YunusArikancoordinates ICLEI's global policy and advocacy. He has been working at ICLEI World Secretariat since 2009. Between 2009-2012, he led ICLEI´s Cities Climate Center. Within this scope, he advanced and coordinated ICLEI´s work on climate mitigation, established the Bonn Center for Local Climate Action and Reporting - carbonn, operating the Cities Climate Registry, and served as the Director of Secretariat of the World Mayors Council on Climate Change. Since 2013, he leads ICLEI´s policy and advocacy work at the UN ECOSOC, UN bodies and multilateral agreements.
Bas Luc
As Director of the International Union for Conservation of Nature's European Union Representative Office, Luc Bas represents the IUCN Secretariat and provides leadership and guidance for all activities undertaken by the Secretariat within the European Union context in Brussels, including maintaining vital linkages for IUCN to key EU institutions and other public and private actors with regional headquarters in Brussels.
Luc has worked as an adviser on international sustainable development policies for both the Belgian Federal and Flemish Governments. He was a representative for the Government at the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development's national Sustainable Development experts panel, and the Belgium Federal Council, and at various interregional networks on sustainable development.
Beecroft Stephanie
Stephanie Beecroft is a British national with a background in international cooperation, development and advocacy. She holds a Masters in International Relations from the University of Strasbourg, having specialised in cooperation between the European Union and developing countries.
Within the European Youth Forum, Stephanie is responsible for coordinating the Youth Forum’s relations with the United Nations system, its work on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and its cooperation and partnership with other regional youth platforms and international youth organisations around the world.
Bertollini, Roberto
Dr Roberto Bertollini holds a degree in medicine and a postgraduate degree in paediatrics, as well as a master’s degree in public health from the Johns Hopkins University, USA. In addition to his position as World Health Organisation(WHO) Representative to the European Union, DrBertollini is Chief Scientist with the specific task of supporting the Regional Director’s Office with the scientific evidence that underpins WHO health policies and strategies.
Bianchini Martina
Martina Bianchini is chair of the Green Economy Task Force of the International Chamber of Commerce. In 2013 she joined the FIPRA (FinsburyInternational Policy & Regulatory Advisers) network as Special Adviser for the Chemicals Industry. Prior to that she worked at the Dow Chemical Company as Vice President, EU Government and Public Policy, and at Monsanto. Martina served as business and industry delegate to the United Nations and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development on chemicals management and sustainable development. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Earth Sciences from the University of Trier in Germany and a Master of Science in Environmental Sciences/Toxicology from Louisiana State University, USA.
Bjoernholm-Ottosson Ulf
Ulf Björnholm, a national of Sweden, is an expert in European and international environmental policy. He has been the Head of the United Nations Environment Programme's Brussels Liaison Office since April 2014. Ulf Björnholm has a Master of Science from the University of Lund. In addition to being fluent in Swedish, Norwegian and English, he also speaks French and Portuguese.
Prior to joining UNEP, he served in the European Commission where he had a leading role in developing a proposal for a new EU Clean Air Policy, presented in 2013. Linked to this, he participated actively in international UN negotiations relating to air pollution, including the UNEP-hosted Climate and Clean Air Coalition.
Caño Aguilar Isabel
Isabel Caño Aguilar has a degree in geography and history, with a major in history of art, from the Complutense University of Madrid.She is a teacher by profession and a member of the education section of the General Workers Union (UGT), where she began her involvement with trade unionism. She is currently head of the Brussels office.She has been a member of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) since September 2010 and is a member of the NAT (Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment) and TEN (Transport, Energy, Infrastructure and Information Society) sections.
She is Vice-President of the EESC's Sustainable Development Observatory (SDO) where she is heavily involved in climate change policy – particularly the social aspects.
Candotti Michele
Michele Candotti joined UNEP in December 2010 as Principal Advisor to the Executive Director and Head of the Office for Policy and Inter-Agency Affairs (OPIA). Michele brought to the United Nations Environment Programme over 25 years of international professional experience in the fields of development cooperation, programme & policy management and the environment, as well as a strong commitment to environmental sustainability. He joined World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Italy towards the end of 2000 as a Regional Secretary in Northern Italy. He was appointed Secretary-General of WWF Italy in 2003 and held this position for seven years until his appointment to UNEP. Michele holds a University Degree in Agriculture Sciences from the Italian Catholic University of the Sacred Heart and is an Italian national.
Chebly Juan
Juan Elias Chebly is founder and CEO of He is a PHD Candidate in Sustainable Development at Simon Bolivar University in Caracas, Venezuela, and also works for the United Nations Environment Programme as Lead Adviser. He holds a Bachelor of Science in management, a minor in International Business, and a Finance Master of Business Administration degree from St. John’s University in Queens, New York.
At age 24, he became St. John’s Tobin College of Business youngest professor during the Fall of 2010. In 2009 he founded, a telecom startup introducing innovative and pioneering VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) telephony solutions in South America. Juan has served as the World We Want 2015 Coordinator at the United Nations Development Programme and currently serves as the Lead Adviser to the Secretariat of Governing Bodies on citizen engagement and multi-stakeholder partnerships at the New York Office of the United Nations Environment Programme.
Cox Tanya
Tanya Cox is the Senior Policy and Advocacy Manager at Plan International’s EU Office. Since 2011, she led the work of the CONCORD-Beyond 2015 European Task Force (ETF). As Co-Chair of the ETF, she guided European organisations to influence the EU's position, both in Brussels and at Member State level, in the sustainable development negotiations, with considerable success in pushing for a people- and planet- centeredapproach. Now that “Agenda 2030” has been agreed, she is involved in civil society discussions about how to influence and monitor EU implementation of the SDGs.
Dahl Arthur
Arthur Lyon Dahl is President of the International Environment Forum, and a retired Deputy Assistant Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), where he was Deputy Director of the Oceans and Coastal Areas Programme involving all Small Island Developing States (SIDS) countries, Coordinator of the UN System-wide Earthwatch, and founding Director of the Coral Reef Unit. He is a frequent consultant on sustainability, environmental assessment and indicators to the World Bank, the World Economic Forum, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) and UNEP. He was Visiting Professor, University of Brighton, and for 10 years has taught advanced studies courses in sustainable development and environmental diplomacy at the University of Geneva and other universities.
Dassis Georges
Mr. Dassis was elected President of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) in October 2015. He became involved in the tradeunion movement in Greece from the age of 15 and an activist against the Greek colonels' dictatorship (1967-1974). He was a permanent staff of the Belgian General Federation of Labour(FGTB) from 1976 to 1980. Since 1981 he has been a representative of the Greek General Confederation of Labour(GSEE) to the European Trade Union Confederation, to the International Trade Union Confederation and to the International Labour Office. He is the founding member of the Labour Institute of the Greek General Confederation of Labour (1990) and acted as its secretary for international relations. A member of the EESC between 1981 and 1990 and from 2002, he was president of the section dedicated to economic affairs from 2004 to 2008 and president of the Workers' Group of the EESC from 2008 to 2015.
Dusik Jan
Born in 1975 in Plzen (Czech Republic), Jan Dusik graduated from the Law School of the Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic (Master of Law 1998, Doctor of Law 2001). In 2002, he received a Master of Science in Environmental Change and Management in the University of Oxford, United Kingdom.
Between 1998 and 2009 (with a one year break in 2003 and 2004 when he worked for the European Commission's Directorate-General for the Environment in Brussels), he held gradually responsible functions in the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic, including heading the EU Department, through the Director General for International Relations.
Falkenberg Karl
On 1st September 2015, Karl Falkenberg was appointed as Senior Advisor at the European Political Strategy Centre (EPSC) dealing with Sustainable Development. Karl Falkenberg is a trained economist and journalist. He started his career in the Commission as textiles negotiator. In 1990, he served as foreign policy advisor to EU President Jacques Delors, with particular focus on the German unification process. From 1997 to December 2000 he was in charge of the coordination of all World Trade Organisation issues at the European Commission's Directorate-General for Trade (DG Trade). In 2001 he was appointed Director in charge of sectoral trade policies and bilateral trade relations and in 2002 Director for Free trade agreements, Agricultural trade questions and African Caribbean and Pacific countries. From 2005 to 2008 he coordinated all bilateral trade policies as Deputy Director General in DG Trade. In January 2009, he took up the position of Director General of the Environment, covering the EU's environmental policy in both its domestic and international dimensions.
GáborFigeczky is an Advocacy Manager at the International Foundation for Organic Agriculture IFOAM. IFOAM advocates for agricultural policies based on the principles of organic agriculture. IFOAM is active in all the key food/ agriculture related international policy processes and is the only global agricultural organisationthat puts the wellbeing of people and ecosystems at the heart of its policies and actions. GáborFigeczky's areas of work are Food Security, Biodiversity, Climate Change & Sustainable Development.
SaschaGabizon is the Executive Director of Women in Europe for a Common Future (WECF). She holds an international business masters from ESCP/EAP France and helped develop WECF (France, Germany, Netherlands) to become a major international network of women and environment organisations working for sustainable development and poverty reduction in over 50 countries and contributing to international policy processes. She co-facilitates the Women’s Major Group at the United Nations ensuring participation of over 600 Women’s organisations in the Rio+20 and Sustainable Development Goals policy processes and also is engaged with the women & gender constituency within the Climate negotiations. Before joining WECF she worked at the Wuppertal Institute on cooperation with social responsible businesses.
Hajdu Klara
Klara Hajdugraduated as a biologist and technical translator from the EötvösLoránd University in Budapest in 2001, but already started working as a volunteer and intern at CEEweb(Central and East European Working Group for the Enhancement of Biodiversity) in her last academic year as a student. After graduation she worked as volunteer at an Amsterdam-based NGO, Milieukontakt Oost-Europa, and after moving back to Budapest joined CEEweb again.Currently she works part time and she is responsible for issues related to resource use, coordinating the work of the Resource Cap Coalition with their partners.
Stephanie Himehas been part-time seconded to the UK's Natural Capital Coalition since January and is its Technical Director.She is providing support to the Coalition with the consultation and development of its Protocol. In addition to this work Stephanie Himeis a manager and the lead specialist on True Value for KPMG's UK sustainability services team. Stephanie leads on Natural Capital related work for this team and has represented KPMG on a number of academic and industry panels in relation to biodiversity and ecosystem services.
Andrea Innamorati is a Senior Policy Advisor at the Italian Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea. Since 2003, he has represented the Government of Italy in numerous international conferences and multilateral intergovernmental processes related to sustainable development. AndreaInnamorati was a key player in the EU team which negotiated the 10-YearFramework of Programmeson Sustainable Consumption and Production (10 YFP on SCP) and focal point of the Task Force on Education for Sustainable Consumption led by Italy. He actively participated in the Rio+20 Conference. Andrea Innamorati has represented Italy in the Open Working Group on the Sustainable Development Goals and in the Intergovernmental Negotiations on the Post 2015 Agenda. At present, AndreaInnamorati acts as Senior Policy Advisor on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. Before entering the Ministry for the Environment Land and Sea, he worked for four years in the private sector. Andrea Innamorati has a Masters-level education in Sociology from the University “La Sapienza” in Rome.
Génon K. Jensen is the Founder and Executive Director of the European Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL). She has been an official member of the World Health Organization’s European Environment and Health process representing the health sector since 2000. She is also on the Steering Committee of the International POPs (Persistent Organic Pollutants) Elimination Network, and serves as the coordinator for the working groups on climate and asthma of the US Collaborative on Health and the Environment (CHE) bringing together 5000 partners located around the world focused on sharing the latest environmental health science in a civil dialogue meant to contribute to the advancement of policies which benefit the health of all. She serves on the WHO European Region’s Health in Climate technical committee (53 countries represented), and has contributed extensively to WHO’s Climate and health work since 2003 World Health day, when HEAL first highlighted the co-benefits to health of strong climate action.
Alexander Juras worked from 1987 to 1992 as a research fellow at the Bonn based Institute for European Environmental Policy, where his work focused mainly on environmental protection in a transboundary context and environment and civil society in Central and Eastern Europe. He was the author of the first ever published comprehensive Directory of Non-governmental Organisations in Central and Eastern Europe. In March 2010 he took over the position of Chief of United Nations Environment Programme’s Major Groups and Stakeholder Branch in the Department for Regional Cooperation (DRC). In 2014, the Branch became part of the Secretariat of the Governing Bodies of UNEP.
Brenda King is a UK representative at the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC). She is currently president of the EESC's Sustainable Development Observatory (SDO). Sheis rapporteur of an EESC report putting forward recommendations for civil society involvement in the implementation, monitoring and review of the Sustainable Development Agenda in the EU.She was also part of the core team of three members who undertook an impact study in six member states on the EU Renewable Energy Directive. From 2010 to 2013, Brenda chaired the EU-African Caribbean Pacific subcommittee where she successfully campaigned for 2015 to be the European Year for Development and Cooperation. Between 2006 and 2008, she was president of the EESC’s specialisedsection dedicated to employment focusing on job growth and quality employment. For over 10 years, Brenda has overseen the successful delivery of a youth development programme that has been recognised and awarded in the UK.
MarguyKohnen is in charge of coordinating the national sustainable development policy in the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Infrastructure in Luxembourg. She is the interdepartmental secretariat of the Commission for Sustainable Development (ICSD) specifically responsible for the preparation of the draft of the national plan for sustainable development and the drafting of the national report on the implementation of sustainable development. She is also secretariat of the Higher Council for Sustainable Development, INTERREG and ERDF corresponding to the Ministry of the Environment and representative of the Ministry of Environment in various ministerial commissions.
Monika Linn is Head of the Sustainable Development and Gender Unit in the Office of the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). Her Unit leads and coordinates UNECE’s contributions to the post-2015 process, as well as for other cross-sectoral themes in the development field, like Financing for Development and Gender. Monika has more than 20 years of experience in multilateral sustainable development work. Before joining the United Nations in 2001, she worked for 10 years in the International Affairs Division of the Swiss Environment Agency and was involved in a wide range of multilateral meetings, conferences and negotiation processes on sustainable development, including the Rio Earth Summit in 1992.