Becoming anAdult
Interview two adults between the ages of 20 through 39 to find out more about views onbecoming an adult. Record your interview responses in the spaces provided.
Name and age ofinterviewee:
1.At what age did you consider yourself to be anadult?
2.Did adulthood happen gradually or did one event signal to you that you became anadult?
3.Have there been identifying moments when you knew you were anadult?
4.Was it easy to transition from adolescence to adulthood? Why or whynot?
5.What do you most enjoy about being an adult?
6.What is the most difficult or challenging part about being anadult?
7.How do you cope with feelings ofstress?
Name and age ofinterviewee:
1.At what age did you consider yourself to be anadult?
2.Did adulthood happen gradually or did one event signal to you that you became anadult?
3.Have there been identifying moments when you knew you were anadult?
4.Was it easy to transition from adolescence to adulthood? Why or whynot?
5.What do you most enjoy about being an adult?
6.What is the most difficult or challenging part about being anadult?
7.How do you cope with feelings ofstress?
Manyfactorscontributetostressinadolescenceandyoungadulthood.Inthespacesprovided,listthecommonstressorsinyourlife.Onascaleof1to5,where1indicatesminimalstressand5indicatesmaxi- mum stress,rate your level of stress. Then, identify stress management techniques you can try toreducethe stress in your life. Rate how each technique affects your level of stress.
Stressor: Rate your level ofstress:
Stress managementtechnique:
After trying this stress management technique, what level of stress do youfeel? 123 4 5
Isthisstressmanagementtechniqueeffective?Whyor whynot?
Stressor: Rate your level ofstress:
Stress managementtechnique:
After trying this stress management technique, what level of stress do youfeel? 123 4 5
Isthisstressmanagementtechniqueeffective?Whyor whynot?
Stressor: Rate your level ofstress:
Stress managementtechnique:
After trying this stress management technique, what level of stress do youfeel? 123 4 5
Is this stress management technique effective? Why or whynot?
What other stress management techniques might youtry?
Negative Impacts on Growth andDevelopment
Substance abuse, the misuse of drugs to a toxic and dangerous level, has many negativeconse- quences. Different types of drugs affect different areas of the human body, brain, and socialrelation- ships. Complete the table by listing the negative impacts each substance has to the three majorareas of growth and development. For inhalant abuse and other abused drugs, reference Chapter 9 ofthe text.
Substance Abused / Physical Consequences / Cognitive Consequences / Socio-emotionalConsequencesAlcohol
Other abused drugs,such as marijuana,cocaine, PCP, LSD,and otherhallucinogens
The statements below describe developmental theorists and their theories as they relate toearly adulthood. In the blank before each statement, write a P if the statement refers to Piaget, E if itrefers to Erikson, or K if it refers to Kohlberg. Then, respond to the statements thatfollow.
1. Theorist that describes moraldevelopment.
2. Theorized that young adults are in the intimacy versus isolationstage of socio-emotionaldevelopment.
3. Theorist that describes cognitivedevelopment.
4. Theorized that young adults are less egocentric, which differsfrom
earlier stages in thelifespan.
5. Believed that young adults are in the cognitive stage ofdevelopment
6. Theorist that describes psychosocialdevelopment.
7. Theorized that values and ethics become factors in makingdecisions.
8. Believed that young adults are able to make decisions that benefitthe community, environment, andsociety.
9. Theorized that intimacy, the self-disclosure and sharing ofprivate
thoughts and emotions, is a major task in earlyadulthood.
10. Believed that young adults are able to think rationally, abstractly,and
cansolve complexproblems.
11. Theorized that young adults are in the final stage ofmoral
12. Believed that if intimate relationships are not established in earlyadult- hood, those adults may be atrisk for socialisolation.
13.Some theorists believe that cognitive thinking continues to develop after adolescence.They call this stage the postformalstage of cognitive development. In your own words, describethe postformal stage ofdevelopment.
14.John Bowlbyand Mary Ainsworth developed a theory on the level of intimacy peopleshare, called attachment styles. Identify and describe the three types of attachmentstyles.
Love orInfatuation?
Feelings of love and infatuation can easily be confused, since they are both related to romanticfeel- ings. Define the three types of love as theorized by Sternberg and give an example of each.Then, write an analysis that describes the difference between love and infatuation.
1.Affectionate love:
2.Romantic love:
What is the difference between love and infatuation?
Interview an adult who has recently become a parent. Ask him or her about the challenges, roles,and rewards related to parenting. After the interview, reflect on your own views about parenting.How are they similar or different?
Name and age ofinterviewee: Age of child:
1.Before you became a parent, what were your views on becoming aparent?
2.Did you ever feel influenced from family or friends to become aparent?
3.When you found out you were going to become a parent, what did you think it would be like tobe aparent?
4.Is being a parent what you expected it tobe?
5.How do your roles change when you become aparent?
6.How do you change emotionally when becoming aparent?
7.How expensive is parenting? Did you feel you were financially ready to become aparent?
8.What do you most enjoy about being aparent?
9.What is the most difficult or challenging part aboutparenting?
10.How hastheparentingstyleofyourownparentsinfluencedyourparentingstyle?
11.What advice would you give to others who are considering becomingparents?
Relationships with family, friends, and the community continue to be important in earlyadulthood. Complete the Venn diagram by listing the similarities and differences between each type ofrelation- ship. You may also list activities or situations when you might prefer the company of each typeof relationship. In the center, list how all types of relationships can benefit theindividual.
Choose an advertisement from a newspaper, magazine, or online source that promotes aproduct with a young adult as a model. Post the advertisement in the space provided and write ananalysis of the advertising message. Reflect on why a young adult model was chosen. How does the model make the product seem desirable? How does this advertisement reflect cultural values andassump- tions of youth?