Beechwood 8thgrade Physical Education

Instructor:Flora Fields


Physical Education Syllabus 8th

Course Description:

Physical education provides an extension of instruction received during elementary physical education in activities selected according to individual needs and interest of pupils. A variety of activities are introduced which stress the development of basic skills. Activities such as rhythmic activities, lifetime sports, individual and dual sports will be utilized. Self-testing and physical fitness activities are introduced.

Instructional Philosophy: Students will be active participants in many game activities and team/dual sports.

Course Goals: Students will gain an appreciation for the need of physical activity. They will also be introduced to the necessary skills needed to perform interscholastic and lifetime sports.

Physical Fitness will be the main priority, which will include 1 mile run, push-ups, sit-ups, sit-and-reach, and trunk raise in the Fitnessgram

1st Quarter




Team handball

Long base

Fitness gram testing

Group game activities

2nd Quarter

Fitness unit- design own using the different health and skill related components of Physical Fitness ultimate Frisbee


Pickle ball

Fitness gram testing

Long base

Group game activities

3rd Quarter


Dance/Jump rope

Floor Hockey


Group game activities

4th Quarter

Ultimate Frisbee

Tennis Baseball


Long base

Group game activities

@ Activities may be changed at the discretion of the teacher

These activities are based on the use of loco motor and nonloco motor skills learned at an early age. Skills such as striking, kicking, throwing, catching, and dodging are the basic foundation of these games and other sport activities.

Warming –Up, stretching, and cool-downare very important aspects of a physical education program. Students are instructed how to properly warm the muscles to prepare them for activity. The teacher will give specific instruction on various stretching techniques for the major and minor muscles of the body. Students are also given the opportunity to cool-down after activities. Stretching to improve flexibility during the cool-down phase is extremely important...

  • Students must dress appropriately to be able to participate in class activities
  • Shorts, P.E. shirt that is unaltered in any way, gym shoes, warm-up or sweat pants
  • T-shirts must have sleeves long or short, no yoga or stretch pants can be worn without shorts , no jeans and athletic shorts only
  • Physical Education shirts are to be worn every day in class. These shirts are not to be altered in anyway
  • One sit out day a quarter

Evaluation: 4 points daily

1. ACTIVEParticipation


3. Sportsmanship

4. Following class and activity rules

Quizzes/test on units

Jump Rope Test

Jump Rope Routine

Fitness gram testing

Locker Room Rules

  1. There is no eating in changing area and no gum in PE class
  2. Cell phones are to be off or on silent
  3. Bring water bottle to class every day to fill with water
  4. All books, backpacks and personal items must be brought into the gymnasium area
  5. Horseplay in changing area will result in detention

Parent Guardian Signature______

E-mail Address______