 sts.
Rows 7 - 13: Work in St st.
Row 14: K15, m1, k3, m1, k15 for total of 35 sts.
Rows 15 - 17: Work in St st.
Row 18: K3, m1, k1, m1, k27, m1, k1, m1, k3 for total of 39 sts.
Row 19: Purl. Row 20: K16, ssk, k3, k2tog,
k16 for total of 37 sts.
Rows 21 - 23: Work in St st.
Row 24: K15, ssk, k3, k2tog, k15 for total of 35 sts.
Rows 25 - 27:
Work in St st.
Row 28: K1, *k2tog; rep from * to end for total of 18 sts.
Row 29: Purl.
Row 30: *K2tog; rep from * to end for total of 9 sts.
Break off yarn. Thread end through remaining sts and pull tight to gather. Sew back seam to neck edge, leaving neck edge open. Stuff body.


Beg at paw with A, CO 6 sts.
Row 1 (WS): Purl.
Row 2: K1, *m1, k1; rep from * to end for a total of 11 sts.
Row 3: Purl.
Row 4: [K2, m1] twice, k3, [m1, k2] twice for a total of 15 sts.
Rows 5–7: Work in St st. Row 8: K1, [ssk] twice, [k2tog] twice, k6 for a total of 11 sts.

Break off A and attach C. For remainder of arm, work stripes
of 2 rows C and 2 rows B.

Rows 9–13: Work in St st.
Row 14: K5, m1, k3, m1, k3 for a total of 13 sts.
Rows 15–23: Work in St st. Row 24: K1, *k2tog; rep from * to end for a total of 7 sts.

Break off yarn. Thread end through remaining sts and pull tight to gather.

Sew arm seam, leaving an opening. Stuff and sew


Work same as right arm except work rows 8 and 14 as follows:
Row 8: K6, [ssk] twice, [k2tog] twice, k1 for a total of 11 sts.
Row 14: K3, m1, k3, m1, k5 for a total of 13 sts.


Beg at back of head with C, CO 7 sts. Work in stripes of 2 rows C and 2 rows B.

Row 1 (wS): Purl.
Row 2: K1, *m1, k1; rep from * to end for a total of 13 sts.
Row 3: Purl.
Row 4: K1, *m1, k1; rep from * to end for a total of 25 sts.
Rows 5 - 7: Work in St st.
Row 8: [K2, m1] 4 times, k9, [m1, k2] 4 times for a total of 33 sts.
Rows 9 - 18: Work in St st (last row should be C).
Row 19: With C, purl.
Row 20: With C, k8, [k2tog] twice, k9, [ssk] twice, k8 for a total of 29 sts.

Break off C and work remaining of nose with A. Row 21: Purl.

Row 22: K1, [k2tog] 6 times, k3, [ssk] 6 times, k1 for a total of 17 sts.
Rows 23–25: Work in St st. Row 26: K1, *k2tog; rep from * to end for a total of 9 sts.

Break off yarn. Thread end through remaining sts and pull tight to gather. Attach safety eyes or button eyes. Sew seam, leaving an opening. Stuff, adding extra to nose and cheeks to make them stick out, and sew closed.


With C, CO 9 sts.

Row 1 (RS): Knit. Row 2: K1, ssk, k to end for a total of 8 sts.
Rows 3–8: Rep rows 1 and 2 for a total of 5 sts after row 8.
Row 9: Knit. Row 10: [Ssk] twice, k1 for a total of 3 sts.

Break off yarn. Thread end through remaining sts, pull tight and secure end.


With B, CO 9 sts.

Beg with a WS row, work 32 rows in St st stripes of 2 rows B and 2 rows for a total of 16 stripes.

Break off C and attach A. Work 5 rows in St st.

Break off yarn. Thread end through sts and pull tight to gather. Sew seam.


With pink yarn, embroider nose and mouth.

Optional: Embellish stripes on head with duplicate st (see photo for placement).

Sew CO edge of ears to head. Sew head securely to open neck edge of body. Referring to diagram, thread approx 24" length of yarn through left arm approx 4" from top, through body at shoulder, and through right arm; then again through arm, body, and left arm; pull tight. Repeat so yarn passes through each arm 4 times. Pull yarn tight so arms are secure, then fasten off yarn. Attach legs at lower edge of body in the same way as the arms. Sew tail to tiger bum.



With D, CO 27 sts.
Row 1 (WS): P3, *k1, p4; rep from * to last 4 sts, k1, p3.
Row 2: Knit.
Rows 3 - 20: Rep rows 1 and 2.
Row 21: Rep row 1.
Row 22: K1, *k2tog, k1, ssk; rep from * to last st, k1 for a total of 17 sts. Drop D and pick up E.
Rows 23 - 24: With E, work in St st. Drop E and pick up D.
Rows 25 - 31: With D, work in St st. BO.


Work same as Front through row 31.
Row 32: Knit. BO.


Sew side seams up to E stripe. With E, starting at side seam, work 1 rnd sc around front and back bodices, making a button loop on one or both back shoulders. Sew button(s) to front. Sew other shoulder seam if necessary.