BeaverLake Property Committee Meeting
December 1, 2008
* The meeting was convened at 7:00 PM at the Clubhouse basement meeting room. Members present:Rick Croasdale,Troy Weatherby,Sue Bishop,Ron Reineke (board representative),Marlene Krof,Rick Walker,and Kevin Smith. Members absent:Ryan Carpenter,Brad Kassube. Mr. Kassube resigned from the committee. Recommend the Board send him a letter of appreciation for the time he spent with the committee.
1.Additions to the Agenda:none
2.October minutes review:none
3.Meeting with Ladies Auxiliary: The Property Committee met with the Ladies Auxiliary to discuss their letter fromNovember 8th, concerningimprovements and maintenance of BeaverLake’s public properties.The following approach was adopted:
a. The chairpersons of the Ladies Auxiliary and Property Committee will assign a focal point to come up with a plan over the winter to improve and maintain the area around the Clubhouse and entry way to Beaver Lake at the intersection of Rock Bluff Road to include a list of items that need to get done;their design, list of materials, and estimated costs, and a method to get them accomplished and maintained.The Chairperson of the Nature Club will also be asked to support the project with a focal point.
b. The Chairpersons of the Ladies Auxiliary and Property Committee will prepare an article by Friday, December5th outlining what is being planned along with a rough survey requesting which Access Lots they would use and what improvements they would like to see on them.
c. The survey will be made more comprehensive and included along with the State required “cross connection survey” to be mailed out to every resident by December 31st.The property survey will be provided to the office by December 19th, to allow time for publishing.
4. Old Business:
a. Maintenance Report:Mr. Troy Weatherby
1)Shoreline stabilization has been completed, or is in the process of being completed. Mr. Weatherby said the lot owners are doing a great job and extends his appreciation to all involved.
2)Tree and Brush removal is being finished up with a deadline of December 7th. It was noticed by one of the Committee members that a dead tree was still hanging over the lake on one of the lots on Oxford Court by the water plant and that there are still some dead trees on Restricted lot #3. Mr. Weatherby will look into them.
3)Progress on the Culvert between lots 932 and 933 has slowed and needs tobe followed up on. The main parts are in place, with some backfilling stillneeded.
4)The bailing out of the Telephone Cove silt pond will have to wait becausethere is no money left in the budget until January 2009.
b. The 2009 budget progress was reviewed by Mr. Weatherby. The finance Committee submitted two recommendations to the Board for consideration. One with a 0% increase in dues and one with a 3% inflation increase.
c. The contractor that is installing the pole for the tornado siren will also beinstalling the siren and will bill the Association in the next calendar year. The siren is a scheduled for installation this month and should be functional by the end of the year.
d. The access lot plan implementation was tabled for the next meeting other than the survey preparation as mentioned above.
5.New Business: There were four motions passed as indicated by the asterisks.
a. It was brought up that the double yellow lines on Rock Bluff Road have nobreaks indicating intersecting roadways. Mr. Weatherby indicated this was aCounty issue and he would check into it.
* b. There was a discussion about the possible installation of a street light at 12thAve and Murray Road. A Motion was made by Sue Bishop, seconded byMarlene Krof, and approvedrecommending the Board coordinate and fund a street light for thisintersection. Safety issue so Beaver Lake Security should be involved with this request.
* c. There was a discussion about the possible installation of a street light at Monroe Road and Rock Bluff Road as well. A Motion was made by Rick Croasdale, seconded by Rick Walker, and approved recommending the Board coordinate and fund astreet light for this intersection as well. Safety issue so Security should be involved with this request.
* d. There was a discussion regarding the existing playground equipment onAccess Lot 7. Both the Committee and the Ladies Auxiliary feel that thisexisting playground merits a little attention. The Ladies Auxiliary has lookedinto replacing the missing swingset pieces. Troy Weatherby informedtheCommittee that the Board previously decided to remove the playground equipment a few years ago andto abandon this park because of non-use. A Motion was made by Rick Croasdaleand seconded by Sue Bishop that the Boardreconsider this decision, and allowthe Committee to promote the park. Motion passed.
* e. Troy Weatherby advised the Committee that the County is getting rid of their
mulch grinder and recommended we bank up a little mulch before theequipment is sold. There is a lot of wood in the burn pile that would make goodmulch, free of leaves. A Motion was made by Rick Walker and seconded byMarlene Krof to recommendthe board authorize one more mulch pile beforethe County sells the grinding equipment. Cost should be the same as the previous year. Motion passed.
6. Open Input:
a. Mr. Croasdale brought up the dredge schedule for next year and Mr. Weatherby reported that he will be working 2 weeks in the Northwest Cove and then concentrate on Cove H, the Party Cove. He also mentioned that there is a potential for some revenue support by assisting other lakes in the area with their dredging.
b. Mr. Croasdale also briefed that the Zebra Mussel elimination in the BaseLake up at Offutt AFB was going well according to Ryan Carpenter, but would have to be treated again in the spring. If Zebra Mussels ever get into BeaverLake, it will be extremely difficult to get rid of them if even possible. Consult the website, news section for articles on this uncontrolled hazard to fresh water lakes.
7. Meeting adjourned around 8:30
Kevin Smith, SecretaryBeaver Lake Property and Safety Committee